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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. I know that feeling........... Poor baby. Come here an' let Matt hug it all away. Who can I choke out for you? Are there enough that I can leave a pile of bodies and take a picture?
  2. SARAH! I can't believe you! Do you dance to it? Dammit! I need a drooling smilie......
  3. You MUST be tired! Of course your warrant would be work related! When's the last time you prepared a warrant for something OFF duty? Wait. Who's that pounding on my front door?!?!?!
  4. ***Matt lies on his back on the floor staring up at Sarah.*** Honestly, dear. This isn't a bad spot t' be in at all!
  5. Not tonight, but this weekend (hopefully....) Hoisin and Bourbon BBQ Pork Tenderloin
  6. Ask and ye shall receive.... This should get you started. Lookie here! Say! What kinda finder's fee do I get?
  7. Excellent! So, pray tell. Which song features YER voice?
  8. You mean 666 hot?
  9. Pirate girlie boxers!!!!!! Pac Sun
  10. Colm Wilkinson singing "Bring Him Home" from Les Mis.
  11. Right back atch, doll! Can't believe we've been graced by yer presence TWICE within th' span of a single week! WOOHOO!
  12. Morons. I'm surrounded by morons.......
  13. What the HELL?!?!?! I was jest standin' here, watching and instigating! BTW, six pack? I wish. Closest thing I've got are the Coronas in the fridge.....
  14. So if'n I start flingin' cimannon all over th' place, I'd be wrong?
  15. Nope. Believe me, I'd be th' LAST person t' miss that! (Belay that. Maybe not the LAST one, as much as yer droolin'!) I've yet t' see the girls play along. Maybe we best start sprayin' water in their general direction, then.
  16. Not t' worry, Patrick. I'll watch yer back. As it gets hit again and again and again....
  17. theory (relativity)
  18. I've had one of those days where it seems I can do NOTHING correct. Probably not exactly true, but it sure FEELS that way. That, combined with a deep, burning desire to choke out 1 out of every 3 people I've run into within the past couple days, explains why I'm sittin' here with a Maker's Mark & Coke Zero combo.
  19. Me too! Alas, thar be no one t' share it with. Tobacco Island - Flogging Molly
  20. Listening to the fans running in the house. It's 73 degrees OUTSIDE with 48% humidity. Inside it feels much warmer. I will have to open a couple windows and see if that helps any.
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