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Everything posted by DSiemens

  1. I noticed my name on the first post doesn't have a location. I'm in Denver Colorado.
  2. some thing like this Or this.
  3. For the most part it looks like a long boat. The deck lay out, use of a tiller, spacing of the ribs and sitting in front of a windlass all say longboat. I've never seen a long boat with that much ornamentation on the bowsprit. I could be wrong but I think it's a general long boat.
  4. Thanks for posting this list. I'm in the mood for a good pirate film and this was helpful. I'll see how Raiders of the Seven Seas is. One small update. Netflix now has Muppet Treasure Island. The shows is absolutely ridiculous as Muppet movies are but I find it fun. I hadn't watched it since I was a kid and now that I've been into building ships I noticed how ridiculous the masts rake on the ship is. They must have had fun building the model they used.
  5. It ended well for what it was. Only one loose end which was expected if they hoped for sequels. I actually would have liked to have seen another season. The dialogue and intrigue was fun.
  6. Thanks Hook! Here's the ship in the bottle. It was quiet the battle going in and her sails are a bit ruffled. I thought that might be the case and set the sails to a battle position with the mains furled for better visibility and fire prevention. At this point she'll come around, board and plunder. So the battle damage works in a way. I may update the stopper with a cork and put a turks head on it but for now she's complete.
  7. More updates. The ship is almost done. I had some trouble with the masts at this size. I did an even smaller model using a new technique and found my solution. The base of the mast is now made from wire and the rest of the mast and spars are made from paint brush bristles. They are small and extremely flexible. Perfect for fitting small ships in small bottles. Here's the other little sloop. Mast and spars are made from paint brush bristles.
  8. I've recently been digging into shanty's and trying to learn a few on guitar. I stumbled across this page which has a few good ones as well as a bit of history on shanty's. http://www.artofmanliness.com/2008/09/23/the-10-manliest-sea-shanties/ I like Coast of High Barbary written in 1595 according to Wikipedia but the lyrics varied and the common lyrics likely come from 18th century. Some what anti pirate but still fun. Also and the rendition of Roll the old Chariot Along is incredible. I think this song came way after the GAOP though. Common lyrics have references to whaling and Trafalgar. What's fun about it though is the lyrics are easily changed to fit what ever you want it to. It can be given a little pirate flare in less than a minute. I couldn't find the guitar chords to the song so I messed around with it and found some that work. Em A drop of Nelsons Blood wouldn't do us any harm. G A drop of Nelsons Blood wouldn't do us any harm. Em A drop of Nelsons Blood wouldn't do us any harm. G D Em And we all hang on behind Same chords for the chorus.
  9. Watched Crossbones. It was as to be expected. They throw history out the window with both black beard and Edward Low. History aside I found it fun. They don't spare the brutality of the pirates. The concept is interesting though I think the put a bit to much weight on a navigational device. All in all it's a series about pirates I can't complain.
  10. Thanks Mission. I have started the Queen Anne's Revenge and posted a log on this forum. It's much smaller and less detailed so it'll make for a quicker build.
  11. I forgot to add this link. http://wayback.archive-it.org/org-67/20120515002435/http://www.qaronline.org/techSeries/QAR-R-09-02.pdf A friend from the ship modeling forum sent me this. It is probably the most comprehensive study I've seen on the Queen Ann's Revenge. 28 pages of incredible information. A great read for any one wanting to know the real history of this ship.
  12. Just noticed I haven't updated in a little while he're some more progress. I did some research on paint styles and found in this day in age ships generally came in three colors. Ocher, red and black. Usually a mixture of the three. The colors came from different things mixed in the paint. Black was created from ash. Red from oxidization or essentially rust. I'm not sure about ocher I'd have to ask again. A very common theme for the day was a black ship with an ocher stripe a long the gun ports and red on the inside of the bulwarks. This seemed to fit so I went with it. The masts are in place but I plan on cutting them down and stepping them. Still more to do.
  13. Mission - Thanks for putting up the article. You did great work putting it together and mixing in my parts. It is an enjoyable read even with all my technical stuff. Thanks again for the experience it was a lot of fun. If I wasn't drowning in work and school I'd start the next one. Maybe when year end is over. William - I'm so glad your happy with her. I have to admit the week or so before I sent her to Mission I did the same thing. Thank you Jas. Hook. I appreciate your compliments and you are most correct she definitely does not belong with the duckies.
  14. More updates. Here I have the port side gun ports done and in on the starboard side. I then put the rest of the lower deck cannons in and added the upper decks and bulwarks. At this point I want to add some paint so any help on the colors I should use is very much appreciated.
  15. I thought I would get back to the Satisfaction sooner but I had some other projects as well as school get in the way. I decided to take on a much smaller and much shorter build before I get back to it. Mostly this is because of time. I'm working and in school now so I don't have much of it. I have a week or so between semesters so I'm going to try and put a ship in bottle together in that time. Here's my photo's so far. I started with what's called a wood plug. This is kind of a mold for the actual ship. It's sealed with clear nail polish and coated in wax. I then stain paper with a wood stain and cut it in 1mm strips. I glue the top ones to the plug and the rest to each lapped one over the other. Once it's dry I coat it with clear nail polish to seal it and stiffen the paper. I then can cut the bow to shape. Once the polish is dry I pull it out of the plug. I then took another piece of the stained paper drew on the planks and cut out the deck. I tried to drill through the bulwarks to add the cannons but it tore them up so I cut them off and cut 1mm by 2mm pieces and glued them in with a space between them for the gun ports. I added the cap rail and channels after that. Still need to do the port side. That's all I have for now. More to come.
  16. I was actually thinking of seeing it written out as a captains log like it was in the other post. It was a fun read.
  17. I don't know what took me so long to make it over to this thread. Especially when it was pointed out to me. Daniel Siemens shipwright carpenter and swordsman aboard and ready for adventure.
  18. I was reading over the history of the Mercury and read the last entry... January 29, 1717 'Mercury' is accepted as the name of the sloop by majority and she is launched upon her career of infamy and fortune. (Posted 29 January 2007 - 08:56 AM, "Creating the 1720 Careening Camp") An inventory of the ship's stores and requirements is made by all hands. Line and canvas are assessed. All barrels, bales, Hogsheads, boxes, crates, casks and containers are tallied and stored. (Posted 29 January 2007 - 09:50 AM, "The Mercury, 1720 Careening Camp") This was 2007. Nigh seven years ago the Mercury was launched upon her career of infamy and fortune. So here be question and the suggestion. What be the tales of the ship Mercury and her crewe over the last seven years? For all we know know she could be caught up in a water spout, lost in a hurricane, captured perhaps. Or she could have survived all of those and be sailing today in infamy and glory. So lay it out me gentlemen and ladies of fortune. What be the recent tales of the Mercury?
  19. I was going to say. I certainly hope so because mine will be.
  20. Yes the pieces are coming together. Now I just have to lie in wait until the list is completed, obtain the list from the captain quarters, move my name to the best gentleman or lady of fortune and then wait for loot to arrive!
  21. Sounds fun. I better start figuring out a gift while I wait for sign ups.
  22. They got er this far. I would think she's salvage able but then being a land locked land lubber what do I know. My worry is they'll decide they can restore her then choose not to because it would cost to much. Lack of funding for tall ships is about as deadly as the perils at sea.
  23. Wonderful photos. Speaking of memorium the ship in bottle community did a community build in memory of the Bounty. There's build logs for each one here. http://www.folkartinbottles.com/workshop/building-the-hms-bounty
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