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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. Goodness, Diego! I have no desire to be Capitaine...Much too lofty for my want, though there are many deserving the title with the experience and proper knowledge....
  2. Counting Crows "August and Everything After"
  3. *Searches the Master Gunner's expression in brief* Very well, then. You shall rest easy then until I can have you brought below. If you are in desire of food and drink, I shall request something of suiteing nature from the Galley... *Looks across the deck...* Mister Lasseter. A moment of your time, if you please...
  4. *Stands erect for a moment, listening intently to the Master Gunner's circumstance.* Well then, you have had a bit of it then... *Investigates his scalp* I see no evidence of abrasion and no laceration, which is suprising to me from the impact you have described... though I do note a nasty contusion, a lovely aray of livid hue... *Stands again* It is of my judgement that until we are sure of the true nature of your ordeal, that you should be removed from the muster until otherwise noted. Nothing of a rigorous nature should be persued, sir. I shall have you aided to the Ward where you shall remain for the time at hand. I shall inform those who need know of my prognosis and instruction. A diet of light means for the next few days...No tabacco, sir. And by strictest order, no spirits. Are we in understanding, Mister Petee?
  5. *Releases the Quartermaster's hand, hearing Diego's request and statement. Raising one delicate brow...* Perhaps I should see to the future headache.... *Stands back to allow his passage to Diego then follows behind to check the Master Gunner with a sidelong glace to Diego in passing..* Well, well...What is it that seems to be the aggrivation? *Leans in to check dialation of Gunner Petee's pupils* Nothing amiss there...What is it that you did and where, if you please?
  6. Ahem.... William, I believe that this would do.... Se moquer de qn.
  7. Well...we could go the tincture of Laudanum route, though I dare say it may interfear with any clear thinking... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *Considers then expression brightens* Ahh...I have just the thing... *Takes the stairs up* Your left hand, please... *Rolling his proffered hand, palm up, uses her thumb and index finger to apply pressure the the valley above the Venus Mound and the back directly across. Feeling the involuntary wince, she backs the pressure off and glances up...* The pain appears when properly applied, Dorian. I assure you of its corrective properties, though if it is too disconcerting, I can switch to a physic medicinal... *Overhearing Diego* I slept...as best as can be expected, sir. I shall attend to the Master Gunner directly. Is there any blood to be seen? Please have the gentleman sit down out of the sun, if you will....
  8. Something to that nature...There are variations. What were you trying to say, dear William?
  9. Ahhh...We shall always have Paris....France that is. I do believe everyone has had the Hilton variety...Jesus, Mary and Patrick preserve us...
  10. They are above you? They trod upon you? (They rub you the wrong way?)
  11. Yuck!!...My sympathies..
  12. *Stirred from a catnap by the ruckus above, sits up sending the heavy text to the floor below. Looking groggily over the hammocks edge...* Merde... *Rolls out of the hammock, catching the goblet just before it spills and sets it on the small desk and stretches to release the aray of muscle kinks. In mid stretch, registers more confusion from above and cocks an ear to decern the issue* No use.. *Opening her berth's door to go topside, she realizes she is barefoot and after a moment of contemplation, decides to gain the main deck regardless. Leaving the comfort of muted light below, hesitates at the top step to let her eyes adjust to the brightness of the day. Making a survey of the view, senses that something of an unsettling nature has occured and stands in puzzelment to the confusion that has arisen...*
  13. Santana "Supernatural" "Smooth"
  14. Ahhh...De rien, mon ami. Je comprends...peu a' peu. "Nuit Hibou"? Non... I simply awoke too early this morn. Une cafe et Kahlua! Magnifique! Merci beaucoup, Capitaine! Je accepter avec plasir! *Glances to Dorian* Grenouille? Vachement? Ou?
  15. Et moi? Je sentir bien, mais je avoir envie de dormir. *yawn* Merci, Capitaine. Tu mal au dos...bien mieux?
  16. Either or.... "Orpheus" Hades "Morpheus" Dream
  17. Morpheus...oops too slow Dream
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