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Durty Mick Moon

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Posts posted by Durty Mick Moon

  1. well I be planin on showin up at Ojai on sunday n I be lookin for all ye (ifn ye survive sat nite)...so give ol mick ahearty welcome if ye sees me...I be the good lookin pirate if yer not sure :unsure: n I be expectin a hug from that cutie Rumba!

  2. Y e a h ... w h a t... t h e .... f*** ... i s .... g o i n g ..o n ? ? ? .... i t .... i s .... v e r y..... a n n o y i n g ......... i t m u s t .. . .b e... a .... p r o b l e m..... w i t h.....t h e...... s e r v e r ..... m a y b e........ t h e .....p o w e r s ......t h a t ..... b e..... c a n ... d o...... s o m e t h i n g a b o u t i t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    H E L L O O O O O .........???????????? :rolleyes:<_<:lol:

  3. this thread is hilarious! 

    Mary Sue.....you can have some of mine if you want them!  34DDD and a proper fitting bodice puts them up at my neck.... :lol:

    I fully agree with Rumba if a bodice doesn't have steel boning (flat steel not spiral) there's no point in it.  More boning = more support.  And yes somewhere there is pictures of one of the irish boys in my irish dress and he has cleavage.  And from the back you can't tell the 2 of us apart.  It's kinda creepy.


  4. Mister Red Wake, sir, I had the immense pleasure o seein your flag at the Escondido fair, it made all the other flags around seem like cheap props at a kiddie's costume party....Scarlet and I spoke to a jeweler about making sterling silver pendants using your design with the crossed swords and even the PTC below....the original mold for the pendants would cost a couple hundred dollars but then the pendants could be had each for only thirty or forty....we figured everyone on the Pub would want one...a collectors item for members and mates of the Pirates of Treasure Cove...more on this later as we work it out with the jeweler...they will look Wayyyyy cool....once we figure it all out we will post a new thread with the info...cheers :unsure:

  5. aye, me apologies for being a miserable lazy good for nothing....with a renewed burst of energy and focus (damnable ADD)...I've gone back and read the thread in Plunder about the Justaucorps coats n you are right...I'll be sending off me order, looks like an excellent package...I'd rather spend $25 for something worthwhile than a couple bucks on some cheap stuff....thanks for your suggestion, job well done, sir....and you are in England?...I have a half-sister living on the Isle of Wight who I visit from time to time....maybe I'll be buyin your pints soon enough!....cheers :unsure:

  6. ahoy there....I been google searchin for a good (not cheap) pattern for a nice frock coat....not like the simplicity or other costumy patterns but something with a little more oomph if ye know what I mean....somethin quality like, and classy (like me, HA) with straight shoulders and a good line....ye know?...so does anyone have suggestions for a website? if ye direct me to a good one I'll be buyin all yer drinks for all long as ye can stand it...or I fall down, which ever comes first...and I apologize if there has been something posted previously I'm just too damn lazy to look for it

  7. aye, I be 'avin the fine pleasure o meetin both the Lampes n they be be some o the finest there is anywheres... they both be deservin special pedestals amongst the bretheren for all their efforts n hard work...cheers to 'em both n long live "no quarter given" :(:(B)

  8. aye Christine, I am so sorry to hear of your loss....all the loved ones we lose I be thinkin we be meetin agin sometime on the other side where there be no pain or sufferin n we all be together forever toastin n cheerin n there not be ever no hangovers agin....

    n also let me be sayin I surely missed meetin ye in person at Escondido n be hopin the opportunity comes agin soon.... :(

  9. aye, welcome back Finn, where ye been hidin'? n' me own throat be mighty dry n' a needin' a wettin' wi' a bit o that stout n thanks to ye....cheers, mate B)

  10. ready to puke, again

    Rise above it, my friend, ye 'ave the class n' pyratical eloquence to not be takin' cheap shots, be the man ye know ye are....we be needin' ye to be down the road as we go.....n' it be an honour n' great pleasure to be meetin ye finally....lookin' forward to a couple o' glasses n' maybe a game o' darts one o these days... B)

  11. Aye, welcome to the Pub Mister Seawolf Bjarn, n' now how do ye be pronouncin' yer name "Bjarn" there?.....ye knows we pirates n' the vikings be cut o' the same cloth tho a bit difference in time is all....'cept maybe ye keeps an eye on yer backside....pirates ain't got no gods but only that spirit which lurks in their hearts, they ain't got no respect for no laws or rules...afterall they be just guidelines anyways, savvy?....so I raise me glass to ye in a toast to all the seafarin' kind be they from north or south, east or west or hell for that matter...cheers :lol:

  12. aye, Red Maria, it be a fyne pleasure to be meetin ye, and ye bein' cute as a button, too, I might be addin'....maybe I could be buyin ye a drink sometime, ifn ye be so inclined naturally.....ye made a fyne Anne Bonney n' a bonney wench ye be indeed.... :lol:

  13. Aye, Rummy, Durty Mick hisself were there 'n I be meetin' wi' Pirate Petee 'n Authur Richards o' Kent 'n Red Maria n' Black Hearted Pearl but be missin' some others but it were good meetin a couple o me Pub mates 'n I still be lookin forward to meetin up wi yer own self someday (I be talkin' wi' some about next LORE workshop on 'avin a rum seminar n' tasting!)...I be at Escondido first weekend then.....? who knows....Koroneberg Renaissance faire in May?....what be next mates?

  14. Aye, "pricklebottom"....now that be a name I kin, uh,....get behind.....me apologies I couldn't resist.....welcome to ye, lass, pleasure to be makin' yer aquaintance n I be 'avin a pint o stout, thank ye.....'eres be to Ms. Ticklebottom....er, what it be....... :lol:

  15. Who's going in garb and who's going pirate "lite"?

    I wrote Jamaica Rose of No Quarter Given and she replied she thought most were going "pirate lite".....not sure what that means exactly or if I even like anything that's considered "lite" (lite beer,lite food, lite reading, lite people, lite philosophy ....well, you get the picture...)....but I guess I'll go as a "lite" pirate...isn't that an oxymoron?

  16. aye, welcome to ye, Capt. Bo.....it be a pleasure makin yer acquantance, now as is customary ye gets to buy all in the Pub drinks so ye best be emptyin yer bag o silver thar as I at least be 'avin a mighty thirst n lookin fer me next pint o stout....cheers, mate B)

  17. aye, Matt, me friend, I be most sorry to hear o yer troubles....I be thinkin times that half o life be troubles n the other half none....someone once said somethin like "that which doesn't kill ya makes ya better n stronger"....er somethin to that effect.....so think o how strong ye be gettin....and I think it be through adversity, when we be truly challenged, that we become better and wiser folks.....I toast the great wise pyrate ye be turnin into.... :P

  18. Welcome to tha pub lad.  Quick, whilst nobody be lookin'.....take a pull from me flask.....that be Captain Morgan's Tattoo.....good stuff 'eh?  Now sneak on over to tha bar an refill me mug will ya?  I likes ye already  :)

    B) shame on ye, Sam, ye old scoundrel tryin te spoil the young lad temptin' 'im with drink, leadin 'im down the dark path o' no return....ave ye no sense o' responsibility?.....

    (ah, psssst....you, lad, over 'ere.....ye seems like a polite one, now wi' out Sam there noticin' ye can please go get me own flask filled by Mr. Ray there wi' the black rum, there that's a good lad......shhhhhhh, do it quiet like so's no one's seein.... B) )

  19. Quote: "I suppose that buying a round of drinks for the lot of you would b e good investment. (Perhaps with your minds sloshing about you will not notice my spelling errors.) So I offer up my last bit of coinage"....

    "minds sloshin about"??? I resemble that remark!.......>hiccup< B)

  20. Wishing I could be in more than one place at the same time!

    I have my friends down in San Diego who want me to come hang with them, I have my sister bugging me to go with her to some horror convention and then the guyfriend.  He first said he was really busy this weekend and that he wouldn't be much company.  He feels bad when I come to visit and he's working.  So, I thought, okay, I'll do something else.  Well, now, he changed his mind and wants me to come up any way.  But I still have all these other decisions as well.  Plus, the car needs to be looked at tomorrow morning.  Need to check on the squeeky brakes.  Ugh, clone me! Send one off to the guyfriend, send another with my sister, another with my friends and another one to deal with the car.  The original me will then stay home and take a nap-lol!  :ph34r:

    aye, when I be avin too many choices n decisions I fix me a good drink n sleep on it.....eventually somethin always happens no matter..... :ph34r:

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