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Everything posted by DSiemens

  1. Hook, Yea not so much. I attempted to carve out the gun ports on the side and didn't realise that I needed to first use a sanding sealer before carving. The hul splintered all over the place. I was debating starting over after the tumblehome debacle so the splintering sealed her fate. I'll start carving again real soon.
  2. Well this one didn't turn out so well. I was getting the gun ports in and a passing warship fired a broad side and splintered it all to heck...my other SIB forums suggested a sanding sealer to prevent this in the future. I'll get more updates up on the restart soon.
  3. Thanks! It's taken some time to get to this point I've built around 25 or so. Still a lot to learn yet but there's no hurry. The thing about patience bottles is you got to have patience. I need to get more pictures up. I actually ran into some problems with not including the tumble home. I got her fixed up now and need to get the bulwarks back in place. Also doing some research on the port holes and cannon. I'm thinking wire insulation so the cannons are hollow. Trouble is finding some small enough. The lower porthulls are proving difficult. They are small so its hard to carve. I'm thinking of painting them on but the trouble is what color. The ship is already dark so black may blend in as well as obstruct the view of black cannons. I guess I could try gold cannons. A lot to figure out in the little details.
  4. Jas, I use a type of scribing on the deck. I paint a couple coats of clear nail polish then cut the planking lines with an exacto blade. I then apply a stain that seeps into the cuts but doesn't stain covered with the nail polish. I think I was a little too liberal with the stain though and there was a little more stain seeping under the nail polish then I wanted. A little darker decks aren't a bad thing for a pirate ship though.
  5. Thanks William. The finish is still quite a ways off. Got some other projects taking my time as well. Not to mention work and family. It will be a while. Well she's looking more like a ship now and less like a block of wood. My only concern now is she's still a bit wide. I may have to have the cannons in the just fired position so they don't stick out too much.
  6. Jas. Hook I should clarify the battery died, dremels still good. Just need to charge. If ever it does go the way of Davy Jones Locker I'll keep your Milwaukee in mind.
  7. Thanks will do. There very much is especially when you put the two together.
  8. If you saw that dust cloud over the rockies that that was me sanding away. Went until the dremel died but made some pretty good progress.
  9. So as I have building a ship in bottle of the Satisfaction and looking into facts of the ship and Henry Morgan I found that Henry Morgans Pirate code was one of the few that were written down and survived through the years. I got to thinking chances are most crews pyrate or not had codes of some sort. So then I wondered does the Mercury Crew have a pyrates code and if not should we make one?
  10. This is one of a few ship in bottle projects I'm working on but since it was pirate related i thought why not post it here. I did a little research into the Satisfaction and read that she was an English Frigate. The height of Henry Morgans campaign was in the late 1660's to Early 1670's. So I did some research in the books that I have and found an English Frigate called the Resolution that was built in 1667. I figured it would be as close as any one could get to how the ship might have looked so I'm modeling the Satisfaction after those plans. This was the original bottle i thought of using but have since changed. I show this picture though because it shows generally what she will look like. Here is my progress so far. Not much to look at but getting there. The ship will be a split hull so that half the ship will go into the bottle at a time. When fully installed the ship will be taller then the opening of the bottle giving the illusion that there is no way it could have fit. Here's the new bottle I'm using. I still have a bit of sanding to do to get the upper portion in. I'm toying with the idea of putting something in the bottle neck but I haven't decided yet. That's where I'm at so far. I'll post more as she progress's
  11. I wonder what would the color scheme of the Mercury be? I assume the figure head would be gold since that was a common theme in that day but what about the rest. Would the channels be painted or the taffrail?
  12. Totally saw the pyrate comics thread before finding this one. Oops. I'll see if I can delete my other post. Any ways very great comic! I look forward to more. Absolutely hilarious!
  13. This is hilarious. Can't wait to see more.
  14. I haven''t researched this much but I would imagine they would keep money in their chests at sea. Last thing you want is your purse to go falling into the ocean while your adjusting the rigging on the top gallants. I do think they were some what more trusting then but at the same time they had stricter rules for stealing as well. Seem's like I remember the pirate code punishment for stealing on board was punishable by marooning or being shot. They just didn't mess around. Also I know they had locks back then. Would they have kept there trunks locked up?
  15. If your information is from the crew I trust it. The pumps failing and that was the real downfall. Whether it was from to much water over taking them, poor maintenance on the pumps, or some gremlin pulled a spark plug they failed. From what I've heard the captain had a good coarse. Had the pumps not failed he would have made it. I think he knew what he was doing and things went wrong. At least that's where the evidence seems to be pointing. Guess there will always be questions.
  16. William I see the numbers posted around the ship but is there a key as to what's what. Would be useful for some clarification.
  17. For the right price it's possible I can make two. I also think giving one to the creators is a good idea. It's fun to see a ship come to life I would love to share that. Am I right in understanding that William is the the drawer of the draughts.
  18. This it totally do able. I will put it on my list. I have a Santa Maria and a Satisfaction to finish first. This it totally do able. I will put it on my list. I have a Santa Maria and a Satisfaction to finish first.
  19. Thank you all for the welcome. I would love to come to any one of the get together's mentioned. It is likely that maybe able to make it out to the Utah Pirate Festival as I grew up in Salt Lake and have family there. We'll see what comes about. I would love to see the drawing of the Mercury if it's available. Upon joining this crew I thought it would be fun to bottle the ship.
  20. So back tracking a bit since I'm new and have an in interest the goings on of ships we've taken what was to become of the english cutter? Did we sail it in to tortuga and sell it to some miserable crew that couldn't keep there ship a float? Or did we return it to the English in the guise of privateers using forged papers? Or did we say to the depths with it and burned it at sea never to be seen the likes of again?
  21. Hello. I'm new aboard and thought this be as good a place as any to introduce my self to the crew. Daniel Siemens the name. I have no pirate name or or persona as of yet. I have always enjoyed pirates for as long as I can remember and enjoy celebrating talk like a pirate day. The TLAPD facebook page led me to Mutiny Magazine which led me here. I think it would be fun to build the name and character get some clothing together and join some pirates in person but all in due time I suppose. For now I am a shipwright with an enthusiasm towards pirates. As I learn a bit more maybe it can be said I'm a shipwright with an emphasis on pirate ships. I am currently doing some research to build a small RC pirate sloop and hope to have it sailing this summer. I have two other bottle builds to get done first before I can really pursue it though. If there are any questions any one has on pirate ships or ships in general I'd love to help you with the research. I have many connections to the model ship building community and what ever I don't know off hand I can find out. Thanks for having me aboard.
  22. Glad to be aboard thank you sir!
  23. I wouldn't mind joining a crewe of some sort. My time be limited with the wee ones but some sort of online knock about crewe would be fun. I really don't know what I'm looking for maybe just a crewe to call a crew I guess but, I would make a good crewe mate as any be'n a bit of a ship wright. I'm no master by any means but I do know me jibs from me mizzens and sharp enough to not mix up the sheet's between the two. If there be a crewe in need of a mate let me know I'd be glad to join.
  24. http://www.wavy.com/dpp/news/local_news/portsmouth/rotted-frame-in-sunken-ship-not-fixed Here's a recent article that sheds a little more light. According to a Maine shipyard official the hull was rotted before they left. If the planks failed then the ship would have taken on more water then the pumps could handle and cause them to fail. They are made to handle any water that comes in over the deck but not a hole in the ship. I have a friend who has sailed all over the Atlantic for years. She mentioned that the Bounty sank beyond the danger zone of the hurricane. Had she been in good working order she would have made it to her destination. If it's true the hull was rotted it makes a little sense to what happened.
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