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Capt Thighbiter

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Posts posted by Capt Thighbiter

  1. Aye Hawkyns, ye be welcome to help out Sat morning with the cannon barrage. We are bringing 3 , possibly 4 guns and can use the extra hands and perhaps learn a bit from ye.

  2. I too am web-challenged but here goes with our list starting with the big boys

    Jumping Billy - 1.7" bore bronze Victory cannon from Bronzecannons

    Death Knell - 1.5 bore cast iron gun from Hern and home made carriage

    Jacks Revenge - 1" bore bronze swivel gun, I c0mpleted from a casting bought on e-bay

    Bishop of Wolverhampton - 1-5/8 bore bronze x 30" gun on oak carriage

    Small Arms:

    Queen Anne flintlock ( from pedersoli)

    .65 flintlock - picked up 20 years ago in London at a antique store

    .75 Tower repro flintlock pistol


    Too bloody many to list

  3. The Mid-Hudson Mayfaire will be held on May 13 and 14 at the Ulster County Fair Ground, in New Paltz NY. This is a first year fair held to benefit the Queens Galley, a non-proffit food kitchen and nourishment awareness organization.

    If you are in serious need of some Faire early in the Northeast season, come on by! The faire will have a pirate flavor since they have my group , The Brigands, and two other pirate based groups as part of the entertainment. And, we we will doing a black powder cannon demonstration times daily.



    Rob't Thighbiter


    48' 023"

    125' 49"

  4. From what I have been able to research, there are lots of songs circa 1700 or so that are ABOUT pirates, but precious few tunes that may have logically been sung BY pirates.

    My thoughts:

    Whaling songs and shanties are out.

    Possibly some few broadside ballads may have trickled aboard.

    For those British ships and men that went on account, possibly some songs popular in Royal Navy may have been sung, though it's hard to imagine men who are now wanted for piracy singing songs about hearts of oak and british tars.

    Any comments on the above or better yet a lubber line in the right direction from the august body of knowledgeable folk here?

  5. Sir, we, the Brigands, stand ready and looking forward to the upcoming festival. If all goes well, we are bringing four cannon with us. Our same two from last year , one that I made from a bronze E-bay casting and another bronze 2 pounder, en-route from England as we speak!

    Lets hope the old family vanster can handle the weight o' 4 guns!

    Aye, twil be a grand time.


    Rob't Thighbiter

    Bloody Bill Marley

    Butch Cannon


  6. Corsiar,

    Thankee for doing such a great job with the Invasion! Me first mate meself had a rollicking time. What a great place for the Invasion and hardly any whores trying ta pick me pockets.

    Hopes to see ye we do, down at the Hampton Blackbeard Festival!

    Fair winds and smooth sailing mate!

    Rob't Thighbiter

    Bloody Bill Marley


    45' 60"

    -120' 23"

  7. Could it be because the Dutch traders were such extremely shrewd business men that all thier piracy was done"legally"? From what I read, enterin into a business arangement with a bloody Dutchman, ye were more n likely to get a quill in the back then a dirk.

  8. Wow, thats an ambitious project ye have there, lad. To make a full lenght motion picture and borrow/steal/wheedle the cameras, costumes, music and sets from folks.

    I like it! A very piratey way o making it happen. I can give ye some music o course and possibly lend, LEND mind ye, a costume or two.

    That is of course unless you two run out o what ye been smokin and decide by the light o day it be a phantasm.

  9. I have 4 soon to be 5 cannon

    The bronze Victory Cannon, given to me by my company for my 25 anniversry, in lieu of a watch - wonderful piece

    a grey star 1/2 scale cast iron barrel - i got the barrel only and made my own carriage - cheapest entry into large scale cannons that i know of, but a LOT of work finishing off the barrel

    a brass rail cannon, 1" bore that I bought as a rough casting on ebay and then fdrilled and finished it off and commisioned a yolk and swivel - nice voice for a small cannon

    old ironsides .69 cal cannon from Connon-mania, nice gun for the $ but small

    and lastly , on its way from England to NYC a bronze 1.625 dia beauty, from an E-bay sale

    CHeck Ebay regularly, you will find good deals on plain barrels every now and then, but be carefull that you know what your buying, like always

  10. thankee, mates. Twas my attempt at some irony... all of that happen in one day and the thing thats remembered most is.. the raising of the new mainsail, seadogs the crew of the Hellion be.

    Am - G - E be the chords if'n ye wants ta try try yer hand of it. Melody wise, now ye be on yer own course, I be ignorant of the pen in that regard, in a manner o speakin.

    Rob't Thighbiter


    42o 14'

    128o 35'

  11. Well now mate, know ye of an establishment that might be in the way of needing some ertertainment fer the event? Some tavern like as not or mayhap an eatery that would like some lively music from the foc'sle and a few from the Capt's cabin.

    The Brigands would love an excuse to make the journey from our port in NY on the Isle of Long.

    Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated!


    The Brigands


    Latitude: 410500N

    Longitude: 0730000W

  12. If yer looking for a Pirate Band, check out The Brigands.


    We are based in NYC but travel as far as Virginia and Toronto for Festivals and Faires. We have one CD out, " The Brigands", and are working on our second one, tentatively titled " Bloody Seamen".

    Available for parties, boat christenings, port stormings and the like.

    Email: wrench13@aol.com

    Phone: 631 434 7091

    Capt Rob Thighbiter

  13. Me name is Robert Thighbiter, elected Capitan of Hellion these last three years. Out of the port of. New York on the Isle of Long.

    Our band, The Brigands, have been appearing at a few Renn fests and Pirate festivals and are going to be going after some more this season. Hope to catch ye some day!

    Theres a link to our site 'o the web http://thebrigands.com

    Cap't Rob't Thighbiter


    N'west 'o Sandy Hook


  14. Here now lads is a new tune writtin by meself fer me band The Brigands.


    Appreciate yer comments, if ye have any

    The New Main Sail

    Was well before dawnin when the bosun he spoke

    Get up me lads, the forward topyard has broke

    On deck in the teeth of a sou'wester gale

    The day that we raised up .... the new main sail

    With all hands on deck, up the rat lines they went,

    Bart Higgins, the reefers, and old Davis Bent

    Four men fell from the riggin, in the water did flail

    The day that we raised up .... the new main sail

    We fished up the new yard with a standing voyol

    But another man died to pay the death toll

    Macduff crushed between aft-boom and taffrail

    The day that we raised up .... the new main sail

    At a cry from the top all hands looked to sou'west

    A French flag a flying from a prize we could best

    With our new nine pound cannon, we thought to prevail

    The day that we raised up.... the new main sail

    The main topyard carried away by the first broadside

    And the larboard watch reefers to a man of them died

    Even at this none of our lads did flinch or quail

    The day that we raised up .... the new main sail

    Then a ball we did take be-tween the mainchains

    which unshipped a gun leaving only blood stains

    No tears would be shed for that minor detail

    The day that we raised up .... the new main sail

    Was yard arm to yardarm when at last we did board

    while our brave lads were raked with pistol and sword

    A ha'dozen men on French pikes were impaled

    The day that we raised up .... the new main sail

    Blue Edward cut the yards while firing was hot

    Then the mainsil was holed with a round of chain shot

    We pulled away with stuns'les as the attack was curtailed

    The day that we raised up .... the new main sail

    Twenty one souls were lost on that day

    Twenty one souls and the Devil to pay

    for all of those men, this song we regail

    The day that we raised up ....the new main sail

    This will be on our second CD, released hopefully in Sept

    Hope ye likes it

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