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    off the coast of Cali.
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    Irishjack likes : Combat ready swords,Flintlocks and Cannons,Fair winds and white beaches,Me mates and most of me crew.
  1. How bout it Lads, anyone got a mainspring for an Elliot light Dragoon Pistol? Thanks, IrishJack
  2. Ahoy shipmates! I sell Letters of Marque, Royal pardons and I have a traveling Pirate theme amusement park for kids,(complete with pirate longboat ride) which I set up at various Faires. Gona check with my host ta see if I can add a link to yer site on mine, yer brother in piracy, IrishJack
  3. IrishJack makes Letters of Marque and Royal Pardons. I currently have Queen Elizabeth the first, King George the first,second and third ready to print and seal( historically correct Royal wax seals). All that's lacking is yer pyrate name, the name of yer ship and any special dates etc...all will be cleverly inserted in the proper places. Printed on heavy parchment this document can be framed or carried on one's person to the Faire. A historically correct leather document pouch is available fer an additional 25.00 The standard Letter or Pardon sells for $30.00, if ye wants a custom job it'll cost ye abit more but we can haggle over the price.I will be sellin online durin the winter. and at Seafarers Marketplace, NorCal and mayhaps even Pyrate Daze durin Faire season. With questions orders or jest ta chat, email me at irishjackofortune@yahoo.com or www.irishjackofortune.com
  4. Ahoy shipmate! Mayhaps ye would barter a copy of yer booklet for a custom Letter of Marque or a Royal Pardon from her Majesty? I've got Queen Elizabeth 1 and King George 1, 2 and 3 ready to go, If yer interested jest say so and shout me yer pirate name, name of yer ship, how many crew and cannon ye have, any special dates, and I'll makes it up and send it to ye in a mailin tube so that the wax seals don't get broken. Fair weather and followin Seas, IrishJack
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