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Mad Eye Mitch

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Everything posted by Mad Eye Mitch

  1. It's up and running, Full Steam Ahead!!!! www.pyratedaze.com If you were at the last one, you don't want to miss this one!!!
  2. Try www.pyratedaze.com & www.wildwildwestcon.com
  3. Now who did the outfits? Looks very fancy and très agréable.
  4. Mad Eye Mitch

    My Crew

    Pirates I like
  5. From the album: My Crew

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  6. From the album: My Crew

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  7. From the album: My Crew

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  8. From the album: My Crew

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  9. From the album: My Crew

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  10. Working on Pyrate Daze. A convention for pirates by pirates with a Steam Punk twist.

  11. Ahoy Lee, I would like to buy your envelope and letter of marque and see other items you may have for sale. Please find me at, tolestar@pacbell.net Thanks, Mitch Toles, Mad Eye
  12. Gunpowder Gertie that video was excellent! I'm working on next year so hang in there. Glad you all had fun. Mad Eye Mitch
  13. I know a topic can be locked, but not just for particular people (that I know of). By my understanding, if it's locked, it's locked for everyone.

  14. I saw ya at Belmont Shore Gray Dog- Sorry I didn't get to talk with ya there. I did Oceanside last year as one of the Pyro's setting off charges at the aft end of the ship for the battle show. It was great fun! Needless to say, been there done that. As for Ojai, what a great place but personally I've not only attened as a player but was a stage act for several years at this event. Why I picked this weekend Sept. 19 & 20, was, yes, because of Talk Like a Pirate Day as well as giving a choice of events to attend and adding a new CONVENTION. For those who attened I hope to see you there and have a great time, those who don't, there's always next year. You can read more in the 15th Anniversary of No Quarter Given, page 12. "Mad Eye" Mitch Ghostmaker
  15. 10 megs! I need to get a new camera.
  16. I saw the pic's you have from the event. Looks great. Was that from a 35 mm camera or digital?
  17. If you go to www.pyratecon.com Speakers, Cascabel & Braze. They are going to the Bahamas this weekend on the Wolf. They will bring back news of an event that will hopfully take place in Nassua. This event has been a long time coming and the same people that brought you Pirates in Paridise, Key West, will be the movers and the shakers. Sorry if you have never been to PIP. It was great in the golden age!
  18. OOOOOH, but don't you want to hear what Kendra can talk about? Marty Klebba just sign on board and will there. Now he's got stories!
  19. Ahoy all, Thank you for taking an interest in Pyrate Con 2008. We got the website up as soon as we could and all eras will all be corrected in time. Some concerns I hope to answer; Vernon Wells, He was in Curse of Pirate Death. I didn't want the feeling of PC-08 to be a convention of POTC actors. Kendra Guffy will be on hand for Q&A. As far as a VIP, she's the only one I'm friends with from Pirate Master and will be there because I asked her. It's just a TV show? Now I'm not bashing anyones comments just giving some insight. We at Pyrate Con are working on giving you all the best time for the money. This has become a full time job for those of us who beleive that a convention for pirates should be by pirates. Thank you all for caring as much as we do. www.pyratecon.com
  20. Iron Bess.... I understand, I you too.
  21. Add two more to that list, Curse of Pirate Death, staring Mad Eye Mitch & Pirates of Ghost Island, directed by Mad Eye Mitch Both coming out to DVD soon.
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