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Everything posted by BCarp

  1. We are located in Upstate/Central NY State. We do GAoP, 18th c. maritime, and occasionally War of 1812.... https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61554348501770
  2. Too late!
  3. Anything under $300 would be a pretty good deal on this tube: http://www.ebay.com/itm/221995512187?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  4. I believe! I believe! Very sweet lines. Love the shape of the stem! I've had good luck with this polyurethane-based paint: http://www.jamestowndistributors.com/userportal/show_product.do?pid=64&engine=msn&keyword=interlux_brightside_polyurethane There's a "flattening agent" available to mix in if you don't want a gloss finish. Looks like she had an anti-fouling paint on her underside. You don't really need that if she'll spend most of her time on the trailer between cruises. Congrats again, and Happy New Year...!
  5. No photos = imaginary boat!
  6. Congrats! Looking forward to the pics....
  7. Someone in the Northeast should jump on this: http://maine.craigslist.org/boa/5180689302.html
  8. Check out this ship's cutter from the same event! Yours truly is the second aft from the bow....
  9. The daily rum ration leads to a jolly-looking visage...!
  10. Sailing off Crown Point, NY....
  11. This inaugural event: http://www.fortrodmanpyrateinvasion.com/ Located on Clark's Point on Buzzards Bay, just south of New Bedford, Mass. They did a super job for a first-time event, and plans are already in the works for next year. Here's an album of pics I saved, featuring our three small boats, and the two larger craft that participated: http://smg.photobucket.com/user/BCarp/slideshow/Pyrate%20Invasion
  12. I like the concept. I'd go with the much-simpler "sprit-sail rig", if I were you. It greatly reduces the amount of rigging required (both standing and running rigging), is easy to manage, and correct for boats of the period. And perhaps a boat not quite so large? The typical 18 ft. jolly-boat might make more sense. An example of sprit-rig:
  13. PROVIDENCE fell over at the Newport shipyard in late January in a winter storm. Her mast broke and a jackstand pushed through the port side. We are making temporary repairs in order to move the boat to another shipyard. We purchased all the Douglas fir trees in Aberdeen, Washington for the new mast and spars. Looking to sell the boat as a project. All the rigging and metal work was saved and is reuseable. The hull is solid fiberglass and easily repaired. Asking price is $295,000. I would gladly help advise a new owner with re-rigging the boat. Thanks, Thorpe Leeson, 401-241-6965 Thorpe1@aol.com
  14. Sweet craft located in Massachusetts: Gaff Rigged topsail reenacting boat for sale Gunboat “Insolent” (Hull 17-8”, LOA 23-9”) Includes: •Excellent sailer in all conditions •Lapstrake 5/8” fiberglass hull (withstands the close up wood or not rule) •Hull requires almost no maintenance and is incredibly strong •Gaff rigging as shown (mainsail, topsail, staysail pictured in most, also a jib all with bolt ropes) •Floorboards, steel centerboard, Sitka standing rigging, flag holder, boathook •Stays not necessary, they are there for looks •Working lines, belaying pins, kingpost for gun, life preservers, manual pump •4 oars and tholepins •Boat cover •Positive floatation compartment in front, floatation blocks in rear storage locker •The boat can carry 8-9 crammed onboard for oared landings, sails well with 5, but 4 is perfect •The boat handles swells and following seas nicely as the hull used to be a New Jersey lifeguard boat •Boat: $3990 ….lots more put into this boat •Trailer: $400 for the heavy duty LoadRitetrailer with folding tongue, exactly 21’ long with boat •Contact John Taylor 610-745-1666 johnataylor1@yahoo.com Location: Rochester, MA
  15. The folks at the boat shop that built her made that decision!
  16. An updated image of "Felix", with swivel mounted and proper thole-pins in place. Ready for 18th C. events...!
  17. BCarp

    New Swivel

    I cut the wooden stanchion down about 6 inches, which improves the profile of the set-up markedly. The mount is actually sturdier than it looks. No problems handling blank charges so far, anyways...!
  18. BCarp

    New Swivel

    Alrighty, finally have the swivel mount completed for use on my boat! In the pics you see the mast step in the bow, the wooden stanchion I made to drop into the mast step, and finally the gun in its swivel yoke mounted on that post. To my eye the gun is riding a bit high, so I will most likely cut the stanchion down a few inches....
  19. Event website is up: http://www.fortrodmanpyrateinvasion.com/
  20. A sweet little craft, the 23' Syren, is for sale. Her current crew is moving up to a bigger boat. The price is right for a gang of five or six mateys who want to get afloat! Currently located at Port Henry, NY, on Lake Champlain. Here's her FB page with lots of photos: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gunboat-Syren/465700675633?fref=pb&hc_location=profile_browser Contact me for the current owner's email address, if interested....
  21. 10-12 July http://forttaber.org/fort-rodman-pyrate-invasion/
  22. I'm going! Anyone else? https://www.facebook.com/events/610378062404295/
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