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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. *Nods* As you wish... *Continues below, after a quick once over of the Ward goes to her quarters and obtaining a volume of Virgil from the small desk to the right, fills a goblet with aged brandy. Listening for a moment to the movement on and about ship, she climbs into the comfort of slung hammock to attempt a small relax of nerves*
  2. *Pauses in step* Is there something I may bring you from below to calm your soul, Dorian? I am sure I can manage a cure of sorts...a mild tincture to settle the nerves?
  3. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *Stands to the side allowing him to gain his feet* As you were, sir...and I thank you for the compliment. *winks* *Gathering the satchel she glances to the Quartermaster* My work appears to be done for the time being, Mister Lasseter. If there is no current need for my attention, I shall be below to make a final going over of the Ward before all the insanity presents itself to bare.
  4. No...I do see that what I say is of no point currently. Not being one to bring my demons out for display, for they are mine alone, I shall place them back in their respective cubby holes and not tell the darker tales that exist....And they are far darker, I assure you. I will not play quid pro quo of ante up. I have come to accept most of the Past and have moved on giving a healthy respect to memories in which to better my existance in the now and future. I shall place one in check in the near future, that being the finalization of Academic pusuite. Medical school will do wonders for my soul....
  5. Glad to have been of service. Do check with me later if the aggrivation persists. *Removes small spectacles from satchel. Glances to its contents then removes tiny forcepts and matching shears. Applying the forcepts to the knotted tail of the suture, gingerly snips the end...* You will feel a slight tug... *Refocuses on the stitching and carefully draws the crossings further down in an upward direction to snip loose. Once again applying the forcepts, gently draws the filliment forth until each strand is removed. Inspecting the area once more before stepping back to face him, removing the spectacles.* Very good, fine job indeed. You are released, sir. Please do take care in the future, if you will.
  6. Gauntlet thrown and recieved... Alright my dear...Shall we travel into my past darkly? Lets see...Some of the finer points, oh yes... ( No...on second thought, there is no need for me to air the past to the present...Therefore I have removed the former content. My apologies to those who witnessed it in original form.)
  7. *Returning from below decks carring a small satchel* Good morning to you as well, Miss Constance. *Considers the issue* Well, being that the hammocks seem strung so closely together, I doubt that there is anyway in which to spread the bindings to creat more surface in which to lay... *Puzzles briefly* But, perhaps an adjustment applied to the area which plagues you will set all to right. Gather some wittles from the Galley and if the problem persists once you have finished your meal, I shall attend to it. *Setting the satchel down and facing Mad Jack* Shall we dispose of those, sir?
  8. road tiddies!....er...You know those bumps on the road creating medians and the like.
  9. *Gently seperates his hair to inspect and nods with approval. Stepping around to face him with a smile* Well sir, the news is good and I see no reason hindering the removal of that bit of filliment. Prime healing, indeed. *Starts to call for her Steward then remembers that he is ashore* I shall have to retrieve a few intruments from below and when I return, I shall remove those. Be a good gentleman and stay put, it will only take a brief...
  10. *Eyes narrowing* Sir I can assure you that I am very much in a living state and I care not if the Pope himself is to grace these decks... *Glances to Mad Jack then back* Those under my care take a higher precedence over any other notion. This is not a point that I will leave open for argument.
  11. *Centers on his approach* Good morning to you, sir! It has been a number of days and under my obsevation of daily going on, you seem to be in your rights of mental capacities. *Surveys the area and spies a low crate to the port side in full sun* If you will be so kind to take a seat on yon crate, I shall inspect your sutures. I shall assume they are in good repair and if the healing has occured, as I suspect it has...I shall remove them from your person.
  12. The Murders in the Rue Morgue
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