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Taemus MacRoegen

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Everything posted by Taemus MacRoegen

  1. "But I don't wanna be the pyrate!" (the pyrate shirt episode)
  2. I'm with you on everything but the big behind. Total turn off for me. I like the tiny hiney. And no roast beef curtains! I said that out loud didn't I?
  3. As in 'hair of the dog'?
  4. By tha oral gods! Conch fritters, conch fritters, conch fritters! Key Lime pie, li'l bread pudding, shrimp boiled up wit' a quartered lime an' lemon and a splash o' cayenne, side cup o' shrimp bisque, a cold Red Stripe or Heinekin, stack o' blue crab an' a bucket fer tha' pieces, a pineapple tart just because...... Cover me, I'm goin' in. If I'm not back in an hour, send in the Swedish Bikini Team....
  5. Very admirable,Sarah! Must be a perfect 'me tyme' space.
  6. Mayhaps,one could say,that passion be tha' wind at tha' sail,an' love be the deck at yer feet. Stand on an' fill tha' sails,sez I!
  7. Growing up on St Andrews we were in low country so there were a lot of small brackish ponds and rain puddles that filled in along the roads and next to some of the inlets(which are considered bayous on the map for some reason)so we had our share of B-52 mosquitoes. Carry a small child off I believe. Luckily(?)most were too big to slip through the screened porch. Too many cicadas on the screens opened up the gaps after a while so a few snuck in for dinner. Every coupla three years my dah would have to rescreen the porch.
  8. Takes 'Pyracy For Dummies' manual from Jen, head lowered and bottom lip out, goes to assigned corner. Opens book. "Ooo look! Pyrates!"
  9. I think you may have that effect on me, Jenny lass.....and thanks for reminding me about how long its been since my head has been stroked...hold on let me reread that....oops...you said 'struck'.
  10. Poor gerl! Seems to me...if you fell up the front stairs maybe you should go 'round and back in the come way. Er somethin' like that. Have you ever passed yerself coming in? Or come when yer passing yerself...or....umm...errr...nevermind.
  11. I lean towards the tropical colors in my house to this day. Ever drove through Miami during the day? Buildings of near every color. The mosquito nettting sounds very sexy. I like it.
  12. Well, now Alyx, gerl..... Sounds a fit uvva memorable round an' such ah'm t'inkin', but I'm sevvin' meseff first fer Jenny.....(heavy sigh/breath)
  13. Just enough linen? Hmmm...5'3"...strands on rosy cheeks....tha' kitchen be warmer azz we speak....
  14. The bed squeaking. Hold on, this may take both fingers....
  15. I've always had a Tiki/South Pacific/Caribbean kind of taste. I grew up on the Gulf Coast of Florida(Bay County, Parker to be exact, on St. Andrews Bay), lived in the Phillipines as a kid(and still have some of the trinkets from there), a coupla years on Cape Cod, so I have a deep love for that Atomic Age/Polynesian vibe(though amazingly most people there abhor it, though the people on Cape Cod were very embrasive of the nautical home pieces). We had this great collection of pillows from overseas that had embroidered maps of tropical places on them. Wonderful. Okay, the bedroom. Let me think....a huge bamboo poster bed, billowing balcony curtains, Red Cat, Tempest, Aurore, wine for them, rum and some blue v pills for me, a huge ceiling fan swirling the tropical breeze over us.....did I leave something out? That could work.......(of course then I would wake up)
  16. Well, well, now, me dear Jenny lass, Aye, there be random thoughts here indeed. What slink o' linen ya be almost wearin' whilst in tha' chop-stir-season-heehee mode. Come...ta' Taymie.......
  17. anti...(the prompt of subtle dispare?) "IISYC3TADYSWBH,NTIHADTDS."
  18. Ahh...passion.... Such a fortuitious word by all relation, sez I. A summit of feat yet a questionable caste given the dubious property of its own perpetuality. How sez the 'missus' amongst us all?
  19. A belated b'day to ya JEN, ya luscious...uh humm...an' I do mean HUMMMM.... may yer nites be as plump an' pleasured as tha' dreams that prompt them.........
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