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Captain Jim

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About Captain Jim

  • Birthday 12/12/1957

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Off the coast of Tampa Bay (Unfortunately, inland from the coast)
  • Interests
    I'm 57, formerly a wildlife ecologist and biologist, now a stay-at-home dad. I grew up on the west coast of Florida, where Anna Maria Sound and Tampa Bay were my playground. My interests include, but are not limited to cannon, black powder arms, history, fishing the flats, sailing, fine wood working, flint gun building, hunting, good gun dogs. Above all, my wife and children.

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  1. Would that I could bind it all and put it on my shelf. It was this forum that brought me to reenacting, realizing that "playing Pyrate" could be more than a childhood memory and that we could simultaneously advance the study of the actual history, and stories, of Pyrates during the so-called Golden Age. While I, like many, don't come here as much as I used to, it was always reassuring to know that I could.
  2. Aye, you can't leave us hangin' at "plunder bunnies."
  3. That's actually pretty amazing.
  4. As for me, I am intending to take the family to Key West anyway, being as it is relatively close at hand. I am also contemplating a full attendance at the Alafia River Rendezvous, a week-long, pre-1840, closed event.
  5. Aye, we'll be firing double-shotted cannon in 2016. Meanwhile, back to roving...
  6. On the subject of metal vs quill pens, an excerpt from Daniel Defoe's book "A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain - 1724-26" Letter VII: "the plaster of the ceilings and walls in some rooms is so fine, so firm, so entire, that they break it off in large flakes, and it will bear writing on it with a pencil or steel pen" . The passage is written in such a manner as to suggest that the steel pen was relatively well-known if not altogether common.
  7. Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
  8. She's "Living in the woods outside Portland, Oregon" and seems to be pretty much off the grid except for email.
  9. Click. Enjoy. Happy birthday.
  10. I've only been here since 2005, but it is nice to see you again.
  11. You should have been a surgeon. Oh, wait, we have one of those. I'll have to try my hand.
  12. Well, damn. They are so detailed they look printed. What sort of paint? Thinned latex?
  13. William, how do you make those large flags like the FTPI and the Pirates of the Treasure Cove?
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