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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  2. Whayda call an anorexic girl with a yeast infection? Wait for it...... WAIT FOR IT........ A Quarter-Pounder with cheese.
  3. What?!?!?!?! String 'im from th' yardarm!!!! Free boat 'n' booty, mate. Law of the sea 'n' all. Ye shoulda taken it.
  4. "I think I'm turning Japanese."
  5. Ice Cream (ala Eddie Murphy) Hey, Christine! Jerry Reed actually did an episode where he was himself. Sang a song called "Pretty Mary Sunlight". Got this girl at work named Mary. She's pretty. Her name is Mary. She's a redhead. Every time I see her I can't help BUT to think of that song!
  6. Jerry Reed! WOOHOO Eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin'........
  7. Smoky & The Bandit
  8. Welcome aboard, Jacky! Way to go! An entire mile without stopping is GREAT! Even if it's just a little shuffle instead of full-on running! Your body will take time to adjust to the impact again. Please, take it SLOW! For those, like Jacky, who are just starting to run, there is an excellent scheduled plan available here: Couch Potato to 5K
  9. Just came back from watching Evan Almighty. Steve Carell and Morgan Freeman were GREAT! The movie was wonderful and Lauren Graham is stunningly beautiful as always. That's one woman I think that, if I ever met her, I'd be starstruck and would just stare and drool......
  10. Being as I grew up in SoCal, I was exposed to California history my entire life. Things having to do with the Gold Rush and the Spanish culture in early California would be neat to see. I'd also like to visit the East Coast circa 1775 to see the forming of the Marine Corps as directed by the Continental Congress. Let's see....the period when Shakespeare was alive, GAoP (of course), the Crusades. That's about it. I wouldn't really want to "accomplish" anything. Much more just to be a first-hand witness. I'm not sure that I'd bring back anything except for weapons of the period. My weapons would have to be kept private. After all, who the hell would believe I time-traveled!
  11. Looking for something elusive on the web.....
  12. finger-lickin' good
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