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Everything posted by Jib

  1. Tonight I was able to see a screening of the new STARZ TV series “Black Sails”. I’ve been eagerly watching the trailers on facebook and through a twist of luck I managed to see the pilot episode in a theater on the big screen! My first impressions: This series requires “thinking” as it weaves a tale of intrigue. With a director behind it like Michael Bay you know you’re going to see some explosions (and you do!) but the detailed backstory and sub plots might be a bit much for your average viewer. Not as much action as you come to expect from Michael Bay but this isn’t a bad thing as the pilot sets up the characters and lets you know a lot has yet to be revealed. The Good: Set in Nassau in 1715 (and the pirate city of Nassau looks amazing!) Prequel to “Treasure Island” combining fictitious characters from the novel (Long John Silver, Billy Bones, Captain Flint) and real life pirates (Charles Vane, Calico Jack Rackham, Anne Bonny). Pirate articles. Vaporing when preparing for an attack. At least a nod to real world history and some semblance of the workings of Nassau when it was a pirate haven. The theme of intrigue and deception are focus of the series not just random acts of violence. There is a story here and it looks to be quite deep. The Bad: If you are a huge history buff and stickler for details this movie is going to kill you! The costuming is more fantastic than period. They play fast and loose with history. Lots of nudity (while not bad it is more “in your face” nudity). The whores in Nassau tend to lie about in states of undress or draped over some rogue in a very public yet intimate display. When done in a tasteful manner it can enhance a period drama however here it is done very heavy handed. Cursing, this might be common amid a society of pirates, but is again presented for shock value. CGI ships are a little off (minor issue). I liked the first episode and was glad to hear that STARZ picked up the second season already before airing the first season on TV. I can overlook the historical mistakes as long as they give me a good story. I don’t know if this series is going to generate the buzz that Game of Thrones does but that seems to be the direction/ feel they are taking this series (POTC by George R R Martin?). It looks to be more of a smart drama than an action show. Then again I really like pirates and it's hard to disappoint me.
  2. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl is now streaming on Netflix!
  3. The book "The Republic of Pirates" does continue the concept that many pirates had strong Jacobite leanings. It's a wonderful read too!
  4. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing this!
  5. Coastie do you think the new pirate series on Stars entitled "Black Sails" could be the kickstart the hobby and the Pub might need to enjoy a resurgence? It looks pretty impressive from the trailers. Red John you positive attitude is inspiring! I attended three pirate themed events this past summer (one small festival and two Tall Ship events). I noticed the public was still very excited to see pirates (some times it was hard to get a break to use the toilet)! Management however, was much more reluctant to hire pirate entertainers... even just allowing us in the events for free and not paying for our services. I saw that as a desire to save money at any cost.
  6. Thanks awesome! At Disney in Japan everyone dresses up! It looks like fun!
  7. Captain Tuerie those are some great photos! You could easily crop out your shoes in the picture in front of the Swiss family Robinson Tree house. The coat is very cool too! Question for you! I've heard Disney is very strict about costumes on site in the parks (I know they let everyone dress up in Japan). I thought only kids could dress up in the Magic Kingdom. How did you pull that off shipmate?
  8. Winter winds are upon us!

  9. When do you think the Pub hit it's "Golden Age"? When was this site the most active?
  10. I hope you are right Coastie... ebb and flow. Even the Golden Age had it's end. I do sincerely hope that the pub lingers on for many years and that some of the classic pyrates that we've come to know and love return from time to time. I have noticed that some people (myself included) tend to come and go in waves, depending on what life's throwing their way and their current interest and commitment to the hobby. Much like when I was coerced to finally setting up a facebook account: I was glued to it for the first few months. Then I tried to unplug a bit because it was just overwhelming. Now, I've come to a somewhat steady median, though I fluctuate between posting and just lurking. I hope that's all that's happening to the pub; like the tide, there are ebbs in between floods.
  11. I do the rum hunt when I spy a new liquor store. I always check my favorite haunts just to see if they get something new.
  12. So the drop off in the Pub Forums can be summed up as people having less time, less money, other commitments, a decline in the popularity of the pirate event venue, a decline in the quality of the pirate events offered and social media as an alternative to public forums... I suppose like the "Fall of the Roman Empire" it isn't just one thing but many. Very sad. This was my "go to" place for fun and interesting pirate topics. I miss many of the posters who frequented the Pub in days gone past. Sorry to see people like Captain Bo decide to hang up the tricorn and say farewell.
  13. All Hallow eve approaches!

  14. Oh, now thats unpleasant

  15. Thanks friends. Maybe I can get these ordered by Christmas?
  16. I ended up placing a patch of leather over the design. It worked okay but didn't look the best. The patched pulled off after the season was over. They are on my shop bench awaiting a new treatment. Perhaps a dye job?
  17. Thanks for making the pub what it is!
  18. Silver you have a link for that site mate?
  19. I was talking with my lady the other day about her pirate kit. She's always been the kind of gal who enjoys more the Hollywood-light "Hot Topic" style of pirate. Emphasis on fashion and comfort. I asked her if she'd ever consider taking a more historical approach and creating a period correct kit. Her reply was "only if it's comfortable". If the clothes are too heavy and hot in the summer or too light and thin in the late spring and early summer she won't wear it. Likewise if it binds, pinches or is restrictive she has no interest. She has zero tolerance for discomfort. She has always liked my slops and so I thought it might be a nice approach to offer her the option to dress like a man (Read and Bonny). I find my kit very comfortable, indeed I like my slops more than most shorts I own. So I took a look to see if I could pick her up something online but had no luck. Most of the slops made are for men and start at a 28" waist. I could contact someone who makes speciality items but would like to keep the cost down. Do you have any suggestions? Honestly I'm okay if she wants to continue as a Hot Topic pirate Barbie. She isn't going to put on stays or a bodice even if people swear they are comfortable. I just thought it might make a nice gift for Christmas as alternative for her.
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