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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. MacTavish, furious that the sloop held no supplies worth the taking, other than a bit of rope and canvas, let his crew practice their gunnery skill on it. By the time his rage had calmed, floating debris was the only thing left. He'd also not liked the way the hair had stood up on the back of his neck when he first boarded the vessel, nor did the rotten stench of it ease his mind. With the fog thick about them, there was no point in trying to follow the jolly boat, or turn and attack the other two ships. "What now, Captain?" His first mate asked. Scratching his thick red beard, MacTavish answered, "Weel, we abide here for a while, until this infernal fog blows itself off. Then we'll see. We might catch us some bluidy Spaniards yet."
  2. I'd like one of those "Death in the Afternoon" drinks please. Nothing like champagne and the Green Faerie to get your day started out right.
  3. I am listening to my personally autographed copy of Abney Park's newest CD release...Eather Shanties! Their concert Saturday night was outstanding! Ransom danced her little toesies off! And, I got me picture taken with Robert, the lead singer, and also Nathanial (lead guitar) and Daniel (bass). These guys are really nice, very laid back. Signed CDs and stuff for a long time after their time on stage was over.
  4. Callenish, by making such a statement, you do a disservice to all the artists, who in good faith, did artwork in your book and mailed it on as scheduled. You also act as if someone is accusing you of losing books, which is not the case. Yes, problems arise, and books have been lost in the mail before. But I don't think the majority of artists who took part in this round deserve such a condemnation. You have every right to be upset that your book may not make it home. I think all of us will make an effort to find someone who knows Matusalem and find out what the delay is. As far as people sending on books with no artwork done in them, I would rather they did that, than sit on the books forever, as it appears Matusalem had done with yours. I have done these art journal rounds for three years, and have received all three books home (although I now suspect I know where my trademark danglies went missing this last round). There have been times when a book was delayed for months, or was forwarded on with no artwork done it them, but that doesn't mean I don't treasure each and every one of them for the work that was done. I say again, every effort will be made to contact Matusalem and find out why he hasn't mailed your book on. But, please, don't bad-mouth the rest of us, and don't say you never want to see your book. I know there is a lot of good artwork in it that you will enjoy, when it finally makes its way home.
  5. Since I'm not computer savy in any way, that's why I went the Etsy route. They handle everything, and it is easy to set up a shop there. I know you have already done that. My second step is to create a blog site, with a link to the Etsy site, for potential buyers. But of course, if you are wanting to sell directly from you web site, rather offer a link to your Etsy shop, that won't work for you. Good luck with it, whichever way you go. (And doesn't Mission make it all sound so easy-peasy? ;=} LOL, I'd screw it up, for sure! )
  6. Patrick, your book is on its way home. I paid extra for a tracking number, just to be safe! ;=}
  7. Does anyone know Matusalum personally, or live close to him, so we could find out what happen to Cal's book? Has anyone heard from him at all, at any events or anything? We need to get Cal's book home!
  8. Why is it that when I see Pew's posts, I get this visual of the town sheriff from Nightmare Before Christmas, going around in his little car, calling out, "Town meeting...Town meeting..." Ft. Assurance (As in Crimson Permanent? Those old guys were pirates, after all.)
  9. Tee hee hee . . . Ft. Pyratesburg . . ?!? Hmmm we might want to think of a name change ...something about Pyratesburg, just makes me wonder how many ships will really want to make the journey here, with a name like that.. Ft. Pleasantville?
  10. I did Patrick's book today. I had SO MUCH FUN doing this book, and it worked out perfect that I am the last one to do artwork in it. I will mail it home tomorrow. That's the last book for me in this round. Whew! I will also keep my fingers and toes crossed that no books have gotten lost in the postal twilight zone!
  11. Am I posting in the dark, here? Okay, I guess there could be more than one pilot. As ye be sayin' When yer in port... An' as I be seein' it, if yer not in port, ye can't do th' job, so....... Mebbe I should take on bein' th' Harbour Master then? Doin' alla th' upkeep o' th' Harbour, makin' sure th' bouys ha'n't shifted er been carried off, checkin' ta see if any sandbars done appeared er shifted. Aye, lotsa work ta be done in an Harbour, a right full-time operation! A fellow Pilot er th' Harbour Master, whichever, I'm easy. My apologies, suh. I was being a bit grumpish last night(too much wine, meybe? ). Anyway, shared duties of pilot, or you can take on the task of Harbor Master, either works fine for me. As for getting paid for piloting, weeell, if we're luring..er..umm..bringing them in for "trading purposes" then I think a percentage of the take would work fine for me.
  12. Am I posting in the dark, here? Okay, I guess there could be more than one pilot.
  13. Dang, wish it wasn't such a long haul to your neck of the woods. I've always wanted to arrive at a raid and use the line "They was dead when I got here!" LOL Have a great time!
  14. Could someone find out if Fayma Callahan ever got the gift that Chain Shot sent her? He's never heard one way or the other. And it was a nice gift!
  15. LOL Yeah, I could row out in my "girly-girl" garb and call to the vic..er, visitors, "Yooo hoooo" (picture Pintel and Regetti in PotC I) Okay, I volunteer to be navigator. When I'm in town, that is.
  16. Me...a mapmaker? No, no, no. Didn't I just say that if someone makes a map, then TAXES are not far behind? (You have to have a map so you know where the properties are to tax) With taxes comes excise men, gaols, and ::shudder:: gibbets! No maps, I say! A pox on maps!!
  17. In case any of you were wondering...no, I haven't got a clue what JT is up to. I'm just kinda rolling with it.
  18. Oh, no, no, no. Not a map! Once there's map, then comes rules, regulations, and (shudder) TAXES!!!! Please, I beg you, no map!
  19. While concintrating on the Flodden and her attack on the sloop, I heard Jimmy shout, "Holy Muther of God, she's gone!" I looked over at him. "Whose gone?" He pointed to a spot over my shoulder. I whirled around and...the breath went out of me. Where the Relentless had been, was nothing but open ocean. No sign, no sound, no flotsom in the water to tell that she had ever been there. I ran to the rail, still not believing. She was a fully-rigged brig, she couldn't just disappear! But my eyes did not lie. She had disappeared, and Jacky with her. Stunned and speechless, I stared at the spot and wondered Where the hell are you, JT?
  20. Sure, come join me, Lady B. And I'm with you, keep that beer, ale, stout, etc out of my mug! Nasty! I'm just relaxing a bit before I head south to do a little trading. Waiting for a certain tavern owner to give me his "grocery list." ::wink:: Got any requests of your own? I'll probably be heading to Charles Town, and then further south. Caution forbids me to say exactly where. As for Chief of anything, sorry bloodyblades, but the Rakehell already has a leader — me. She needs no chief, thanks ever so. Declaring yourself leader of anything straight away, doesn't go down well around here. It's better to be part of the team instead. Nuff said.
  21. A most happy birthday Chris. Hope to see you and the Kern Crewe at Ojai again this year. Cheers!
  22. A most happy Natal Day to you, Red Cat. Hope the day was grand in every way.
  23. Takes up that offer of a round, sits me carcass down by the fire, and orders a hot toddy. Then I may discretely slip out to see Patrick and arrange a little business before heading south to do a bit of trading. Yeah, trading. ::Ironic smile:: Pew, you might be putting your order for "goods" in before I depart.
  24. Ummm, I think I would fit in more closely with the smugglers, or nautical acquisition folks, rather than the grand title of Captain. And I don't own a plantation, remember, I hang out at your place!
  25. That is absolutely beautiful! Might even make me want to dress like a girl. Now, if I could just get my waist that small again! Thanks for the post. It really is stunning.
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