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Everything posted by DurtyLillie

  1. Grammercy on thee weather report Oh Miss Rumba of Rue.....! A small pirate raiding party arrivin' this weekend: Dave the Raven, Joan Bone, Myself along with Jewel, Ratty and a few other scalliwag pyrate types... We be over with Frigate Raven(Capt Downey's) til he summarily throws us out fer pirate behaviour naturally....wonderin' if Blind Geoff and his Philistina made it out yet?....... Yers D.L. most certainly on this....
  2. Wait I mean the Pirate show in California....fergit's my place.... geez...
  3. The Pirate dinner show-- funny you should mention it--- been asked to go this Sunday April 2nd----I'll tell ye whot I BE THINKIN' of it mates. ( always keep an open mind til ye gets disappointed-- and then make it fun anyway! that's whot I do's anywho) ~~~ Best stinkin' regards and all that rot... (sniffle & spit) D.L.
  4. Capt Rob Hurricane, those photos rocked of PIP 04.... thank-you... well worth the time to load up..all that was missing was some music! best, D.L.
  5. Cafe Press has been around a while... yes, way cool stuff... except for the YoHoYoHo.com advertisement on some of the stuff..... the only thing I want to advertise is Pyracy, naturally mate!
  6. T'was a pleasure to enjoy the AZ aka OZ Renn last year with ye and Ruby....no plans on this year so far.... and tell us all about the Pirate Booth please upon your safe return to home port B.H. Pearl... Grammery and two halfs more mate!
  7. Aye, U-2 Irish all the way...My brain's too fogged to remember the name of the new 2-CD track by ..is it the Irish Dubliners....ah, it sure is early yet for revelry! I gotta get back to work..... Happy Saint Paddy's Day! We are all Irish today mates!
  8. Argh, and while yer at it..Rumba tell'em 'bout Ded Bob..... now thats' a Skeleton pyrate of another tune! Best, D.L. XX
  9. Pyrates be pardoned? Well sir, I gots me a pardon on the wall dated 1346 from Robert Morley...aquired it, I mean bought it customized from a chap out Florida way... looks real authentic....What ye know 'bout Robert Morley, King William and Pyrates Pardoned? Signed, a stinkin' inquirin' sort-of-a-mind, D.L. XX
  10. Ahoy there, glad ye posted some specifics 'bout KW PIP 05....Capt Hurricane and the beautiful Diosa! Ah them anacronyms (Key West Pyrates in Paradise 2005).......as fer West Coast privateers.....talk is of at least a few new crewe' members come'n out. As fer PRP, not sure this is an official event and I wouldn't speak fer the duly elected board whot governs that crewe. Glad at the scheduled changes, sounds great! Could ye tell us about those "participation contracts" I heard tell 'bout when I were there last year? I plan on bein' there to show 'round some new folks plannin' on comin' just like whot were done to me, ah I mean for me. Best regards, I mean ah ARGH and two halfs more mates....D.L.XX
  11. Avast thar ye scurvey likeness ta my dear pyrate brother RtR, Well, ye says it in public, so the rum spilt outta the bottle then mate! If'n ye says Miss Rose and her Michael be a no show, that be a shame. She did a ton of work at PIP 04 besides her own NQG booth. Never knew that be her last voyage. Explains the NQG issue which be my keepsake now......Although I desires greatly to write more, not wantin' ta air personal business further, it be best ta end this...... Ii just falls on me nice dress cutlass.... Or I dares ya ta write more in public.... ya gots guts,grit and sea salt in yer boots man!
  12. 1. Nay sir, not near Mass...sorry ta say... but I do travel.... 2. As fer that castin' call by the GreenNigh... ah nice dream...thanks awfully... too kind of ye! Everyone I knows been auditionin' Only one friend got in..with a real fine story 'bout his experience ta date...and he be lookin' quite the scary type..which means POTC2&3 gonna be fun ta watch! 3. Black Heart and Black Hearted.... uhm....
  13. In reply to Patrick, both tymes mate: yea them Olaf/Roger brothers be soggy...no matter.... and yea and two halfs more...that teal bikini clad man was funny til him came up and grabbed me treasure chest at atlantic shores and agin at Hogs Breathe askin' if them were real... and I said yea and so is me weapon...and oh look, there's Elvis! yea I gots a few soggy type pictures.... gots lots of pictures but outta respects, I ain't postin' em....cause I gots standards... somewhere... Cheers,
  14. Ahoy Callendish, I viewed yer Picture gallery on Yahoo. Wishes I was in 'em! But there is always next year..oh wait, next year is here! Yes, accessin' it was fine....cheers and grammercy Gunner. yers, stinkin' rotten Durty Lillie La Fey
  15. Ahoy there Gal, well I plan on Key West unless I be D.E.A.D..... does that answer yer question? Miss Rose of Our PRP is the lady ye should be communicatin' with fer important arrangements I cannot indicate on this here public cite. Kindly let me know by September if'n ye is pullin' up yer anchor and sailin' to Key West....since I may go with a few different mates this tyme.... Always remember darling, tis never a worry my sparkling Pearl! :) Bring yer blades, commandingly I beg of thee dearest!
  16. Well Avast and Ahoy there dear Sir RtR, particular friend-o-mine back! I set the trap and you done took it! I made this here "standards" just in case you'd reply! Now I knows how bad ye swears! Ye allways hides it from me... ah thanks...wait ye do use the F word profusely.. but so do all those other men we was with...It were a problem of mine NOT usin't as I recalls now!So Cursin' 101 be important...yep. All seriousness, it true, all pyrates gots ta have some kind of standards and we gots ta share 'em fer then we can all get our stories straight... if ye know what I mean mates ! Til mayhem strikes our hearts again!
  17. Ah I loves them weapons... but we gots ta get back to Black Powder..at some point.....(he he point)...all them fencin' and fancy wort aside......it was discussed at GREAT Length when this here pyracy pub cite started up mates... notice I be member #20....?...ah weapons.... Regards,
  18. 1.Well then ye be talkin' SCA..society for creative anachronisms..(fer them that don't know)..and with all respect... There be the Pros and Cons of that.... and thare be some wonderful groups outside that sphere that are also quite formidable as well. enuf said? 2.Me I agrees, I learned theatre mostly. And grew up fightin' a wee bit in me clan fer fun at gatherins.And Capt Hurricane is so correct, the landlubbers in their finery do get quite awe struck at the sound of clashing metal...but it be the shiney crumby kind not the combat type... havin' yer stage blades fixed afterward is time consumin. 3. Thanks fer bringin' this topic up mate as it be one-o-my-favoriates!
  19. Thanks fer the Flogging Molly updates... I gots a friend whot loves them beyond all reason.. he looses his mind over them. Oh gots ta entertain a bunch of non-pyrate type of landlubbers with shanty songs in a few months.... so I be commin' back ta back here soon enuf... at ask ye questions.... Cheers...
  20. Well met Mates..now I knows who's gots' standards...and whot they be....an education I gots from Captn' Hurricane...about his (adorable, great wonderful..ah mush and rot)..I loves that crewe...I does....anywho I appreciates it... and all them other stuffs YE ALL WROTE! It be true, them standards be similar we have..and me point bein' this: A Pyrate can be quite a rogue and scoundrel but perhaps we gots ta have standards since we may be reflectin' on all pyrates everywhere. Whot I does in me private life or off-hours is one thing, but how I behaves with me mates, well, there be a line in the sand. Who's drawin' that line is another question ah coarse! And whot faire/event we be at, whot hour O-the-day or Knight it be determines the bawdiness...or amount of rum/whiskey dare I say that be consumed... and the children issue... ah that be quite sacred ta me...their little faces ah..ya know it's precious. Did I write a stinkin' bloody book or whot ya scalliwags and miscreants? Cheers, D.L.
  21. Aye Sweet, Tis true, not everyone can dane per se...but then once ye gots the gumbo and such goin', anyone can join in..think it's all in the feelin' of it..... Cheers, D.L.
  22. This here be a continuation of "Pyrates whot got Standards" mate..... I.E. 1. Drink 2. Clothes 3. Mates(Friends, pals, paramours, and so forth) 4. Behaviour 5. Conquests(..ooh that be under behaviour?) 6. Language 7. Misc -Argh ye fill in this blank matie! Notice Drink seems ta come first fer some reason? He he... So I starts it off..cause I knows If'n I don'ts then someone else beats me to it. I says when ye be a guest in someone else's port, ye trys not ta drink ALL their rum... and ye tries not ta steal ALL their friends... and Ye tries ta show at least a modicum( whot the Hay does that mean) of respect fer yer hosts. But whot does I know? I be a Pyrate... I got whot Kind-O-Standards? I seen a lot in my years as well.... Sailors,Civilians, Foreigners and Scoundrels.... where do a Pyrate lie in that mix? And how does ye behaves?....................................................? Yers, D.L.
  23. Well Mates and Scalliwags, I be accused of cradle robbin' unfairly as well once...and be utterly shocked at the mere thought of it! I agrees most completely with Merry I do's and agrees with even that Roger The Red! Them that would take an under-age person in that way is S.C.U.M. Aye, then, even "Pyrates Got Standards" likes I always say eh Rog? Standards, now in the adult catagory, we have perhaps different standards....(he he) but that be fer a different pyracy Pub catagory true? They even did a survey on it I believes.... Aye, need more java.... Adieu, Yers DL
  24. Oye, ye be talkin' bout me brothers are ye? Are they in trouble agin? It were me that took that picture after "walk the plank"..which I be might proud of someone fer competin' in....and stoopidly gave the picture ta Rogie...that scalliwag... aye..box his ears! Ok, bend down so I's can reach 'em Sir!..he he he....
  25. Greetings ye scalliwag mates!, Furstlee, ye velvet coat Rumba, whatever ye makes of it, will be fine indeed...with yer creative ways dear one! I cannot waite ta see it on ye or whatever lucky one gits ta wears it! Secondly, I been sneakin' 'round in these here Pyracy pub waters fer a few weks now..and likes what I sees.... cause PIP and the Florida crewe of Capt Hurricane and First Mate Animal..with Sir Nigel and sweet Paisely be just way too fine not to mention at every opportunity!Thirdly, bein' as this here is way too stinkin' long a note, and I be thirsty, I loves ya and sees ya sooner than ya thinks....at a certain costume party.... what to wear?uhm... Miss ya me Black hearted Pearl... loves yer, ah picture of a manikin? p.s. I don't puts a link to any pyrate groups I may belongs to on my signature here....but others do... ?is it kosher-deli ?
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