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Everything posted by SirJewelsCole

  1. Aye am not sure if the ladies will be there. Aye do know that the company is one of the sponsers. Aye just sent em' a mail tew find out the offical word. Since we be talkin' bout' the Windy aye must confess that aye just sent me off an aplication to join her crew for the 2004 season. Aye will have word in late may. Keep yer fingers crossed fer me.
  2. And another from good ole Sir Jewels Cole. Click here for your birthday card
  3. Not tew much goings on in this here part of world this time of the year but this may be of an interest if ye be near by. The Chicago Maritime Fest
  4. You can use the free program called "Easy Thumbnails 2.6" from the link provided below. What it does is resize any photo into any size that you need, or to fit to any forum specs. I must note that it is very easy. Here is the link! If you may need any help with it I can do so for you.
  5. Thanks! I ran across that earlier meself. Great info. and I love the meaning behind it. When I get the tattoo, I'll be showin you a pic. Glad aye could help lass.
  6. Aye just ran across a bit that may answer yer question. Maritime History FAQ Aye hope it helps.
  7. Here be Sir Jewels Cole lovely Lady Liberty.....
  8. Merry Christmas tew all of ye. Be safe and dont over do it on the rum. And do not, I repeat, do not try to lift yer anchor and strike yer sails while full on rum.
  9. http://www.peterpanmovie.net/ Loads of fun fer the young at heart
  10. Aye was just wore out from a battle that aye was in last night.
  11. My deepest apologies MAM.....
  12. Thank you sir. I apreciate the assistance. When were all done I'll treat you to a tankard of rum.
  13. no it looks like a 30 day thing........ I need free photo hosting. Anyone?
  14. yer speakin of their 30 day free trial?
  15. My apologies. Problem is I dont have a good photo host. (geocities) Would ye know of one?
  16. Aye as well enjoyed the performance. I cant think of another better for the job.
  17. Ok here it is Miss MacGregor. Aye am a man of me word.
  18. Did aye stumble apon the adult section of the forum? Oh righto, it is a adult forum. I must ave missed the disclaimer. Well since I'm eyre I'll say that none of the above is me favorite. They all seem to start rolling up into little balls and before you know it you just ave to keep on adding and adding and adding. Me theory is just get the engine fired up real hot and walla. next thing ye know yer slipin' and slidin'. All you ave to do is carry yer boardin' spike and hang on for dear life if ye did it right. :)
  19. I was educated at McMain, right thar in your neiborhood though I was brought up at the corner of Dauphene and Esplande. I usually call in about 4or5 times a year. Sneaking into port is so fun being in exile. But I have reciently sailed to northen waters and now the song "You dont know what it means to miss New Orleans" really means something. She's a helluva city, none like her anywhere. I have already convinced me self that I'm headed fer warmer climates this fall. aye am just too far away fer a quick slip into the city and make a quick escape......... Small word we live in eh?
  20. Sir Angus McVox, Aye have quite a few shanties that aye would very much enjoy sharing with the other crew members. Where would ye like me's to send em?
  21. Contraband Days is much fun. Had me lady, a crazed coon-ass if aye must say thar while me ship was being refitted. She bout' cut me fins off one day. Something aye said about her mirliton. Still to this very day aye carry the only coin in me pocket from thar that aye didnt squander away.
  22. for some time I have been recieving the NQG email newsletter and I have a new address and cant seem to find it anywhere on the web site. Any help? thanks Sir Jewels Cole
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