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Cpt Thorn Ashrow

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Everything posted by Cpt Thorn Ashrow

  1. Serenity (Firefly) 100% go me
  2. alive! oh to be be alive once more, not some rotting zombie.
  3. less of the English please... wales born and bred!!!!!!
  4. probably best to leave the country
  5. Sorry to be rather selfish but I have finally passed me driving test 5 attempts 31 years old finally I can get arround by meself go me
  6. greetings to ya maybe a bit late but I sure there is a tankrd of mead for me eh????? welcome and sit yourself down and tell some tales
  7. Advertising has begun News story from BBC not quite a tall ship but.....
  8. Please note, I am not in any way associated with the Whitehaven Sea Festival, this link is posted for information purposes only. Whitehaven (UK) Sea Festival Shares if the link dont work try pasting into your browser: http://www.whitehaven-news.co.uk/business/...c=326&id=288811 Whitehaven is also looking to get a fleet (3) tall ships permantlty berthed at the harbour we have here. TTFN Thorn
  9. Two (very) bad jokes for you, possibly more to the UK Markey but here goes! Two Irishmen have taken a Safari holiday in Africa and are walking down the bank of a river taking in the sights. Ahead of them in the path is a crocodile who, has just eaten a man. All you can see is the mans head sticking out of the crocodiles mouth. As the two Irishmen approach this site. One turns to the other and says "Eh Paddy, will you look at that flash bloke in his Lacoste sleeping bag". An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman are in a train compartment together and get talking to one another. The English man introduces himself "My name is George, I was born on St Georges day, so my parents named me after him" "What a coinsdence, says the Scotsman. My name is Andrew, named after ST Andrew as I was born on his saints day" The english man turned to the Irishman and asked "so what is your name?" "Pancake" came the reply. They are not the best jokes in the world but they made me laugh. An they are clean TTFN Thorn
  10. My general cry is "coming through, wide load!" it works as well, especially when your armed with beer. te heee
  11. I know this person... Great Vid C U Soon Badger and your crew???
  12. have met Cpt Bager and a fine bloke he is to
  13. Which half??? Well summat had to ask the question
  14. I know, great film aint it
  15. The Wicker Man??? I have one (it may have been up before) "No matter where you go, there you are"
  16. Great piccie, but how can he smoke and drink at the same time????? I must not think so logically at times !
  17. I am afraid you are going to have to back that up by posting a picture GoF See new avatair
  18. Do you have a web addy for this organisation?
  19. size isnt everything by by goddess it helps
  20. totalty Out Of Character.... I am looking for any re-enachment groups that deal with the sea in the Cumbria area. You are more than willing to contact me at emial address on my porfile. TTFN Thorn PS I know how tp tie a few knots !!
  22. my response is that you CAN NEVER, EVER HAVE TOO MUCH CLEAVAGE trust me I have enough too spare
  23. not me natural port but where I be anchored at the moment. cpt badger, you be welcome at me port ant any time along with crew, that goes for you aswell charity (free place to stay in uk and Bleddyn) . Just not that weekend as I am away adverting somewhere else.
  24. charity Big hugs to ya from the crew of the totty and my thoughts are with you
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