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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. Amazon.com shows November 15, 2005. Listed price is $15.61 Who knows what Disneyland and WDW will be charging...
  2. 'Tis a shame it has to change. The ride is already a classic. I was severely disappointed when they did away with the animatronic women being chased by pyrates. Now the pyrates chase food? They've got food on the ship, mates. The lasses are what they be havin' in the port, not a turkey leg! I don't know that the changes will improve the ride any. I just hope it doesn't make it hokey, or worse...
  3. We can't touch their Koran, but they censor our porn? WTF, over?!
  4. Just found out you can get a Pirates of the Caribbean mouse for your computer. The details are here. Doesn't say if it's a USB or not. Oh well, for $4.99, what can you expect!
  5. All this Patriotism gives me a hard on and makes me wanna reup! I need to get my butt in shape, real quick like. Hard to do it with all this rum, though! Here's to the boys!
  6. Just a couple more sites to peruse in regards to privateers in the American Revolution. There is even a newspaper ad for sailors to board a privateer ship! http://www.usmm.org/revolution.html http://www.nps.gov/revwar/about_the_revolu...privateers.html
  7. "During the American Revolution" is a pretty broad time period. For the report, you should use specific dates. The Navy was established 13 October, 1775. Establishment of the Marine Corps, 10 November 1775 This resolution of the Continental Congress marked the establishment of what is now the United States Marine Corps. “Resolved, That two Battalions of marines be raised, consisting of one Colonel, two Lieutenant Colonels, two Majors, and other officers as usual in other regiments; and that they consist of an equal number of privates with other battalions; that particular care be taken, that no persons be appointed to office, or enlisted into said Battalions, but such as are good seamen, or so acquainted with maritime affairs as to be able to serve to advantage by sea when required: that they be enlisted and commissioned to serve for and during the present war between Great Britain and the colonies, unless dismissed by order of Congress: that they be distinguished by the names of the first and second battalions of American Marines, and that they be considered part of the number which the continental Army before Boston is ordered to consist of." Taken from the Navy history's website: The United States Navy traces its origins to the Continental Navy, which the Continental Congress established on 13 October 1775 by authorizing the procurement, fitting out, manning, and dispatch of two armed vessels to cruise in search of munitions ships supplying the British Army in America. The legislation also established a Naval Committee to supervise the work. All together, the Continental Navy numbered some fifty ships over the course of the war, with approximately twenty warships active at its maximum strength. All this of course being after the GAoP, however piracy was still prevalent. And just a bit more to help you out: Beginning with early 1775 actions in coastal waters, followed by Commodore Esek Hopkins' 1776 amphibious assault to capture military stores at New Providence, Bahamas, and reaching a climax in 1781 when French fleet action off the Virginia Capes led to victory at Yorktown, the war at sea was decisive in the Nation's struggle for independence. Small and fragmented American naval forces lacked the capabilities for major fleet engagements, but their contributions were crucial to failure or success. General Washington's fleet schooners, the Continental Navy, states navies, and privateers captured numerous enemy merchant ships to provide vitally needed supplies for the hard-pressed Army. On occasion armed vessels transported Washington's troops, and joined in the defense of important port cities -- New York, Philadelphia, Charleston. American naval officers including John Barry, Nicholas Biddle, Abraham Whipple, and Joshua Barney carried the patriotic cause to sea against the overwhelming strength of Britain's Royal Navy. Operations in European waters, especially John Paul Jones' celebrated Bonhomme Richard-Serapis battle, brought the war to England's shores.
  8. She looks a bit like Salma Hayek.
  9. Uggghh! ((((vomit))))
  10. GoF, Why don't you just reply in German? They get a chance to speak English and you can correct them (if need be) in their native tongue. Same thing happens when you take a language class, right? That would at least get you to speak your German more. Did you know the language before your transfer in to Germany?
  11. The point, m' lady, is to be able to inerrog...uh, I mean ask questions of people. I would also prefer when traveling to a foreign country, to be able to speak their language. Growing up and living in the Southwest, I too often hear, "You speak Spanish?" Gettin' really sick of it. I would expect to be bludgeoned and robbed if I visited another country where I couldn't speak the language. Plus, me thinks Russian sounds very (dare I say it) manly, as far as languages go. Hmmm. Russian pirates? KGB probably is closest thing! HAHA
  12. P.S. I play be ear, too. Can't read music fer sh... nothin'!
  13. Charity, my sister. My family heritage is said to be Dutch! Thought about learnin' that at one point, but just couldn't see myself speakin' it once I heard it out loud!
  14. What was it that led you to 12 strings? Just wondering since you said you can't do fancy things on a guitar. Most people I've heard go to 12 are accomplished guitarists, looking for a specific sound for a specific song. Not many people play 12's all the time.
  15. Wouldn't the first phrase they teach you in French be, "I surrender"? You guys would be a big help in New Orleans, though.
  16. Just wonderin' how many of you have linguistic skills (down boys!) in another language. I might be taking up a second language, soon. Just curious. When did you learn it and how difficult was it to pick up?
  17. Mick, I KNEW IT! I, too, love classis rock and blues. I think I got the bug from listening to Metallica and G 'n' R, though. Between Slash's bluesy feel to his licks and Hetfield's heavy 'chunks' of metal, it's difficult to chose between playing lead or rhythm guitar. I need to get off my butt and get a Hendrix CD, too. Must learn from the masters!
  18. Aye, matey! I am a Marine! Don't know the exact time period and particulars, tho. Thought I could get a hand, here. They were originally used to protect the neck from sabre blows during on-ship fighting. That's the extent of my knowledge. I assumed the Marines saw someone else using them, and adapted them to the combat uniform of the day. Just trying to confirm who may have worn them first.
  19. Aye, Mick! Sounds wonderful! What kind of music d' ye be playin'? (I have my own theory based on the LP...)
  20. An on-line version of Samuel Pepys journal can be found here. There are references to piracy in his writings. An interesting read to those interested and who have the time.
  21. Just recently found out I've Dutch heritage in me blood. I 'ave oft' seen reference to 'Dutch pirates' both 'ere and on the 'net, but no specifics. Anyone have a name of a book I can read to get more information? I may 'ave missed somethin' lookin' thru the bottom of me mug.
  22. Nice to see an interest here. I'm wanting to get the Epiphone Lynyrd Skynyrd Les Paul and a Peavey TransTube Bandit II amp. That is, of course, unless I can afford the extra money for a Line 6 Spider II 2x12 amp. Can't wait until I get enough together to afford it and get started. Costs $1100 with the Line 6 amp and guitar setup. That's even without new strings, strap, picks, tuners, etc. May be a healthier hobby than all my drinkin' tho'!
  23. I'm bitten by the music bug and want to learn to play guitar. Funds bein' what they are, 'twill be a while afore I get started. Just wonderin' what instruments are played by those here and how'd you get started? Piratical or not...
  24. Now, now Pynch! Just listenin' to any one CD will spoil anyone's take on a band. Even the greatest of all time, Metallica! Get a couple different ones and come back to the fold, lass. There's still room for ya.
  25. Still got some nice stuff. Some you could get away with in "uniform". Others are just cool for wearing whenever. Outlaw Jewelry
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