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Everything posted by Hraefn

  1. A black pudding and egg buttie and a big steaming mug of grog.....er tea! Avast behind!
  2. Yup, it was Lace Wars at the Commonwealth museum in Brizzel earlier in the year and up in Scarboro a li'l while ago. Both events were organised by a chap called Stuart who I believe also runs one of their highland mobs (Frasers?). If you want to invite them 'twould pro'bly be best to go through Stuart or Tod(El Presidente) via www.lacewars.co.uk. Also on a visit to Hampton Court Palace a few years ago I was surprise to find it crawling with pirates (They preferred the term privateers) 'Pparently WilliamIII signed a lot of Letters of Marque there or summat any way several of them was 'old hands' including a couple of ex scum and one Barry Carter one time CO of Foxes regt in the ewoks sorry ECWS. But I dunno if they are still sailing or whether Jack Ketch or Davy Jones has caught up with'em. Does anyone know if New France Old England have a pirate cadre? Fair winds(Its all the beans you know) Hraefn
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