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Meathook Motakai

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Everything posted by Meathook Motakai

  1. I be thankin all those who contacted me for the CD. It be plundered by a swift and mighty sea captain who swooped in quickly and claimed the prize his own. Enough buccaneers have contacted me with interest, that I thought I might leave a link to the sight were you can hear sound clips, etc. I not be affiliated with them, but they be decent pirates/musicians. Meathook Motikai www.toucans.net/Pirate/pirate.html
  2. Ahoy there! This be a scurvy sea-dog by the name of Meathook Mortakai. I be visitin ye olde pub to fulfill a pledge to a fellow pirate. A blood oath you see. To the first to request this booty, I have 1 item in my sea chest to give away for free, under the following pirates articles: 1. You be in port in the U.S. 2. You do not already have this C.D. 3. The first to request it, gets it. The treasure I be passin along is a brand new un-openned C.D. of the Toucan Pirates, entitled Battle Songs of the Toucan Pirates. For this I be put in the good graces of Cap'n Pete, and save me hide. To you, who picks up this plunder, it be a good sturdy album of traditional Irish instrumental music with authentic pirate sound effects. A nice addition to your pirate music, in which, when you hear their music-you will never be sayin: Arrrrr, she blows! It is a very fine album. The first to send request to my port of call at: neonsunrise@worldnet.att.net with an address to send to will receive it shortly. This here be a great pub, full of revelry and cheer!
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