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Posts posted by tishsparrow

  1. well, i have been given the official duty of advertising the Penguin Conspiracy, because we are seriously running out of people. the basic concept is: penguins are evil. they want to take over. they already have fwance (thats not a spelling error, it has to be spelled with a w) and they can only be repulsed by rubber ducks and pickles.

    :P it looks so much stupider on here than on there...

    but its lots of fun. its just basically saying random stuff and attempting to tie it in to either the penguins or monty python (who isnt evil, just fun to quote).

    anyone who wants to join can, its www.thepenguinconspiracy.com, we have a tea party going on right now, and a cyber pirate ship.

    and i'm kinda easy to spot. i'm the only pirate.

  2. ooo, disney...

    i dunno what you would like there, or what kids would like, last time i went, my brothers were 11 and 9.

    i do suggest doing a large park, then a smaller park, then a large park, then a smaller park. that way, you dont completely exhaust yourselfs two days in a row. epcot and magic kingdom are bigger, and animal kingdom and mgm are smaller.

    and fastpass is a good thing. believe me.

  3. currently its a mix between my room, my costumes, and my (completely unfinished) comic. my room's gonna be the hardest. try turning a pink and purple bedroom into a pirate haven, its not easy...

  4. well, you know, 43% of all statistics and percentages are made up on the spot.

    and one out of every four people is mentally unstable. think of your three closest friends. if they're normal, then its you.

  5. well, they have those 'space saver trees'. the one thats flat on one side for putting against a wall, the one shaped for going in a corner, and the upside down tree that hangs from the ceiling.

  6. if you sent me a friend request, i approved it. i went on and was like 'who are these people???" then i remembered, 'oh yea, the pirates..'

    i'm barely ever on there. i only go on when someone sends me a message.

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