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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. YES, YES, YES, you can have a soul mate. And, if you're like me, it may take a second marriage and being in your late 30's to find him. But, trust me, its worth the wait. I never thought I'd be lucky in that way, but just when my whole life seemed headed down the toilet, I met Robert. We've been married 15 years and still hold hands when we watch TV at night alone on the couch—well, except for the four cats. It's a big risk to give with your whole heart, but sometimes that's what it takes, so the other person knows they can give with theirs. Be best friends first, then lovers—then you'll know if he's "the one." Don't give up, and don't settle for something less if it doesn't make you happy.
  2. Think of the fun ta be had if we commandeered (nautical term) a motel/hotel for all those travelin' in from parts far and wide. Twould be a pirate party fer sure.
  3. I love Medford. Do they still have the drumming gatherings in the park downtown? Sorry to get back to ya so late, but I been away from the pub for weeks. I don't live in Medford, it's just the closest airport to Grants Pass. I'm not familier with the drumming in the park. Sorry. Sounds like fun, though. Should ya ever plan to visit Medford, let me know, and we can meet up. Always nice to meet members of the pub when ya has the chance.
  4. I have read about four of the novels, not in order, 'cause I get them from the library. I loved them. Since I started reading them, I have purchased two of the paperbacks. I came across a great find at Barnes and Noble, on their "get rid of it" shelf. It's a cookbook, written by two English sisters, who recreated every recipe in the novels, down to some gastly thing Maturin survived on drinking gull guano and water. Title is "Lobscouse & Spotted Dog" by Anne Chotzinoff Grosssman and Lisa Grossman Thomas. Another very good series of books similar to O'Brian's, is one by author Dewey Lambdin. The lead character is Allen Lewrie, who is something of a rakehell. These books are a bit easier to read and a bit more "rowdy" than O'Brian, but just as authentic in the technical aspect of sailing and navel warfare. It's also roughly the same time period as O'Brian.
  5. Super easy, myself and my crew take all of our weapons with us when we fly. We use a hard sided golf bag to carry our stuff in, just for size. When we check in, we tell them we want them to inspect it cause it has to be locked. They are usually really cool about it. My friend uses a gun case for his. Sometimes it takes a few moments longer so be prepared for that but we've never had a hassle in all the times we've flown. This is how we transport weapons. As long as you declare them and point out the bags carrying weapons, they are very friendly about it. We have taken swords through almost every airport imaginable. Thanks for the info. Our local airport security has a tendancy to strip ya down to yer small clothes if ya looks suspicious. Yeah, like Medfor,OR is on the terrorists map marked for destruction! I think they does it 'cause they be bored, not 'cause they think yer dangerous.
  6. This is more of a fun read than strictly historical, and was first published in the 1950's. It's called Dig For Pirate Treasure by Robert Nesmith. He is (was?) a coin expert, and there are a several pages of black and white pictures of coins of the period, with their current value (circa 1950,s), lists of Spanish ships lost to hurricanes, how much gold they were carrying, who the captains were. Here are some of the chapter headings. Spain's Golden Gallions Capt. William Kidd-Pirate The Pirate Skull (A man who swears he has the skull of Blackbeard-coated in silver- because the skull talked to him and told him that's who it was. Oak Island's Secret Vigo's Mud Covered Millions Anyway, you get the idea. I found it at our local library and loved it, then stumbled acoss a copy at a used book store in town.
  7. Forgot to ask, how hard is it to get a rapier and me other weapons through airport security? Don't want to end up in gaol for terrorism.
  8. This may be doable for me and me mate. It would be great to meet all the pub scallywags, and party together. Not to mention the fact that I live in a pirate "dead zone" so don't get to wear me gear so much. Haven't been to Lost Wages in 15 yrs. And I gots ta tell ya, right now, bein' in the desert sounds pretty good, as Oregon is under water, and where I live, we have flood warnings cause the rivers are on the rise!
  9. Thanks, Diego. I was and still am pretty bummed about it. I have heard nothing from them since Dec. 6, and I still have no shirt. I think I can kiss my money goodbye on this one. Chock it up to experiance, and warn all me pub mates.
  10. Like I'm caught in a monsoon. It's been raining for two weeks. The horse pasture is now flooded, and it looks like our house is lakefront property! The path out to the barn is now a tributary to the creek. Noah, where are you? Jeez, I hope nothing has happend to Pirate Phil. His comments, jokes and poems were part of the reason I joined the pub.
  11. First of all, for any of you who have purchased items from this on-line company, and have had no problems, good for you. This is my personal experience, which is still on-going and bad. Back in September I ordered a women's size medium T-shirt. When I got it nine weeks later, it was so small I couldn't fit my arms into the sleeves. Now, I'm 5'6" and weigh 116, and do not have arms like Arnold, so this came as a surprise. I e-mailed them and left a msg on their voice mail, requesting information on how they wanted the shirt returned for a larger size. I heard nothing for three weeks. After another two weeks of repeated e-mails that went unanswered, I threatened to go on all the pirate web-sites I could find, and warn people not to buy from them. Suddenly, I get a phone call from a man named Steve, who assured me it would be no problem to return the shirt and they would send me a new one. At this point, I was annoyed, but still willing to be a happy customer. Come December, I still don't have my shirt. On Dec. 6th, I e-mail them again, giving them until Dec 18th to get me my shirt, or refund my money. Steve sends me a cutsey "pirate" e-mail, saying how sorry he is for the bad customer service, and that he will make sure the shirt goes out. Well, here we are at December 27th, and they still have my money, and I still have no shirt. At this point, I no longer want the bloody thing, I just want a refund, which is what my last e-mail to them demanded. I told Steve that it was really too bad things had to get to this point, as the company has some fun stuff, but that it would be a cold day in you-know-where before I bought anything from them again. I am also making good on my threat to go to the pirate web-sites and warn people they might want to buy their pirate gear from some other company. So, that is my saga—still on-going. Ye be warned!
  12. While in the SCA I was always getting the "Are you in a play" question. The weirdest question I ever got, was when I wore my black Spanish surcoat to work for Halloween. A co-worker came up to me and asked if I was dressed as a nurse! Never did figure that one out. Another good one, was when I was working for B Dalton, right after the movie Excalliber came out. A lady came in the store and wanted to know what book it was based on. I told her La Mort D'Arthur by Mallory. She then asked me what he had written lately. Choking back a snort, with a straight face I informed her that he hadn't written anything lately, as he was too busy being dead—for over 500 years. She gave me a sort of confused look, and walked away. I've laughed about that one for years.
  13. Well, trying for the forth time in three days to get the download. So far it seems to be going okay, except for being really slow. Been at it for over a half an hour, and only half way done. Hope it works this time. Saw the poster for DMC when I went to see the new Harry Potter movie. Loved the little staw voodoo doll hanging from one side of the skull. It has Captain Jack's myopic drunken expression down perferct. Would look great hanging from the rear view mirror of my truck. Wonder if they'll come out with one once the movie is released?
  14. Watchin' it snow, and thinkin' about whiping up a nice hot buttered rum to go with me lunch.
  15. Two masted schooner with the masts raked (think tallship Lynx). Her name? The Rakehell—describes how she'd meet the eye, and what business she'd be about.
  16. Ye be there! You show up just as ye should! Wow look at this map fill up! Thanks, mate!
  17. For a pyrate, I be not too well travelled—1978, A Club Med in Mexico the only place out of the US. Have seen the Grand Canyon, stayed for a week on a houseboat on Lake Powel, UT., and another houseboat for a week on Lake Shasta. Been to Disnyland too many times to count—since I was 10 yrs old. Most interesting trip, when I was in my 20's, and got stuck on the Pirates of the Carribbean ride for half an hour, right at the end where your little boat goes back up the ramp. They closed the ride down, but we were the last ones they got out. While we waited, canted at a 45 degree angle, my first husband passed around a flask of rum to our fellow captives. I must have had heard "Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirates life for me" run through my head for weeks afterwards. Places I'd like to see, if I get lucky and pick six: Ireland and England—as that's my heritage. The Greek Islands Egypt-take a boat up the Nile. Italy-for the food and wine! A port-to-port sail on the Lady Washington-as a crew member in training. Spent a day on her earlier this year, and loved it, but they couldn't go out of the bay. Actually, one of the places I'd aways wanted to go to was New Orleans, for the food. Might have to wait a bit for that trip, till things dry out.
  18. Okay, beings as how I have a Mac, the map doesn't show up, but, it let me add my name and shout out without bumping it or having an error msg pop up. So, my question to me mates is, am I there?? Look toward So. Oregon. Ta...
  19. Godwattery! That's what I say the next morning after having worked hard in the garden all the previous day, and am feeling like I've been hit by a mack truck.
  20. Melancholy. Just got back from three days on the coast. Even with a night of 45 mph wind gusts, sleeping in our wee boat was nice. Walked the beach, ate lots of seafood, drank lots of wine, hung out with the other "boat people" — unfortunately, no pirates.
  21. Hummm, what do women want? That could depend on the phase of the moon, the alignement of the planets, the season of the year, what book she's just finished, or what man she's just left—or has just left her. As for myself: kindness of heart, a sense of humor, honor, height (so I can wear me high heels and he's still taller than me), a fit body and a sound mind. I'm very partial to a graceful masculine arm. There's just something about that spot where the shoulder meets the bicep—sends little shivers down me spine! I be lucky, as me husband meets all of the above qualifications. One of many reasons why we're still together after 15 yrs.
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