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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Hello, I saw in an old post where you had the lyrics to Billy Bones. Could you please help me with info of the guitar cords to Billy Bones? Thank you. www.CaptainJimIsMagic.com

  2. We have lost a good Pirate.. It is with great sadness that I tell you that Bad Jack, Jim Potkey the lead singer for “Pirates of the Black Swan” passed away yesterday morning from what they believe was a blood clot. Kate says that the stress of losing the house and all their pets to fire was most likely too much. She is looking for help from any local black Powder folks since his wish was to have his ashes shot from a cannon. If anyone has a contact, please email me off list and I will get you in touch with the family. Such grand music that will now not be heard. Thanks mates,
  3. If you’re looking forward to the new adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow in “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides,” then you won’t want to miss the exciting new pirate experience coming to Disneyland park. Beginning March 25, you can join Jack and a crew of rowdy pirates for a Disneyland park-exclusive, extended 3D film sequence – a sneak peek of the new movie (opening May 20). It’ll be “all hands on deck” as park guests take on the role of pirates and enter Festival Arena to “set sail” for high adventure with Captain Jack and many of the new Pirate stars in the unique, immersive 3D film experience, featuring a scene from the new movie. Look for “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides – Sneak Peek” on weekend nights from March 25 to May 30, and seven nights a week from April 15 through May 1. Check the Disneyland park Show Times Guide for nightly sailing times, and get ready for a rollicking good time filled with action, suspense and laughter. It’s fun for the whole family – and it’s only at Disneyland park! Are any of you scallywags out there excited to join Jack’s crew? I'm just say'n....
  4. FYI if your in the area: Ye be warned. Oh, and they had a sneek preview this week that was very well recieved. REALLY rated high on the exit cards. **************************************************************************** “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" movie marathon at the El Capitan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to be among the first to see Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides at the El Capitan Theatre, you'll have to get up pretty early in the morning. Tomorrow morning, that is, as tickets for the Pirate Movie Marathon go on sale tomorrow, March 4, 2011, at 4:00am. The Pirates Movie Marathon starts at 9am on May 19th. After an exclusive screening of all three Pirates films, guests will be the FIRST to see Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Tickets are $125 per person, and include: * Screening of all three Pirate Films plus a screening of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides before the midnight show. * Reserved Seat * Special Commemorative Credential * Popcorn in a souvenir tub and beverages * A Sandwich Meal * An ice cream treat * A Personal Pizza * A Special Gift * Plus giveaways and surprises! Tickets for the Pirates Movie Marathon are available by phone ONLY: 1-818-845-3110, starting March 4, 2011, at 4:00am. If you don't want to sit through the marathon and can stand to wait a few more hours to get a peek at Pirates 4, the El Cap will also host a Midnight Screening of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides at 12:01am on May 20th. Tickets for the midnight screening are available from www.elcapitantickets.com.
  5. I wonder what the story is based on...anyone know at this point? Iron Bess? Sorry lass.... I canna talk about it right now.
  6. Hello you creative mates o'mine, I am trying to get back a bit of my life and am starting in small ways. I am playing my Bodhran again but find a need for a bit of wrist support since the surgery. I am looking for a wrist brace two inches and maybe a little more wide that is not so stiff as to not be flexable. When I get to drumming I fly! It cannot be a lacing style but with SECURE snaps or ??? I'd like it carved with a more lifelike Seahorse and or some really nice Celtic knot work... soft browns and greens or... ?? Anyway, I thought I'd give you Pirates the first shot as it were.. Any ideas anyone?
  7. Ahoy mates, More information will be coming shortly, however I wanted to post now and let you know that one of our own Pirate brothers has suffered a tremendous loss. Many of you are good friends of Captain Bad Jack, who is the lead singer of the very popular Pirate Band *Pirates of the Black Swan* Last Saturday his home was destroyed by fire and while most importantly his wife made it to safety, it took the lives of his 3 dogs and 7 cats. They have lost nearly everything it seems but are even more emotionally traumatized by the death of their pets. I know they will appreciate your thoughts and prayers and as soon we have further information I will pass it along to you. They know they will have the emotional support of their Pirate family and they are very grateful.
  8. Sending hugs to the Barbossa lass..... (squeeze)

    1. LadyBarbossa


      Hehehe.... which one? :)

      ~Lady B

  9. It could happen I guess! http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/01/pictures/110112-pirate-blackbeards-sword-shipwreck-queen-annes-revenge-science-treasure/?now=2011-01-12-00:01#/queen-annes-revenge-blackbeard-ship-sword-found_31158_600x450.jpg
  10. Yes, we are all scratching our heads over this one... http://www.deadline.com/2011/01/disney-sets-terry-rossio-to-script-fifth-pirates-of-the-caribbean-installment/
  11. Ahoy all... I am not a Merchant BUT.... I spend me coin at the Etsy site far more now then ever I did at eBay. I find the people easier to contact, talk to, the choices FAR nicer (but then I adore home made...) and it's easier to get something fixed if needs be. Point in fact, looky here... I could not find a mermaid Skeleton neck-piece to suit these old eyes so I listed on the ALCHEMY part of Etsy and had several folks speak up to do custom work and make me what I wanted. And it's been a GREAT experience! So there are more ways to contact buyers. Make your site stand out, send out emails and make it work for you! By the way... attached below is the *almost* completed Mermaid, my homage to POTC 4. She's white Sterling Silver with a Black Pearl treasure in her mit. She is a Pin/Pendant so she's even more fun then I expected. yes indeedy, I do LOVE Etsy! :) Missed you all by the way.... Mermaid Bones 9.bmpMermaid Bones 10.bmp
  12. Hello my loves... missed you all!! : D

    1. Ransom


      Missed you, too. ;=}

    2. LadyBarbossa


      Aye! Ye be missed as well. :)

      ~Lady B

  13. Well now, I've been out of commish for a spell but I'm sure you all know that the crew is now in Hawaii and shooting has started. The Gods help the locals. They have yet to forgive us for LOST.
  14. Does this job make my butt look big?

  15. Vanilla Tea... From Rocky Point up in Carmel by the Sea (sigh)
  16. And that is just how she rides down the street to. She love's setting sail. Wish I had a dime for every picture taken of her and for every minor fender bender she has caused from folks trying to TAKE said pictures.
  17. World's smallest Cannon?? Jeeze, I thought that was the nick name of this guy that used to hang at the Irelands 32 Pub.
  18. Oh dear Lord, I name just about EVERYTHING! My PT Cruiser is named... (Wait for it...) Phineas Taylor! (y'all know who is Sea Dog is!!)
  19. You have to admire such dedication!
  20. I sent that article along to the gal who really takes care of the lads. It was somehting I knew they would be interested in. It would seem so!! HA!
  21. Why not? You try to look up my kilt ALL the time! Nonsense. Those little mirrors on the ends of m'shoes are so I can tell if the bodies on the decks are breathing before I haul off and toss them!
  22. BACON!!! They iz doin it RIGHT!
  23. Ahhhh..... My work is done.
  24. Well... put him in a grass skirt and send him along.
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