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Cpt Thorn Ashrow

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Everything posted by Cpt Thorn Ashrow

  1. Sorry me lad to barge in on your stearage course but I have another British Sea Fareing event to add. The main one twas on the Raids Section. But here is a link: Whitehaven, Cumbria Sea Festival Unfortunatly, I will be out of this port the weekend that it is being held, prior adventuring already plan. But it is a fine festival and the local grog is good aswell TTFN Cpt Thorn Ashrow
  2. .... if you go to port and blow them away, who didn't vote for norway in the Eurovision, so 80's rock is was great Sad but True
  3. Maybe he be setting up a port, ya know home away from home. Where you can get things like: marmite, salt and vingar or cheese and onion flavioured crisps. And I'll Join Cptn Badger to protect one of me own,
  4. Looking on the net there is a Grace O'Malley web site by her biographer Anne Chambers that might be of some interest to ya: Grace O'Malley Off WS Then again it may not
  5. Oh I have got to try that one, when we eventually get the referendum over here!
  6. Ahoy they all, Be it known, that the port of Whitehaven, Cumbria, UK will be holding a festival of the sea on 24th - 26th June 2005. If this grabs you by the bootstraps then click on the link below for further information: Whitehaven Sea Festival Also it gives you the chance to try the local grog, I hartly recommend Jennings Sneck Lifter. TTFN Cpt Thorn Ashrow
  7. -- all of your grog tankards have glass bottoms! -- you are attracted to things in shops with the skull and crossbone motifs AND you buy them. (This does not include 'baby goths' and alike) -- you walk around a harbour and see a tall ship and wounder would anyone miss it? :)
  8. Currently I be mostly listen to the medival babes top stuff it is to
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