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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Posts posted by the Royaliste

  1. :huh: Jeesh!! me hopes somebody's damn camera worked!....My first mate and I had a 'bang up' time, met quite a few from this forum, and many from elsewhere.....nice to have faces wif' the names...Iron Bess and Red Maria, ye're welcome on my gundeck any time, Touring Gentleman, me hat's off,......and Rumrunners, well mates, permission to board anytime!....Nuff said, any one talks to Dick, 'ave 'im email me about that slip in the Channel Islands......... :lol:
  2. :) Aye, 'tis time to look towards the weekend with a weather eye...Woodenboat Magazine/ Master Mariners annual Drakes Bay offshore cruise and oyster feed be this weekend..leave harbor 07:30 Saturday, under the 'Golden Gate', a sail north to weather, anchor in Drakes Bay, fire a salute, row ashore, consume hundreds of fresh oysters furnished care of Wooden Boat magazine, party wif' the sailors(they all be sailors 'ere,mates), and row back to the Tallship. Breakfast in the a.m.,lookit all the wooden boats surrounding us, weigh anchor, and run downwind all the way back to San Francisco....It just don't get much better 'n this, folks...A Square-riggers offwind dream.....may have some bunk space for a few interested locals............ B)

  3. :) Not quite sure where to post anymore, as topics are flowing out of category all over the place,but, a very hearty thank ye to Dorrian, he stopped by whilst we were plannin' to head to Ojai, stuck around o'oer the weekend, and greatly assisted Raul and I at remounting the Royaliste portside guns, and hoisting my mains'l gaff,brailing, etc. to return the old girl to Shipeshape and Bristol Fashion........Permission to come aboard anytime,mate........... B)

  4. B) ... Hmmm, Back to sea soon, but not soon enough, methinks............... B) .....and, I realise there isn't much 'bout 8 reales 'ere, just a response.........modern means of communicating are failing rather quickly on my Ship for some strange reason; no big complaints, it all comes to that at sea....
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