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Everything posted by DurtyLillie

  1. argh, and she says she made that coat! har har har..... I be makin' a funny here...
  2. Aye, I said "ye was flogged Nigel" and ye wasn't yer crew says... .so live and learn... may I be so lucky as to have yer fun! Well maybe not that much fun... then again I was drinkin' black rum and hid one o-my-mates' weapons from him.. fer fun ya understand. And I got scared straight when he came at me askin' fer them sharp items..I tells ya that! So we had a little duel... Happy ya know New Years' and all that Rot.
  3. Man when I saw Nigel's back I thought you all were into some ah weapons of pleasure or something.... then it was explained to me what had happened.... I still think your crew rocks..way.... You crazy like me, yes you all are! Wait til next year, he he he evil laugh.... best regards I mean Argh and two halfs more, D.L.
  4. Lovely dirge of a shany mate....Nice holiday song.... Mine is..."15 men on a dead men's chest ,yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, rob the rich and kill the rest, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" yep many ways to sing it... we do a monthly sea shanty meet up til lately and then there's a portside pub that also gets together fer singin... ...why you want to sign this one mate? best regards I mean ARGH, D.L.
  5. Time to weigh in here on crews.....and say Hurricane's crew was the best ever at Pirates in Paradise...! Haven't planned on who I am takin' with me next year yet..but definitely doing back..under my own dime...understand now what the level of real commitment is...Outstanding crew! Port Royal Privateers... I ain't sayin much on that topic since Rumba Rue covered it all......gramercy dear.
  6. An what did those lovely Queen Anne's cost ye? Me and a friend be lookin' at purchasin' a few and want to know how bad we'll be taken.Thanks.
  7. very cool, any other sites you know of?
  8. Greetings ya swabies, posted somethin' on the calendar fer ya. How's about dropping by Friday Jan 30,2004 if yer landlubber arms be too tired to help Saturday? Guess you'll have to read the calendar to find out what I am talkin' about....ha ha
  9. Oh Angus, Sea Shanties to hear easily from the site- when set up as you indicated- would be great! Thank-you from the bottom of my black little heart for doing this! I'll visit and take a listen again! Cheers! D.L.
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