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Taemus MacRoegen

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Everything posted by Taemus MacRoegen

  1. Or how labels are conveniently turned away from the camera. I like the Trader Vics, Castilla Spiced, Whalers, Morgan Spiced, and of course the Myers. I'll drink rum and coke if there's nothing else in the house, but it's a terrible thing to do to rum. Rum and pineapple juice is my favorite. Goombay style. Am I the only one here that rum acts as an aphrodesiac on? Just wondering. Have you ever taken a little Malibu and poured it between....sorry, mind's wandering.......nevermind.
  2. My sex dreams are always about the woman I'm with, even if she's laying beside me. I consider that a good thing, actually. It would tug at me if I was dreaming of someone else, like my subconcience was telling me I shouldn't be with who I'm with. Wasn't always like that, though. As far as it effecting the rest of the day, I'd say those dreams have a positive influence. It's healthy to be happy.
  3. My work days are generally light until an elephant decides to unload. My job is to shovel that crap. My days would be perfectly carefree if they'd stop doing that. What's wrong with them?
  4. Even more so in 'Dead Man's Chest'. He's already made a parody of himself by the second film! How limp-wristed will he be in the third? I'm almost ashamed to admit 'yeah, I'll go see it'. When are we gonna get a realistic, hardnosed pyrate flick? The Blackbeard saga would be a perfect op, just dripping with memorable scenes.
  5. There is no real world. I'm a pyrate demnit! I'm a pyr....pardon me, there's my cell phone.
  6. 30) The parrot's the only one who knows not to look at the camera... 31) Continuity has failed to use the same peg leg... 32) The nemesis is found in Tortuga and joins up...(Ooops, sorry POTCees...) 33) You can actually hear the trolling motor... 34) The lead pyrate character staggers and keeps losing his terrible attempt at an english accent..(sorry again...) 35) You can see her bra, or panty line.... 36) Not only does the flinter repeat, there are ricochet sound effects....
  7. I wish everything above the Mason-Dixon belonged to Canada and Mexico and the Yucatan was ours.... I wish all richies would slash their wrists with their own credit cards... I wish there was government funding or grants for breast implants.....
  8. Usually sexual. More often than not.
  9. Good spiced rum and lots of fresh seafood and I'm all yours...
  10. Contmplating the task at hand of clearing out the carport. Nah, fekkit.
  11. Has anyone ever actually tried the Blackbeard gunpowder/grog thing? Just curious.
  12. Just watched 'Asylum', 1972 Amicus. Just came out on dvd widescreen. Saw it in the theater when it came out living in North Truro, Cape Cod, Mass, on the base. Admittance was 25 cents! Have you seen the new version of 'Pride And Prejudice'? Outstanding. The multi-room camera scene is top notch. 'Head' , love it(the film also)...Leary,Zappa,a giant vacuum cleaner,blowing up a Coke machine and the Porpoise Song. Now that's entertainment.
  13. Change to the winter season always make me sick for about 3 weeks(or more), and it's starting. I hate it. I'm in north Texas and it's not a harsh season by any stretch, but I still go thru this every year. I've lived in the U.P. Michigan, Cape Cod, Columbus Ohio, Duluth Minnesota, and I can't remember getting sick like this. Oh well. PS: Keep yer fin up, Lady Barb!
  14. Really into Gaelic Storm as of late. Updated party celt music. I like it.
  15. "Travel is fatal to the small mind" -Mark Twain
  16. Let's see.... A woman who's strong without being antisocial or butch, One that is smart without being pompous or self-centered, One that is sensual, sexual and erotic, Slender women(not bony!)who know how to dress turn my head instantly, Busty women make me weak(cover me I'm going in), I love the way a women looks with reddish or auburn hair, kinda exotic,not sure why, A woman who can eat sexy is a plus(oral fixation and all that), One who is smart not just by reference but by true interest and knowledge of a subject or hobby is sexy, Pretty feet are very sexy as are 'cute' ears(I can't explain it), The perfect woman makes you breathe heavy at the very thought of her(ever had one of those,guys? It's undescribable), Great passion comes from depth, not effort, and a woman who actually learns from sexual experience is a goddess(many don't), A twisted sense of humor is also an admirable trait, A woman I don't have to coach in any of these areas is nice.... (Hope I didn't ruffle anybody's feathers)
  17. Ekkkk! T'underin' jaze! Plop me a twice pound o' shrimpers, quartered lemon, quarter key lime, plunk o' Zatarain boil, proud splash o' cayenne anna vat o' dunky-sauce baby an it is a swing...southern style! Cold Coronas will side....
  18. Been on tha' nick a bit azzuvv late(yearwise), missed a chunk er three, I miss tha dancin' bananas, by lick! Rhumba yer a vixen!
  19. Out of nowhere, these days, there are actually 'plans' for backyard/den tiki/lounge bars. Hooda thunk it? I'm in my late 40s, and grew up in and around the later fringe of the "Tiki" scene. My parents used to have basement parties(you know: martinis/drunken card games/low cut blouses/drunken yentas and fat portagees)up north, I may never be the same. Still, the internet is vast! I buy a lot of ebay carved tikis worldwide. Consume! Tinis up!
  20. Well now...takin' an' receivin' be tha' twain, sez I....tha' more mutual tha need, tha more agreeable tha terms...aye now, lass....come ta Taymie......
  21. Hullo ta ya, lass! Mmmmm, an Irish gerl....tis me only weakness. Well, that and rum, and Irish lasses. Okay that mekes two t'ings. Wait, an Irish gerl, rum and another Irish gerl. No wait, that be t'ree t'ings. Never a mind, sez I.... I am in the Dallas area. We have a crew here that plan on making the TRF trip as a group, planning to camp as an...umm well I guess that would be an encampment...thing..er sumpthin. Love to meet you at TRF if you go, and you're more than welcome to hang out with us and all our shenannies. Hope to hear from you! Sleinte!
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