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Everything posted by mrbungle

  1. hello. new guy here, i have been wanting to do a pirate costume for awhile, finally got around to it. i am basing my look on the first mates from the POTC but being careful about buying things to make it as historically accurate as possible. a lot of the things in those movie are not accurate. so stylized accurate??? i mainly go to sci-fi conventions. and love doing historically costumes to give the trekkies a hard time. but i am member of the 501st legion a starwars costume group. even at these cons, most pirates you see are captains so that is why i am making a first mate. got my slops and my buckle shoes.......and everything else but still waiting on a few items to finish the costume. the only thing i have that is not period is my light dragoon flintlock. but i also have a queen anne. hope to buy a doglock later this year. oh and i have one good eye so i have a legit reason to wear an eyepatch, made mine from an old wooden spoon and a leather tie.
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