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Everything posted by CandyCotton

  1. well I'm certainly enjoying this one so I'll have to check those out
  2. yes but thinking about the three of them in that manner is so much more entertaining!
  3. One day I'll have money for something like that
  4. Currently digging into ... The Only Life That Mattered: The Short and Merry Lives of Anne Bonny, Mary Read, and Calico Jack Rackam by James L. Nelson I know a lot of it is speculation and historical fiction but it seems like he really did his research
  5. I'm not actually looking for a fight, you're just being thin skinned about my ribbing. And the reason for my ribbing is that you're being so damn serious about a Disney movie. Nothing about PoTC is supposed to be serious. So in the interest of keeping peace I'll stop trying to throw darts at you.
  6. argue, debate, whatever... with pirates someone always gets a lead shot in the end. And no, I haven't figured this site out yet, I've only been here a few days. I'm more of a burn everything in my path type of girl anyways. Speaking of which, sorry if my metaphor was too advanced for you, I'm sure you'll get it eventually.
  7. argueing about the historical accuracy of needles, track marks, or any of those other things in a PoTC movie is like telling the 300 lb guy dressed as Sailor Moon at the anime convention that he got the bows wrong.
  8. You mean how Kiera Knightly was so less than perfect in the first 3 movies? This is Disney, not a documentary, lol. They should put the best looking and most capable actress they can find ^^
  9. That was my first thought too, she's also pretty enough (Anne was supposed to have been a knockout even by today's standards).
  10. Oh sure, I'm a bit partial to the "bunker hill" sword I see on various sites. But I love rapiers and their smaller cousin, the smallsword. I've been considering Windlass steelcraft's 1840 NCO sword as a cheep alternative.
  11. I had to look that word up but yah, funny. How would a Green Lantern pirate be received at an event?
  12. yes he likes rum and he's flirted with the idea of pirate reenactment but he's too busy dressing up like Green Lantern and Jedi
  13. Hmm... don't think we'll be back in Virginia by then so probably won't be able to make that event. *sigh* oh well. I know my Dad would like it as much as me.
  14. The word "kraken" seems to have an interesting effect on Steampunks... to paraphrase and throw in a geek reference, "Kraken? That is a worship word, you shall not speak it".
  15. I love it but it's a little big for me. I'm just 4 apples high as my Pa likes to say. I'm lobbying hard for a nice smallsword.
  16. I was going to make a thread about Kraken but I'm glad I looked here first. The Steampunks swear by this stuff but I'm guessing that's more of "theme" thing. I was wondering what pirates thought of it. I'll keep my opinion to myself since officially I have not touched the stuff being of a tender age and all.
  17. which just proves that "liquid courage" is not only effective, but an advisable solution to such problems in life. Wey Hey!
  18. Key Fob
  19. I know this is nothing special around here but I have a nice rapier from Museum Replicas. It was actually my father's and he gave it to me
  20. *giggles uncontrollably* omg I love you guys
  21. I'm so glad this worked out... but I still want to know what it had to do with advertising
  22. It's not a pirate movie, or even strictly "swords" but can I just say... Yoda vs. Count Dooku The first fight between Jack and Will in PoTC 1 was THE thing that hooked me on pirates. And it made me feel things that a lass of my tender age had no business feeling, lol
  23. Well, I'm not aware that there's a shortage of feisty actressess in Hollywood ^^ I'm sure they could find someone
  24. *giggles* I'm usually the one ruffling feathers Thanks again, everyone
  25. If they're taking historical pirates for inspiration who better to be a female counter point to Jack than Anne Bonny? Nobody actually knows what happened to her after Calico Jack was hung.
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