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Everything posted by Chirurgery93

  1. We are still active/recruiting in the NC-SC-GA areas. The crew's center of gravity is in Columbia/Charleston/Savannah. We are portraying everything from Golden Age of Pirates through the Revolutionary War state navy of S.C. We enjoyed meeting everyone recently at the 1721 Event at Fort King George. Please check us out at charlesrevengecrew.com or at our new Instagram (Charlesrevengesc)
  2. 1. We have a website, http://www.charlesrevengecrew.com (where you can find our last events of the year) 2. We have a lot of new members! Thank God, the unit is doing pretty well! 3. We are officially portraying 3 eras: Golden Age, c. 1680-1730, Colonial provincial navies, c. 1680-1763 (broadly speaking, our basic sailor impression that is malleable), and The Revolution (1775-83), but more particularly the SC State Navy.
  3. Hey y'all. A few of us with the Crew of the Charles Revenge in Charleston are organizing a Yamasee War living history in Beaufort, SC for either January or February of 2024. Final dates are being sorted at the moment (but seem to be focusing on the first weekend of Jan or first weekend of Feb). For those that don't know, this is a Golden Age of Piracy adjacent event that pitted SC sailors against Native peoples rebelling against oppression. The war was a meek victory for colonists, but the colony was very weak afterwards and was exploited by pirates because of this military weakness (hint hint Blackbeard's famous blockade of 1718). Golden age sailor outfits are appropriate. We have a museum that has room for up to 20 reenactors (although more can likely take part if they get hotel rooms nearby or stay at local campsites which should be very quiet in January or Feb), we are offered breakfast, firewood, etc. The Beaufort history museum (a 1700s arsenal) will be the location, but the war happened all over the frontier b/w SC and Georgia. If interested, please send a join request to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1337802210147720 (Yamasee War Living History Planning group). This is the first event of its kind anywhere and we are super excited
  4. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1312804412888450
  5. I need to take a break from such projects for now so I can focus on grading/adulting but I definitely have that on the agenda list!!
  6. Thanks and sorry for late reply! That’s similar to the jewelry box ones I have. I imagine this is as close as I can get for the time being .
  7. Thanks everybody 🙂. I have actually downsized the box to a smaller version of the same!
  8. We have a raid on downtown Charleston on May 13! https://www.facebook.com/events/544445524453055
  9. I'm currently the surgeon/one of the founders of the Charleston-based 'Crew of the Charles Revenge.' Just wanted to show off my newish/growing medical impression. Mr Mission's research has been fundamental outside of primary sources of course. I am developing a series of kit-components that broadly fits the range of 1690-1780. I do Rev War surgeon as well, so there is an abundant amount of crossover! I have a couple of different medical chests I use
  10. Anyone have any new medical chests they've built? I really am interested in designing one that works for this era/Rev War as a regimental chest as well
  11. thanks so much!!
  12. We have campouts And living histories planned soon! Look us up on Ye book of faces
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