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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald
*Glances away to Diego* Good morn to you, padre! You appear to be in fine spirit and constitution this day. Damnable shame this morn's dispatch... *Shakes head and watches him take hold of the ratlines.* Do be careful in that upward venture. I must say it is far to early to be setting bones...
*Overhearing her name, leaves the stern rail and moves forward to look upon the main deck. Reaching the rail, collapses the 'glass she has been using and raises her cup of morning ritual towards the Quartermaster* Good morn to you and thank you for asking after us. This morning has proven fruitful and all has been readied for the events of the day. I have given Armand some time to himself ashore. I have a fresh pot of coffee in my possesion and you are welcome to it, though I know you prefer tea. *Smiles warmly*
Now, now my dear Poet. That statement is far from what the Tao teaches...Do I sense some verbage of a small soft donkey with a ribbon adorned tail? Very unbecoming of you, for you are far better than that. Silly Ol' Pooch...The fact of the matter is, if I were to allow all my "demons" to run rampet, I would find myself "gone by the board". Life is never an easy journey, you have to take the cards delt to you and bluff you way through on occassion...To fold is not an option. When things get nasty, it simply makes you enjoy the good moments all that much more. I count my blessings where they fall and am greatful. Tempt Fate? Damn right! I'll play the deck from either side and dare Fate to tempt me! So steady the course and dam the torpedoes!! Remember, my dear...Life is testing you...and it is, after all, only a test. "Slings and arrows", remember?
Good morning, William! An espresso, if you will...On second thought, make it a double. *yawn* Miss Rummy, you are well after your trek. Pleasure to see you. Salut', Capitaine Ciaran! Comment allez-vous? * Smiles warmly with a nod* Ahhh...Miss Mercenary, it is good to see you back with us! I trust your procedure went well and that the prognosis is good? *Takes a seat near the 'wale and watches the sun rise over the water*
Tish Sparrow: Is it "Ghostbusters"?
Turkish Empire
Amphiprion ocellaris ( Clown Fish)
canadien / canadienne
Merci beaucoupe
( poor gent) Glenlivet (Captain Badger...The Five Year pin denotes that the gent in question had been clean and sober for that space of time.)
*Tips the goblet in his direction* Then it sounds to me that the gentleman in question did not see the potential...Or perhaps he was a bore and there for offered no inspiration to your prowess. *Muses over the empty goblet before refilling* I much appreciate your concern in regard to my lack of Cutlass skill. I should look forward to the honing of such ability... *Pauses and focuses on him* But do keep in mind, it is rather hard for me to use either pistol or blade when up to my elbows in wounded... *Glances in the direction of the bow where her Steward watches the goings on down the quay* ...And that is part of Armand's function and station. To ensure that there are no problems in sticky situations. *She smiles warmly as her focus returns to him* I agree. We should relish this moment of calm before there is no peace of mind to be had.
The New Hebrides lie to the Eastern edge of the Coral Sea. Just north of the Tropic of Capricorn, nor'east of New Caldonia.
*Refills her goblet and considers* Well...I might say that you have exquisit form and offered me challenge, of that I can assure you. A nice bout, very nice indeed and a rare pleasure for me to find someone to keep me on my toes aside from Armand. *sips* I have to admit to you that I have no experience in the ways of a cutlass. I shall simply have to rely upon my marksmanship with pistol should the need arise.
New Hebrides
*Takes another draught* You are more than welcome to do so. I find that this area is rather peaceful as we are moored. Would you care for some Cognac? I also have a fine aray of meats and cheeses to choose from.
*Perched upon a coil of rope with a platter of meats, cheeses and bread at her feet. Hearing her name, she stands and looks down to the Main deck.* You are in need of something, Mister Lasseter? *Takes a sip from the crystal glass she is holding*
*She looks away from the Quartermaster at the mention of title* As you wish...Then I shall see to it that a kit is arranged to handle any ill fate that may arise. *Standing back two paces, she nods...* If you gentleman will excuse me then.
" Roast Beef of Old England"
*Listening intently to his relation of plans, coughing at the last information....* I see, then I shall make sure that my quarters and the Ward are prepared for an undertaking of such nature...If this is the intent, than I think that it would be to my advantage to procure a room ashore for the duration...
* Returning to the Main deck and over hearing the conversation going on there in regard to careening. She stops, one foot poised on the top step as her mind runs through what is entailed in such an act. The realization is struck and the delicate brow furrows as she proceeds to where the Quartermaster stands.* Mister Lasseter, a word with you if I may. What is this mention of careening? Am I to assume that such an act is to take place in regard to this vessel? All that buisness of blocks and tackle...The hoisting of its normal level standing to those of odd angles?
*Stands aside to hand Main Gauche & Rapier to her Steward, taking note of the newest recruite with a sidelong glance. She whispers to Armand, sending him below with the weaponry and watches the conversation take place between Diego and Dorian, keeping a respectful distance. With the Quartermaster's approach and comment...* There is no need for pardon...Duty always takes precedence. Would you prefer some establishment ashore or shall I check my private stock? *Looking to where Diego stands then back* I suppose I should make myself known, as is correct protocol... Good day to you, Mister Vega. I trust your journey lacked over much strife and proved fruitful. So good to see you back amongst us. Things have proven calm in your absence with only one minor injury to report. I do believe that I echo your sentiments in the pang of hunger that has made itself know. You shall excuse me while I go below and shall meet all at the Kate.