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Everything posted by Cut-throat

  1. Hearing Kendra's call, Johnson approached from behind a large palm. " Aye lass, I be here with me mate Nigel. Dontch'a be worry'n now lass, ol' Jack went to go find a doctor for Monsignor Diego. He was bit by a snake in the brush. Poison be runnin' 'em through....I hope ol' Jack can make it back in time....The Cap'n be wantin me to wait for Miss Fitzgerald, an usher her to the Dog on this here boat. There be no sign o' her anywhere, so's if'n ye want a lift to the Dog, me an' me mate Nigel can give ye' an yer gigantic friend here a lift.....but we gotta' be quick about it. I gotta' be back on the beachhead before Jack returns, aye ? ".........
  2. Johnson began to worry for the sake of Diego as no sign of Tempest could be seen. Time was running out and the Monsignor desperately need attention. Just then, out of the corner of his weather-eye, Johnson spied the hurried approach of one of his shipmates, Mad Jack. Waving his right arm to gain Jack's attention, Johnson hailed the sprinting man. " Ahoy, Jack ! Ahoy ! ". As Jack reached the shore where Johnson and Nigel beached the boat, Cut-throat saw the look of question upon Jack's face and did not waste any time on filling him in on the occurrence. " Monsignor Diego was bit matey. Snake bite. Poisoned he be. Cap'n sent me an' Nigel here to await the return o' Miss Fitzgerald to wisk her back to the Dog. I've seen no hide or hair o' her in an hour's time. We can't wait any longer ". Johnson reached into his leather pouch and removed the gold coin given to him by Captain RedWake. " Cap'n gave me this to fetch a doctor in town if'n Tempest doesn't show, but I've no idea where to find a good doctor. I never much left the pub an lodgin's while I was in town.....Seein' as ye' just came from there, ye' think ye'd know where to find a doctor matey ? "............
  3. Johnson snapped to attention at the Captain's command. His orders were simple enough and he would fulfill them with the utmost dilligence. " Aye-aye Cap'n ! " * receiving the coins and stowing them safely inside of his leather hip pouch. " Should Tempest appear, I'll have her to ye in no time sir ! ". With that, Johnson hurried to the deck and chose an able-bodied hand to accompany him ashore. " You there, I'll be needin ye by order o' Cap'n RedWake. Ready one o the small boats if'n possible. We be needed on the beachhead ". The deck hand nodded his head and immediately readied one of the boats. Within but a moment, Johnson and his delegate were rowing as quick as their oars would take them. Soon they reached shallow water, hopped out of the boat, and pulled it ashore. " All the way up now matey. I don't want the tide risin and whiskin our transport away from us, aye ? ". Now properly stationed upon the beachhead, Johnson and his mate paced back and forth impatiently as they awaited the ship's surgeon. " So what's yer name matey ? " Cut-throat asked his comrad. " Nigel sir...Nigel Brisbane ". Johnson nodded his head and replied. " Nicholas Johnson....pleased to meet ye mate, although, I wish it were under better circumstances". Nigel's eyes widened. " Johnson ? Cut-throat Johnson ? ". Nicholas grinned wolfishly as he added with a chuckle. " One in the same matey, one in the same "...........
  4. Esmerelda - just about every gypsy in every movie that had a gypsy.
  5. Roused from his shallow slumber, Johnson's ears perk to the sounds of a a tremendous scuffling above deck. Hastily readying himself, he lept from his tiny quarters and sought out the commotion. Loe and behold, Johnson watched as hurried men carried the Monsignor to Tempest's hold. Muttered words of a poisonous snake bite flew through the air as they rushed by. " He be in the best an ablest hands now " Johnson thought to himself. There was nothing he could do for the man. The Captain knew better than he, and Tempest even moreso than the both of them put together. The only thing Cut-throat could do was wait, watch, an pray for his unfortunate shipmate...... Suddenly, one of the ship hands came barrelling down the hallway. " Johnson ! Mister Johnson, the Cap'n sends for ye ! ". Johnson wasted no time as he rushed down the hallway and into the surgery hold. " Aye Cap'n RedWake, I came as soon as I could sir ! ".
  6. Darting his eyes about the length of the shore, Cut-throat was relieved that there were no possible threats lurking anywhere about. After quite some time patrolling the sandy coast, Johnson's weather-eye spots the alls well signal from The Watch Dog. Taking the lantern that he carried in his hand, he held it up and gently waved it, signaling that all was indeed well upon the beach. " An a pleasant good night to ye Cap'n " Johnson said to himself. He then snuffed the lantern's light and proceeded to trail the coast by moonlight back to the mighty Dog.
  7. Johnson listened to Mister Hawks suggestions with an open ear. He was more than pleased that his knife would be made by one o the greatest blacksmiths he had ever heard of. As he shook hands with Jonathan and then took his leave, he made a roundabout and headed for the ship's weapons locker to retrieve a musket. With many hands away on errand runs, the Dog needed all the protection she could get. Johnson shouldered the musket of his choice and headed off to patrol the sandy shores.... It would be a long night. A long night indeed.
  8. Ahoy there Mister Hawks ! Fair weather be havin that I finally caught up with ye.
  9. After giving the cannon a proper cleaning as Master Gunner Petee instructed, Johnson decided to search for the ship's blacksmith, Mister Jonathan Hawks. Before long Cut-throat discovered the Blacksmith among a slew of ready men. " Ahhh, Mister Hawks, just the man I've been lookin for. By order o' the Cap'n, I be in need o' a worthy knife, an I hear that nothin be better than somethin made by the famous Jonathan Hawks. I'd be honored if'n ye'd fashion one for me, if'n yer time permits it sir. I be in need o a full tang, 12 inch blade. Preferably double sided. If'n I ever need to parry with it, I can always use the flat o the blade. If'n ye could do this for ol' Cut, I'll definately make it worth yer while matey ".
  10. Upon Master Gunner Petee's orders, Johnson quickly took to one of the ship's guns and began to give it's barrell a perfectionist's polish. " There ye go, ye devestatin' little mass o' destruction ". Amidst the cannon's cleaning, Johnson turns his head to notice a new swivel attached to one of the murder guns. " Ahhhh, Mister Hawks had done a fine job indeed. I wonder If'n he had finished fashionin me knife ? Or if'n he even got me message at all ".......
  11. * Turns and shakes John's hand * " The name be Johnson, Nicholas Johnson, but the local authorities named me Cut-throat Johnson as it were. It be a pleasure to meet ye mate. * Looks toward Jim * Katherine aye ? Fine name sir, fine name indeed. I named me gun " Yer Maker ". Cross me dead-lights an ye'll meet Yer Maker. Har, har, har !....Glad to know that ye an Katherine'll be backin me up while boardin....God knows I'll need it mate. "
  12. "Pleased to meet ye Jim ! An don't worry, we'll be turnin' the tides o' scare on that ship soon enough. The Cap'n delegated me to me own swivel, or murder gun if'n ye will. Guess I'll be one o' the Watch Dog's boarders....If'n that merchant ship be gettin' any closer, I'll be havin' me day sooner than expected, aye ? "
  13. * While waiting for Mister Youngblood's response, Johnson turns to notice Jim approaching* Ahoy there matey. The name be Johnson. Right an proper to meet ye. Seems that we'll be stationed up here together, aye ?".
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