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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. "My Sharonna" The Knack
  2. Ahhh...and there's the rub. Tastes nothing like it smells...Bastards!
  3. We bought it when it first appeared. Take my word on it, pass it by. If I cannot drink it straight, than I don't want it.
  4. " Come and Get Your Love" Redbone
  5. No, I think you have it confused with Cpt. Morgan's "Tattoo".
  6. Make mine a double without so much water in it. Cruzan Black Strap
  7. Sailor Jerry Spiced Navy Rum
  8. The hard packed mixture of rock and soil gave way to the pristine order of hand laid stone leading to the ornate iron gate suspended betwixt two marble columes of Corinthian nature. The solid cylindrical vissages acting as dutiful sentries standing watch to the grand manor beyond. At the soundings of hoofbeat, a wide shouldered man armed with a blunderbuss appeared from the Gatehouse just behind the iron blockade. As the two riders neared as look of recognition bloomed upon his features as he hurried to put the blunderbuss out the way and open the large gate. Allowing the riders through, he doffed his hat in respect. "Bonjour, Monsieur D'esnambuc, Mademoiselle Bertrand!" Armand checked his mount's movement to aknowledge the Gatekeeper with warmth. " Salut' Blaha! Ca va, mon ami?" The Gatekeeper smiled widely. "Merci et vous?" " Tres bien, merci. J'espere que nous aurons binetot l'occasion de nous revoir. Pardon." Armand urged his mount back into forward motion and was thankfull to soon being able to dismount and relax for a space of time. A bell rang from near proximity and as they neared the grand facade of the great house, a flurry of servants rushed to present themselves in proper line followed closely by a very elegant woman of forty years. A flow of silk and lace marked her wake as she stepped forward to the edge of the step, warm excitement flushing her high cheekbones. "Armand! Madimoiselle Bertrand! Je vous souhaite la bienvenue!!" Dismounting and handing the riens to an awaiting groom, they approached the bottom step and paused. The surgeon moving forward a pace before speaking. "Merci, Madame Laurent! Such a kind welcome in such short notice. Our time here, unfortunatly, is very short due to demands placed eleswhere, but...we so enjoy seeing you and wish circumstances were otherwise. At risk of stepping over the bounds of your hospitality, may I request that we are aloud to freshen ourselves before continuing the nature of our visit. If you would be so kind." A shadow of concern played the statuesque woman's face as she replied. But, of course. Please, step inside and I will arange for something to eat and drink while you change..."
  9. Sea captains under spiritious influence
  10. Hotel California... (It's an Eagles day, I guess)
  11. " Wasted Time " The Eagles (Box Set "Selected Works 1972-1999")
  12. Thank you, kind gent! We have plans to be in Panama City for the Feast in late September, so there should be current shots from that excursion. Looking forward to seeing your new images!
  13. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  14. The night's passing on to early dawn had been uneventfull outside of the boldness of a single footpad's attempt of procuring an amount of economic transfer hours before. Perhaps a successful venture if attempted on another choice of prey. With Armand's convincing the robber's poor choice, the wretch was sent on, his was bearing a fine display of contusion as payment for his efforts. On a rise of semi level means, the two riders took their brief moment of rest to ease the ache of muscles having been forced to endure the long night in flight. The valley below was a quintessence of Eden, layered in the guaze of early morning mists, viewed from the uneven plateau. The panorama, to the east, gave view to a gentle rise of lofty height and there, like a jewel in the embrace of golden light, lay their destination. Leaning against the support of a local conifer, Armand paused in the consumption of day old loaf to observe, " Je connais vos pensees...un heure." Without turning from the view to the distance, the Surgeon answered as if thoughts were far away. " Oui...an hour more, I believe. We will stop at the stream that runs near the base of this ridge and water the horses, than continue to the chateau." Unconsciously, she reached within the coat's inner pocket to ensure the packet's security before turning to face her companion. "Time and tide do us grave injustice by not halting their eternal progress in our favor. I dispise the idea of pressing on so soon after the rigors of the night, but... press on we must, mon ami."
  15. Feast for a carrion crow
  16. Great CD! I have had it for many years.
  17. ( I know that film) Richard O'Brien
  18. " Those Shoes" the Eagles
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