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Everything posted by fergal

  1. not you Bill! yer order was before this post anyway and thats just not enough grog
  2. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! no orders?! avhast yea rigging crows! how yea be expectin me to be keepin in grog?! remember to goto folio section fer stuff BESIDES bottles. here I be makin it easy; http://www.granddesignworkshop.com/folio.htm
  3. port an starboard fer yer pistols
  4. I do believe you be referin to me bottles Mr. Hawks and yea should know I dont line them with the "swish it around to coat it" method which causes a thin layer o wax and leads to melting and cracking. I boil it in a vat o beeswax *ie cuirboilli method* which makes it harder than trying to tack upwind in a hurricane and wont cause melting issues unless yea leave it on the dashboard of yer truck in texas in june for a few days, even then it has to be empty har!! also ALL me work is LIFETIME warrantied!! exceptin if yea run over it with the car. :) There be no pics of tankards up yet, but there soon will be. F.
  5. oooo! pointy toys! Fergal LOVES shiney pointy toys! just wondering if youve ever been involved with ARMA formerly known as HACA amazing work they do with medieval manuals and the study of western euro martial combat. *rummages for a link* ahh here we go http://www.thearma.org
  6. and in true " I gots me waaaay too much time on me hands" Fergal form, im toyin with the idea of combining the beeswax boiling technique I use on me bottles and hand stitching them, yep HAND stitching them with a hefty 3-4 layer core handle *me wrists crampin just thinkin about it* the prototype I made a few weeks back held about a pint and a half these will be slightly larger. but Im wonderin, would ya all belly up to me table and buy one of these if they were about 60 usd? what says yea? Fergal http://www.granddesignworkshop.com
  7. about 3/4 o a inch. BUT wider ones can be made if needed....
  8. *grins* for those who havnt been there yet http://www.granddesignworkshop.com anything from sword hangers to bottles to tankards to a full suit of leather roman segmentata body armor. feel free to post here with requests or email me via my site. Yours in Service to the Dream Lord Fergal the Botteler MKA Shane Stainton
  9. braided, yep, in fact my first bottles were a braided suede and then infinity braid vegtans.
  10. allows bottle's top to fall just below my shortribs when hung over my shoulder, im slightly larger than average hieght and braodshouldered. roughly 5 ft length strap Id say.
  11. no problem! I can definately have one to you by pensic.and I recommend sticking with the brownish cuirboilli, athough it limits color choices the darn things are indestructable. :) but if you REALLY want I can dye just about any color you wish. YISTTD Fergal the Botteler Shane Stainton
  12. lined with beeswax, mead, yep they sure are. know whats fun? when your holding one in your hand it doesnt look all that large, then when someone offers to fill er up at a event. (holds over a liter) ya get some strange looks and glances under the bottle to make sure there isnt a hole lol. whats REALLY funny is the costrels *they hold up to 3 liters* people are so used to tall = big when it comes to liquid containers *snickers* ask any merchant man in his broad beamed lil fat merchants ship about wide containers hehe S.
  13. nope that IS the real bottle generally using lasts *wooden molds* is usually only found with bombards *a type of tankard* and footwear. I make those by soaking em and pounding the living shinola outta them as I fill them with sand. so when someone tells me to "go pound sand, I gleefully tell them, hey I just got off work"
  14. sorry William was messing about with the dogs *feedin time* straps allow the bottle to drape with the top of the bottle about shortrib high from my shoulder and Im a fairly tall fella, can be made longewr or shorter to your specs. no the "cork" is rolled vegtan held in place with cutnails BUT a I can do a hand carved wooden stopper no problemo. if your interested paypal me 45 for the bottle to shane@granddesignworkshop.com. expect it in about two weeks, Ive got the blanks in stock just need to yde wax, cork and ship yours after I return from the far flung lands of Syracuse this next sat. S.
  15. 45 usd, that includes shipping
  16. it be alright Willy! I been crafting fer close ta two decades, Ill be here S.
  17. hi all! Fergal the Botteler at yer service ( aka Shane Stainton, at least thats what mum kept tellin me) I specialize in medieval leatherwork specifically bottles and tankards (them tankards coming soon!) BUT keep in mind that the bottles I make are actually period for you folk! they were in heavy use in the UK from the 11th to the 18th century! the listing I have up today that ends in a few hours is for a set of 6 bottles, so if yer needin to bribe....err motivate the crew this is a good-un if you like the bottles but dont fancy buying a TON of them then feel free to contact me via the listing, my email addy, or via my website just call me! im usually in the shop. Ill be leaving this Tuesday morning with a quick stop off to the post office and then abroad until next saturday so if youve read this and wish to contact me email will be the only medium Ill be able to communicate until I return. also, if you need something made and its leather, yes I can do it, yes boots too, yes, guantlet gloves too, yep that too, yup even that just keep in mind that my turnaround time is currently mid june to mid july depending on the work commissioned, and yep referances are gladly provided upon request. ok with no more further guilding o the lily here ya go the ebay auction http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5574346493 me website www.granddesignworkshop.com also I make costrels as well. * look in the bottles subsection of the folio page if yer wondering what a costrel is...short definition is that its made for folks that REALLY like their beer hehe * thanks for reading this whole darn thing. Yours in Service Shane Stainton
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