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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. *Stepping into the muted light of the Ward's confine, she considered the odd chain of events which lead up to the current time. The loss of a First Mate and a Captain before this barky had even cast her lines loose from the pier, strange occurances in themselves when considering the mode of hapstance and that this port of call was far calmer than others she had witnessed. But, things could, and had been worse, she mused unconciously biting her lower lip. Moving across the room, she took note of the peaceful form sleeping to the gentle sway of the hammock it occupied. The contusion that lay across the Master Gunner's scalp was not a pretty sight to behold, but inwardly, instinct told her the injury was not as ugly as it presented itself to be. The investigation had been of very thorough nature and she doubted highly that any fracture had occured. None the less, nothing would be left to compacency and Mister Petee would be observed like a hawk to ensure of no form of cranial anomoly. If there were any swelling internally, a procedure of trephination would best be tended to upon solid ground...not a rolling deck. Turning away, she noted a slight smile tug at the corners of his mouth in reaction to some far reached dream...Obviously, the blow had not hampered functions in the temporal lobe. Satisfied with her guest's state, she moved across to the heavy desk occupying the far wall and removed the leather bound medical log, quill and ink from its only drawer. Deep in thought as current events were scribed, she did not notice her Steward's presence until the tray was placed upon the desk's worn surface....* "Merci, dear friend..." Inhaling the aroma drifting from the China pot's spout. " A wonderful discovery of modern man, I dare say. You will please join me in its savor and tell me of your time ashore?...Or...Shall we just enjoy the savor? Perhaps you were as les grands felins amongst the local fair sex and wish not to disclose?..."
  2. William, you have my great respect and fact be known, you were one of the two I had to contemplate upon. Give you much joy, sir. I will be honored to offer my service under your command. Shall I obtain that bottle of Calvados?
  3. Little Ceasar (Self Titled) "Chain of Fools"
  4. Pussy Galore (Hey, I didn't name the character.)
  5. ( But why?) Mr. Bigglesworth
  6. Very well then...to the Ward I go. Yes...do not hesitate to send for me if something arises. *Smiles warmly*
  7. *Finches at the next volley of relay* My goodness... *Loudly* Gentleman! It is aparent that you have all well in hand. I am going below to stay out from underfoot...
  8. Do I make you randy, baby?
  9. Why of course...Being that was what William intended originally.
  10. I could literally translate, "she's having You on"
  11. *Shakes her head watching after the Master Gunner and Steward. A look of puzzelment crinkles her brow in answer to the tremor below her bare feet. Flinching to the roar of command delivered from above, she notices the dock moving slowly away and moves to the port 'wale. Whispering underbreath...* Another brandy would suite nicely....
  12. *Reaches forward to grasp his arm* Not so fast there, sailor. Easy as she bears... *Armand drops his dunnage to the deck and steps forward to help support the Master Gunner. She releases her hold as Armand queries...* Are you ready, monsieur? We shall move slowly, oui? If I move to fast you will let me Know?
  13. Good to hear... *Notices her Steward climbing over the 'wale.* Bonjour, Armand! When you have a moment, will you assist Mister Petee to the Ward, s'il vous plait? *recenters* My steward will assure that you are comfortable below in a moment and will see to your needs.
  14. And a fine artist you are from what I have had the pleasure of viewing, my dear. By the bye..."Se moquer de qn" basicly translates to "Poking fun at another."
  15. *A small bow* A pleasure to be of service to your needs, sir. I assure you that you will be well overseen until set to rights. *winks with a smile*
  16. whew!...dodged that cannonball! There are two that I see that are of ability for said status. I shall have to muse on it.
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