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Everything posted by Gigi

  1. I had a lady come storming into the theater where I worked screaming that we'd stolen her sunglasses and she wanted to talk to the person who cleaned the theater because that person had stolen her sunglasses. I explained that she was "talking" to the person who had cleaned the theater, and I would be glad to help her find them. I found out she'd placed them in her cardboard carry tray from the snackbar that she'd dropped on the floor with the rest of her trash, and I explained that we don't look at the trash, we just sweep. Then I climbed through two trash cans to find her carry tray. When I found it and her sunglasses, she said nothing...no "sorry I accused you of stealing" or even "thanks for going through the garbage for me". Grrr. Another lady threw a screaming hissy fit in the theater while the movie was going because I asked her to give up the handicap seat to a man with a broken leg. She explained, not so quietly, that she wanted the handicap seat so she wouldn't have to sit by anyone. Why leave your friggin house??? But that one about the platinum ring...that takes the cake.
  2. Your Birthdate: June 21 You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature. Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas. People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life. You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone. Your strength: Your thirst for adventure Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures Your power color: Hot pink Your power symbol: Figure eight Your power month: March
  3. I'll have to ask around about the accuracy of this one: Your Seduction Style: The Coquette You are a pro at playing the age old game of hard to get. Your flirting style runs hot and cold, giving just enough to keep them chasing you. Independent and self-sufficient, you don't need any one person to make you compelte. And that independence is exactly what makes people pursue you.
  4. This is pretty scary. I had a guy doing this sort of thing once, (even went so far as to cut himself in a couple of "suicide" attempts to get attention) but he kind of fell off once I started ignoring him. Your maniac, however, seems even more obsessed. Have you gone to the police? You'll probably have a lot of people saying they can't do anything, but I'd still suggest checking it out for yourself. I hope you're keeping records of all his communications to you, electronic and hard copies. I don't think sending him a pic of your weapon will do much. If he's anything like what I went through, ANY response, positive or negative, will only be taken as a form of encouragement to continue harrassing you. Probably the best thing you can do now is keep records and start covering your ass. Don't let yourself be drawn into a response that might be used against you later. I'm sorry you're going through this.
  5. I think you're missing my point, which was not an important one to begin with. So I'll just say, "OK!"
  6. Right, an Aussie parody of a Maori...err..would you call it a dance? Anyway...Maori, New Zealand.
  7. Looks like they belong in New Zealand.
  8. I got: Introverted (I) 75.86% Extroverted (E) 24.14% Intuitive (N) 52.63% Sensing (S) 47.37% Feeling (F) 55.88% Thinking (T) 44.12% Perceiving (P) 63.64% Judging (J) 36.36% INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population. introvert matches perfectly.
  9. Oh thank you for the laugh! I needed that!
  10. I lost ten pounds and have managed to keep it off. Now, for the next ten! I'm walking 30mins for 5 days a week, do about three days of resistance training and yoga on Sundays. Food is, and probably will always remain, the issue. Grrr. It's coming off, but very slowly. I was at 222 lbs about a week before my son was born and I'm down to 175 now. A year and a half later, I'm still calling it a victory. :-)
  11. Cook? What's cooking? I have a pages and pages of "diet" recipes that I never have time to cook up. I do the Lean Cuisines, too, and just try to avoid the scary fatty/sugary stuff at my job's cafeteria. Veggies, lean protein and whole grains seems to work pretty good as a standard.
  12. Absolutely fascinating! Thank you for sharing.
  13. After a long day like that, I'd do yoga. It's a "workout" but very relaxing, and actually makes your sore body feel a bit better..
  14. Hey! We've got a group total weight loss of 21 lbs! Kudos everyone!!
  15. I'm up for continuing. Been at it for the last year, why stop after another eight weeks? I have a long way to go. Had to take this week off cuz they yanked the wisdom teeth out of my head and told me to "rest", don't exercise. On the other hand, the diet of all "mushy" foods may make up for it. :-)
  16. Wow, it's like, "Gee, thanks for the form letter. Now can you answer my question?" I seem to remember the website having all kinds of issues last year, too. I ended up using just a few pages for info and went to smallstep.gov for personal tracking purposes. We may not be able to see eachother on the Discovery site, but we do have the pub!
  17. I can't believe I'm posting this up in public. Here's the before pics: http://www.geocities.com/cardielover/before.html I'll find some in garb later.
  18. In the "Track Your Group's Progress" chart, can anyone see my name there? It's either taseld06 or Kathryn. I can see Paisley, Ken, Beck and Killian. Just want to be sure it's working.
  19. I'll have my pics this weekend, gotta schedule a picture date with the hubby (and find a blank wall to stand in front of...hmmm....) And good idea! I'll grab some "befores" from the past fair. Thanks for the suggestion! (truly, I hated ALL my pics from last fair, so it should be no problem!) Like Sam, I've been doing this a while now. Started at 202 and got down to 185 and I'm STUCK. And just like you, Bonnie, I was a wee 99 lber when I graduated high school then just sort of shot up over the years! And just to add to the insult, I've gone and broken my scale somehow (probably from standing on it! )...gotta get another one.
  20. Hey I'm all for the before/after pics too! I'll try to get some good ones in garb at the next fair....which will actually be after pics only. Hmm...
  21. I joined it again this year, too. How do we join your group? I'm listed as taseld.
  22. Mine pretty much echoes Sam's....except I want to cut back on my booze habit.
  23. Yeah, like Killian said, pretty easy for us. We started out as a Star Trek group (mostly Klingon) and then picked up piracy. Never been able to get into Stargate (other than the movie and that's more because I'm an ancient Egypt fan), but I do love Farscape.
  24. I've been drawing for all my life, got a two degree in fine art and am working on my BA. I also like to write, but haven't had much time for it lately. My avatar is a warped picture of a painting I did a couple years ago.
  25. Here's one!
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