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Captain Edward Teague

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Everything posted by Captain Edward Teague

  1. Depends on your budget. I have connections to two seamstresses that are phenomenal and extensively experienced in the stage and screen work that will make you one for around $300 new, maybe a little less. One may be able to work you into the schedule within a month or two, but the other has at least a 4 month wait, she is that good. :) Do keep in mind these are well made for sure and will last longer than some because in your work, well the sun will eat coats right off. I have another good friend who bought one for 300 off etsy some maybe 3 years ago and it ate his coat off in less than 3 years, more like 2. These will last longer than that or their makers will certainly see to them, that I will personally attend to. I will have a look round and an eye out ( grin) for ye some others and some used also.
  2. Just found out yesterday. We have to go to Lauderdale this week, so we are going to stop and attend on our way all day Sunday. :) http://www.cocoabeachpiratefest.com/
  3. I have some friends that may be interested. Sending this info to them. :)
  4. Like my other ads, I had to order mass quantities to get the correct reproductions for my Teague set. And I have to get rid of some surplus or I cant start on new toys. 23MM dull brass buttons. Very heavy duty and superior quality. My peon account at ebay is loaded, so they will have to be paypal or local business. $1 apiece, free shipping on orders over 10. A coat uses APPROXIMATELY 24, but that changes according to its cut and decorations. Will work with a merchant for a bulk discount also.
  5. We can't edit our own posts here? The links did not work for some reason. Trying these: http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1558.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1558.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1558.l2649
  6. No, I do not have a full time ebay store I am spamming for, I put these on there so folks can feel secure in their transactions if necessary, at least those who do not know me around here. If anyone should prefer I can always do locally or else straight Paypal as well. Annnnnyway....in my search for reproductions for my Teague garb I had to custom order the two buckles he wears and of course there was a huge minimum order required. Teague buckles or no, considering that the larger buckles are harder to find and are usually quite pricy, I wanted to offer the fine folks here a chance at some pretty buckles to wear. And anyone with a full time shop, if interested message me, I will give a terrific discount if you want some in bulk for your store. (ebay would only allow me to list a small amount since I don't have a full time store, I have far more amounts than those listed ) http://www.ebay.com/itm/?170858393414?ssPageName=STRK%3A?MESELX%3AIT&_trksid=p3984.m155?8.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/?170858395559?ssPageName=STRK%3A?MESELX%3AIT&_trksid=p3984.m155?8.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/?170858403243?ssPageName=STRK%3A?MESELX%3AIT&_trksid=p3984.m155?8.l2649
  7. And alla my crew is a saying thankye, It looked like we would tempt you in with Chrispy for a moment there. :)
  8. It's getting closer and looks to becoming a great turnout for a first timer event. Anyone makes it, say hello. I will be the guy in the red coat goin 90 mph with his hair on fire. ( I work cast on this one. )
  9. I can't discuss solid points of time, space and engineering when Disney is involved with a straight face. Disney supersedes all time periods and known laws of physics anyway. Annnyway....what anyone think of maybe Ava Green for a possible Lady Pirate? I think she could run enough guff and grit with it.
  10. I am intrigued that you say they did not have rum. Difficult to say perhaps when the actual term was coined for it, but some accounts say that production of at least a rum like substance happened approximately around the proper time and place. But of course records were not all that accurately kept of things like this, these dates already seem a bit muddled and of course one should not believe all that they read online.
  11. I am no expert, but me and the wench have done some Bike Rallies with our patented travel bags and are getting our feet wet this year in selling a small amount of children's pirate accessories. Events merchant space costs vary widely ( I find in general $50 per weekend and up ), you just have to check each events site.Usually they run by a 10 x 10 space and it is best to sign up for space as early as possible, many are quickly taken up. A booth is needed of course and many buy an EZUp 10 x 10 for around $200, but later do not realize that at many Renfaire or Pirate events those are not allowed and that their booth must be more period correct. That's where money comes in as those can run a thousand or more unless you or a friend can make or your own and even then they can be pricy. If an ezup IS allowed, often they require that it at least be painted somewhat of period and that all metal poles etc are covered by something, usually cloth or burlap is cheapest. Most require all workers to be garbed in some attempt to be period also. ( I alternated the top tent sewn sections by spray painting with Krylon "Boots Brown" and dull black, it looked like it was made from old sails that way and wrapped the legs with burlap from a discount fabric store, then accessorized with netting I found on ebay, 9 good sized nets ( 10 pounds ) for about 20 bucks ) Some events have space for vendor camping, some do not. Best to check beforehand as well, motels are not cheap for overnight weekends. Always remember you are at the mercy of mother nature. A rainy weekend is most often a no sell weekend. And on that note, times are hard, people are tight with the the cash and you should definitely have a good "barker" to entice people in. Work that booth, do not just sit in the back and say "Hi." The bigger Faires that run 6 weekends can be more appealing. Your goods stay in one place, you are set in that place for 6 weeks, etc. Downside is though that those often require a permanent structure that you either build or lease an available one per season. The TAX MAN ( or woman ) will certainly show up and have you sign forms, so have your licenses, etc ready. Do not expect to make much money (if at all ) the first few years. Until of course you pay off your initial investments. You will need display furniture, particularly a couple folding tables at minimum. and 10 x 10 fills up faster than you realize. Some ideas to save money while exploring the venues before making a full commitment: Get acquainted with someone who has an existing booth. Many, if you have items that they do not carry will place them in their booths on a consignment contract. Also sometimes they will let you "share" a booths space for the extra help and the extra company. Get acquainted with the promoters. Sometimes if you have a good set of garb and a shtick, you can walk the lanes as a performer and you will get admission and booth space free. But then of course you will need an extra hand to work your booth. Bottom line example is that we did the Gulf Coast Renaissance Faire a couple weekends ago. One weekend run. Merchant fee for the weekend was 50 dollars. Electric was available, but an extra $60 for the weekend plus the merchant fee. Free Camping but you wanted electric it was 20 per night. General Admission for Adults, $10, kids $5. I am fortunate enough to be on cast with a local crew, so I got my merchant space free for performances and free admission. Local Faire to me, so no motels. I hired a girl from my last job at 4 bucks an hr plus lunch, around 20 hrs, so 80 plus lunch, 90. It was a total washout Saturday with rain and storms, very few patrons. no income. Sunday was bright, clear and packed. We took in around 40 dollars total ( keeping in mind we have low dollar pocket money items just for kids, at our booth a kid can go all pirate for around 20 dollars, hat, beads,eyepatch, foam sword,costume jewelry etc ). So, saving the costs by being on cast: $50 Merchant fees $ 70 for 3 adults two days admission ( 4 Sunday, her fiancee showed up to help and we tossed garb on him. ) $200 tent with probably $30 in paint. $30 in gas and food (we prepacked sandwiches and shared them with the rest of the crew the first day ) And we brought in $40. But keeping in mind again we are a nickel/dime vendor, others did well and had much more pricy items. Just my piece of eight and being new, others have very likely far different takes on this venture as prices and expenses will vary widely different according to location.
  12. POTC oriented, anyway.... Me and me boy Jacky last weekend at the Pensacola Ren Faire....
  13. Captain Edward Teague


    The doings and nonesuch of a pirate, aye... twill try to keep er to a steady keel on thah public consumption aye...but hello.....pirate....har har har....the beholder may want tah beware....
  14. Hope you can. I am definitely scheduled in to be there, so maybe we can meet up.
  15. Brand new event, held at the Pensacola FL. Fairgrounds. Very much a work in progress, They are eagerly seeking Merchants, Vendors, Entertainers, Performers and Demonstrators. Last I was informed they will be holding auditions Mar. 24th. They are very flexible, so Krewes should apply too, promote yourselves. http://www.yesteadyh...teFestival.html
  16. I appreciate the input. I hope I made it clear that this one will not be used for any sort of historically accurate gathering whatsoever. Nor do I wish to encourage anyone to use anything that would not be period correct at such a gathering. I make that clear now if I did not. When I said maybe more at that type of gathering, I meant that I would purchase and use something period correct. This one is simply for Cast and crew performances during Renfaires and Pirate Festivals as a Pirate of the Caribbean impersonator.
  17. Well, as an update. I received the order yesterday. Which was lightning fast, as it was not scheduled until this next tuesday for delivery. A NOOBS review: Upon unpacking and checking the parts list, all was there. And all seemed to be of good quality and well cut to very close specs. Most parts needed just a bit of sanding to fit tightly and well. Level 1 skill, which it was definitely easy for someone who has not put a kit together in decades. Super strong pull spring with a good smack on the nipple. It also lined up perfectly to strike the nipple dead center without any alignment. The Bad ( and I read all the reviews first so I knew what I was in for ) The trigger guard was way off. But with simple tools and hand pressure I made it fit just fine. Tougher was the end cap under the barrel, the holes were not aligned at all and the wood was actually around an 1/8" or slightly more too long. Again with meager tools, ( 6 inch hacksaw and a dremel ) I cut the extra off and redrilled the holes. Only casualty was one brass screw that I put in the worng place and twisted it off. But a drill bit boring later, I pushed it out with the right screw and other than a hardware store trip later for a replacement screw needed for the ramrod holder sleeve, it was all dry assembled. I didn't like the smoooooth pretty finish on the barrel, so I mussed her up full length with some roughage from a stone on the dremel and she is ready for stain and bluing. Approximate time spent, around 3 hrs. I was not in a hurry and only a small handful of tools. (Crescent wrench to hold one end of the trigger guard while I bent it by hand to fit, two small straight slot screwdrivers, 6 inch hacksaw, Dremel ) Anyone with proper equipment and more experience than I could probably do it in less than an hour. I was pretty happy with the overall ease to assemble. But for absolute guidance I will be taking it to a local re-enactment crews weaponmaster for final approval and training in all facets of usage and safety. Next query....the stock is beechwood and of course the barrel....suggestions on stain colors and a proper color of bluing?
  18. I imagine an original would always be best. Well, I erred on the side of caution and bought a percussion cap to at least get started with. (Although I had to tear myself away from shopping around, if this goes off well, I just may be hooked ) and as I said, it will be mainly for stage, not competition. So I went with this kentucky model which I figure I can pirate up and mundanes will never know the difference for stage play. Of course I would get something else for anything HA related. Seems to have gotten good reviews both on assembly and on accuracy and pirate cheap. Manufactured in Spain, I hope this is a good thing. http://www.dixiegunworks.com/product_info.php?cPath=22_162_194&products_id=3450
  19. And some most excellent advice, my thanks. Other than that the muzzleloaders site seems to not be there anymore, darnit. So, the flints are more reliable these days? I remember the one I had way back when was Click........click......click....fire.....load....click....click.... Which of course was why I thought a cap might be a better way to go.
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