Well...we could go the tincture of Laudanum route, though I dare say it may interfear with any clear thinking...
*Considers then expression brightens*
Ahh...I have just the thing...
*Takes the stairs up*
Your left hand, please...
*Rolling his proffered hand, palm up, uses her thumb and index finger to apply pressure the the valley above the Venus Mound and the back directly across. Feeling the involuntary wince, she backs the pressure off and glances up...*
The pain appears when properly applied, Dorian. I assure you of its corrective properties, though if it is too disconcerting, I can switch to a physic medicinal...
*Overhearing Diego*
I slept...as best as can be expected, sir. I shall attend to the Master Gunner directly. Is there any blood to be seen? Please have the gentleman sit down out of the sun, if you will....