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Iron Bess

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Posts posted by Iron Bess

  1. I am very, very heart sore to report that dear Amethyst, the lead singer of the *Belles of Bedlam* passed away last evening following complications of heart surgery.

    I'm not sure how many of you may have known this wonderful group but they entertain at RPFS, RPFN and at Faires all over. I know many of you must have seen tham and perhaps, even have known them.

    Am was a gifted and genuine soul that has left us too early.

    This post is simply to pass along this sad news to any that might wish to know. :unsure:

  2. I would say that the monkey and the compass are "guides" to tempt people into finding the treasure, then taking it so they are tricked into the curse.

    That's the very VERY short theory. I also have a sub-theory on one needing the monkey or the compass to find the curse as well as the coordinates. Afterall, the two main people who could navigate themselves (or others) to the Isle had either the monkey or the compass with them.

    The MONKEY!!??? That nasty-A**** little monkey!!

    'I'll tell you stories about that Monkey! You just wait until Faire! :ph34r:

    Oh. :unsure:

    Are you talking about just how the Monkley was in the flick?

    Oh well that's MUCH differn't then how he was on the set!! :ph34r:

    Little bugger!! :ph34r: (mutter'n under me breath)

  3. I be a wantin' to purchase a couple o' the Loyalist Arms cutlasses but was a waitin' to hear from someone on whether they will hold up to stage combat. :


    Have ye checked out the Lundegaard armoury?

    90% of m'own stage and TV use weaponry comes from them. And they are lovely to look at as well as sturdy. I use mine almost to death and I've only had to have one repaired (through no fault of it's own) and the repair of course was at no cost including shipping!

    Anyways... just one more option lass :blink:

  4. Yes indeed.... and today, the interptrysyopn skills of this board have been sore tested. (sigh)

    Oh... what the hell!! Thik I'll start all over!!

    Bring on the Rum and Cokes!!

    (I had one lesson to teach more then I figured on tonight so I'm not attempting to make the Tam O'Shanter gathering)

    Duh duh duh duh duh duh .... really bad eggs.....

    Drink up me hearties Yo Ho!!!! :lol:

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