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Posts posted by Pew

  1. Preston stood next to Dorian. He inched down the rail to survey the catastrophe that had just befallen the crew. Preston turned to tell the crew to get a boat in the water but stopped short realizing that all of the small boats between the Lucy and the Watch Dog were in the water. Calls from those in the small boats could be heard over the commands, orders and shouts from those still above.

    Any man below on the Lucy had now heard the yelling on deck. Running atop they reached the rail just to see what the Navarra had accomplished. Nigel Brisbane and Jospeh Aretineson were the first to arrive. The two quickly dragged the broken cable connecting the Lucy to the Watch Dog back on board. Logan Christie and Charlie Marsh with Benjamin Quigley quickly behind them next took their place along the rail.

    Charlie squinted into the rain and stood confused, "why, wha..."

    Nigel simply pointed at the Navarra now steadily heading away. But Charlie's eye was elsewhere. "Ye gods," Charlie mumbled, "lookit the rigging on the Dog."

    The men now standing at the rail prayed that while the Navarra had caused considerable damage to the Watch Dog, that it was the only damage done aboard. Any loss of life or limb would be unforgivable.

    "Mister Pew" called Logan. He pointed at the hull of what had to be the Lucy's longboat. Several sets of eyes scanned the turbulent water now covered with debris.

    Charlie Goddon, John Kingsman, Peter Norman, and David Leigh could not be seen.

  2. Dorian, Preston, and those still aboard the Lucy fell to the rail in fits of yelling and silence.

    The scene unfolding before them was one that no matter of noise could stop.

  3. "Aye sah." Preston made his way on deck. He had already begun to make his own list of 'volunteers' for whom he would like to have aboard the Lucy. How to get the great gunns across to the Watch Dog in this mess would be the true test. Upon his last step, Preston heard something above the wind. He turned to the Watch Dog and saw a flurry of men running about, yelling and pointing. He wiped the rain from his eyes. And did it again to make sure what he saw was not a figment of his imagination.

    Preston turned and yelled.


  4. Preston followed closely behind Dorian. Talk between the two was very sparse. Dorian was obviously concerned for the Lucy, the men and their goods and he wore that burden on his face.

    The spray hit them at once as they climbed aboard the troubled ship. She had heeled over a bit more since they had left for the Watch Dog. The drizzle had continued, but the wind picked up. Over the rail, they were met by Alder who looked the worse for wear. Dorian now had reason to be more concerned.

    Travelling below, the ship now took on a different aura. Preston stopped as he stopped immediately below deck as Alder and Dorian continued to the main section of repair. Peering left and right, all he could compare the Lucy to was a tomb. Devoid of goods, men, and noise- save for the rain above, the tide aside and Alder's men further ahead. A few shaded lanterns cast odd shadows against the bare walls. Preston followed them.

  5. Let's say no larger than playing card size. And they must be two-dimensional for ease of mailing.

    I was trying to find enough interest initially, but in lieu of summer events, let's say the send in date is no later than September 1. That will give us enough lead time to press-gang...errrr...secure 10 members to participate.


    We're at 7 players right now. Get started on your designs and plan on mailing them out September 1.

  6. Good point Patrick. Let's say no larger than playing card size. And they must be two-dimensional for ease of mailing.

    I was trying to find enough interest initially, but in lieu of summer events, let's say the send in date is no later than September 1. That will give us enough lead time to press-gang...errrr...secure 10 members to participate.


  7. It's been awhile.

    We're looking to start a sixth round of Pyrate Trading Cards.

    "Wot's that?" you call from atop the mainmast.

    A small simple sharing of artistic endeavors. And by small, we mean 'business card' size.


    Artist Trading Cards or ATCs, are small works of art traded among artists. The challenge is to be as creative as possible on a small scale.

    I'm calling the ones we will do PTCs = Pyrate Trading Cards. The artwork will be the same as the journals—anything goes. The BIG difference between the PTCs and the journals, is that there will be no waiting months and months for a book to come back. PTCs are a one-shot deal.

    Here is how it will work, if the max of ten people sign on.

    1. Each person makes ten cards, one for each player plus themselves — they can all be the same design, or all different.

    2. You mail all the cards to whomever is in charge. Include a SASE for return delivery. As the cards come in, they will divide them among each of the envelopes/players.

    3. When all the cards are in to the wrangler (a deadline will be set), and divided up, they will then mail them out to all the players.

    4. Each artist then receives a packet containing one PTC from each player, for a total of ten.

    5. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for the safe return of your new set of cards.

    Done. From start to finish, it shouldn't take more than a month, or month and a half at most.

    You can display the PTCs in small photo albums, frame them as a group, or for those who have already participated in the journal rounds, you can add these to the empty back pages.

    So, who wants to play? And remember...it's a QUICK, one-shot deal. No waiting up to a year for a book to come back.

    More info:

    10 folks sign up/volunteer (usually we are just barely able to get 10 people involved, so there isn't any picking).

    You put together ten cards that are roughly playing card size (2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches). They don't have to be of the people involved. They can all be the same, or if you are ambitious, they can be ten different images. Use the theme as a guideline, and then do ten cards however you want (all the same, all different, or anything in between). Cards can be single or double sided at your whim. Some do double sided cards, some do single sided and just sign the back, others only do one side.

    You can ask for pics to work from, from the other participants, but you might not get them (although likely you will).

    After you design your cards, you send all ten to the organizer with a self addressed and postage paid envelope (Pew in this case, he'll give you his address iof you decide to get in on the deal). Media mail envelopes tend to work best (and only cost about $2 in postage)

    There is always more rum... If you gotta enough coin that is..... :unsure:

    Let us know if you have more question!





    My original set:



  8. As for our beverage of the day, fish dishes demand a delicate beer. Fresh fish tastes best with a pilsner or a light lager. I'd like to recommend a Lagunitas Pils or a Pilsner Urquell. Both are a Czech style Pilsner that will definitely satisfy.

    19589.jpg, roundup_0000000000009091_image_01.jpg

  9. If it's possible to have a list of people I haven't met, but I wouldn't mind being stranded on a deserted isle with, Preston would be on that list. Of course without a jeep and a deep stash of assorted, fermented beverages, he might go stark raving mad inside of a week . . .

    Maybe a fortnight . . .

  10. Ladies and gentlemen.

    I have sent the sprites and minions home for the summer.

    In lieu of a nice meal or delicious fare, an overt debauch is necessary.


    The bar is open.

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