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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. Not meanin' to cause trouble folks! All PM's are welcome and I will respond to them as quickly as I can. I've heard rumors along the lines of a ship being attacked by a Kracken?! RumbaRue, maybe that will help confirm your story.
  2. The United States Marines are nicknamed "Leathernecks" for the tall leather collars worn in uniform near our inception in 1775. I'm wondering if one of you naval history buffs can figure about when the leather collars were first being used, and if they may have been used by pirates (although I have not seen any pirate pics with the standing collars). Carry on.
  3. Ahoy, there lads 'n' lasses! I've found several photos of ships being filmed for Pirates of the Caribbean 2 & 3. There's even video at the bottom of the page which shows the Black Pearl firing cannons! You can see the cannons being pushed out, then test-firing all on the starboard side. Enjoy, folks! Oh, you probably want the link, too! Edited: Sorry Mad Matt, but Disney legal is hunting for those who post the pics. To keep the pub from coming under scrutiny, we cannot post pics or links to it here. But if your so inclined, you can respond to those who pm you privately.
  4. I'll be drunker 'n a skunk on 10 November. It's the Marine Corps birthday! Hmmm...maybe I can try me hand at sewin' with a gauntlet on! Not correct for pirates, but better than endin' up lookin' like Pinhead!
  5. Aye, lass. I can sees the smoke spewin' from yer ears as I type! The first link Diego put down is to the Devonshire Faire in November. The second one is for the Arizona Renaissance Faire next year! Put down the grog and let the spiderwebs go from your brain!
  6. Definitely not my work, but there are a couple good ones at www.mermaidspirates.com I particularly like the Skeleton Moon picture as well as the Grog, too.
  7. Aye, lass! I found it on the web and there are many wonders to behold. If only I could afford all I see!
  8. Fer those havin' the coin to pay for such beauteous t'ings, thar be jewelry such as I ne'er seen here. Many wondrous t'ings they 'ave. If only my last village pillage would've been more fruitful...
  9. Not sure who all knows about this, but Thomasville Furniture has a product line called "British Gentry". Great looking nautical home furniture! Check it out here. Pay especially close attention to the living room tables/chests.
  10. Haven't met anyone, yet. But Mr. Bimbel be at the top o' me list! Told me t' meet him on the Good Ship Lollypop, he did. Anyone knows what port she sails from?
  11. T'anks, mate. 'Tis a great help. What a wonderful gallery! I shall have to plan on 'acquiring' the software and pictures, soon!
  12. A link to the xxxpirate site would be much appreciated, sir. Ye can imagine what lot of t'ings came up when I Googled xxxpirate! T'anks!
  13. Aye, mates! I be lookin' for software to compose those great siggies. If'n yoose can point me in the general direction as well as where to locate pictures to put in 'em, I'd be much obliged!
  14. Avast, mateys! Here be a link fer ye t' add the flick t' yer plunder. At only $34.95, it's not a bad chunk o' yer dubloons bein' had for what looks to be some good wenchin'! Carry on, bilge rats! $34.95
  15. For those not havin' access to a variety of rums at yer local store, try here. Click on 'rum' (what else, mates!?) and you'll be seein' a wide variety of our favorite spirit. Please, don't imbibe and sail. Pyrates, don't let pyrates sail snockerd!
  16. You gonna burn the edges to make it look more authentic?
  17. You can get the antenna tops here. This place will go to any of the Disney parks and purchase merchandise for you. There are always things at the parks which they don't sell in the catalogs. :)
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