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Everything posted by Gigi

  1. That is really amazing! Thanks for sharing, I think I'll be spreading that one around to my friends.
  2. Funky Gizzardpants.
  3. I must be a legal idiot. Can someone explain why point number one states that warfare reenactment is strictly prohibited, but points 2-25 seem to apply guidelines on HOW state employees are to run a reenactment? And point twenty-one even includes volunteers and event presenters? It states one thing, then spends 24 points contradicting itself. Help!
  4. First weekend by myself (with Stranglehold). Second weekend I may try to make a day of it with the wee one. It depends...he's taken to running up my hoop skirt when I try it on here at the house. Not sure if I should loose a three year old monkey kid on the Ladies at faire....
  5. I got one and five and had to look up all the rest.
  6. How did you attach the tongue and strap? I've got problems with my feet so comfortable shoes are an absolute must, but if I can make them look as cool as these came out I'd love to give it a shot!
  7. We just traveled last week and this webpage was helpful. http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/pro...ited-items.shtm If that link doesn't work just type "TSA prohibited items" in google. Not sure about garroting someone with dental floss. See if you can bring on piano wire....
  8. My favorite spam subject line so far has been "Bendy Boner Blues". At least they had the alliteration down.
  9. 1=2 2=2 3=fantasy 4=escapism
  10. Happy Morning After Thanksgiving everyone!! Alright!!! LEFTOVERS!!!
  11. I have the same experience with elipticals. I had to start on the bike, move to the treadmill and then could finally do a decent amount of time on an eliptical. I like them best because some have handles that move too and you can use your upper body as well. I was walking everyday, 45 minutes a pop, and hurt my foot back in May. Now, months later, I'm walking only two days a week for 20 mins still trying to heal. Grrrr!!
  12. We should have a party....I'm dallies with cephalopods!
  13. Ah! I thought it was supposed to link up with the results or something...Here ya go: Toward the middle, you are a realist. Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions. With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker. With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals. The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are. The bigger the better. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life. And again more is better! You drew medium sized tail I think I should have had somebody else answer the questions about the drawing. Originally, I started drawing a sow with a bunch of babies suckling since that's mostly how I remember seeing pigs, but I thought they might think all those piglet butts were obscene.
  14. Gigi Click to view my test results This was a fun one!
  15. We'd just gotten back to San Diego from a convention in Las Vegas. I got online to chat with friends, and only one was on and she was writing that she couldn't get on base that day, something must have happened, they NEVER closed the base! Then she was gone a second, came back and wrote, "Turn on the news." My Aussie friend was sleeping in the guest room. She was supposed to go LA to fly home the next day. I went in there to wake her up and tell her the airports were shut down. When I walked into the room, she sat up and asked, "Is this real?" She'd heard the TV and thought she was dreaming it. Her nephew was also visiting the US, but he was in Washington DC when it happened. We called his hotel and he was fine. He said he was going to go site seeing that day, but the streets were full of sirens so he stayed in. I was in a daze that day. I think I was so shocked, it didn't really sink in. When they played footage of it over the weekend and I saw it all again, this time I just cried.
  16. Hey congrats! I'll come take a gander at your new rock at the next Escondido faire!
  17. Congrats!!
  18. My friend just sent me some pictures she took of random costumed people and you were among them! I'll have to re-figure out how to post it here for you.
  19. The Stranglehold has a booth...somewhere....And of course we have our Klingon play on Friday night at 7pm room 6A. I'll be a Ferengi Saturday morning. I'll keep my eyes peeled for Supergirl!
  20. Wow! These are great!
  21. 47% Scorpio!
  22. You are 32% Taoist! You have a little bit of Taoist in you, but it's being smothered by so many of your worldly concerns. You should seriously examine your life and think about your ultimate Path. Sounds like more work I don't want....
  23. I work in the Technical Publications dept. of a company that makes Auxiliary Power Units for things that fly in the air. On the rare occasion I've been hired to do some artwork freelance. I'd really rather be doing that...
  24. I suppose it would matter on the context...I mean, when at faire I do play a French whore, so I could easily be called worse.
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