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Jolly Roger the Red

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Everything posted by Jolly Roger the Red

  1. O.K. everyone drop to the deck and flop like a fish!
  2. Warsteiner ... life is too short to drink cheap beer. St. Pauli Girl ... when Warsteiner gone.
  3. I unbuttoned my mind once. But Bob Newhart did it first. Honest!
  4. The truly brave spit into the wind and don't care what happens!
  5. The Grand River will never be the same! I thought Mike Fink was King of the River
  6. Can't fold a map! :angry:
  7. Rrrrrr!!!! :angry:
  8. Almond Joy "Sometimes you feel like a nut" :)
  9. Fresh Bicolored Sweet Corn on the Cob and Kentucky Fried Chiken. Carrot Cake and ice cold Milk.
  10. Pirates have many nations of origin and cover a vast period of time including the 21st century. I think you may find during your research many conflicting stories. I suggest that more then one source for the term "Jolly Roger" is likely to be the truth since languages get rearranged as time passes. I know of an island named "Bois Blanc" which is french for White Wood. The current residents of Bois Blanc pronounce it "Boblo" You may find that a strange way of pronouncing it but they think nothing of it at all. It has been that way so long they take offence when it is pronounced properly. Just a thought! Now I be Jolly Roger the Red so I be leanin heavy towards the "No Quarter" Flag and I be called "Old" many a time so if'n ye be thinkin me the devil; Thinks what yer will says I. What say You?
  11. Maya.....this has been going on for a while!
  12. I've been to Hollygrove ( Michigan Ren Fest grounds) and found it most amusing! Pirate Weekend is over Labor Day this year but every weekend has a great theme. Free parking but tis a bit of a walk. Open 10am to 7pm Rain or Shine. Many food and beverage stands to choose from. Please make time to watch the Ded Bob Show. It's the best!! If you Google ( Holly Festival) it will list the website. I can't remember it right now. Been hit in the head once too often I guess. I plan on going again this year if I can get a weekend off. My daughter has gone often and it is allows a great time.
  13. Could they be hirin Captain Tuna (The Chicken of the Sea) to be chasin poor Mr. Depp this time? Gotta luv the movies! You have more talent then them
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