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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. As the gale relenquised some of its anger, the Capitaine and First Lieutenant retreated to the warmth and dry comfort of Great cabin surround. The Capitaine's servant bustled to and fro, removing wet outer clothing to be serviced and laying a spread of cold meats, cheeses, bread and Bordeaux upon the mahagony surface. Both men sat quietly, enjoying the concept of not being soaked to the bone and savoring the simple spead of nourishment in late hour. As the plates were removed and a fresh decanter of Calvados replaced the heavy wine, Dominique looked questioningly to his cousin, choosing his words with care as he sampled the heady manner within crystal encompassment. "Jean..." Lamaire started hesitantly as the other's eyes centered upon him; the younger cleared his throat softly in reconsideration of how to proceed. "Cousin, I am only to assume that perhaps our buissness with the other ship is not concluded...I know you too well and under normal circumstance, we would have made way for the inlet north of here to ride out the weather..." Fournier gave a minute nod of accord to the words spoken, unconsciencously whirrling the contents of goblet in slow spin to the sound of stern window's rattle. Stopping movement, the amber sights studied the slow of centerfuge and at the show of stopping, sipped the goblet's offering then shifted in position of seating. With a tincture of wry smile, Fournier contiued to scrutinize the crystal content. "I am sure this conjecture of hypothosis is not just of your own..." he sided. "Non...It is irregular and some have asked as such..." The capitaine leaned forward to elbow support as dampened legnth of raven's wing hue gained partial freedom of shoulder barrier to hang limply as facial border. With a pause of contemplation, the servent was called to fetch the teak hinged box. After delivery of request, he slipped away once again as if his presence had never occured at all. Fournier unlatched the delicate keeper and released the lid to give air to content, turning it about face, he slid it over for inspection. Dominique looked from his cousin's expression, to the open maw then back with subtle indication of query and seeing the silent nod of assent, removed what was contained, with scar ravaged hand. Fournier watched quietly as Dominique's expression changed its vissage as the text was gleened... ************************************************************ Whereas His sacre' Majesty Louis XIV, by the grace of God, King and defender of the Faith, etc. Hath an Open and Declared War against England, her Supporters, Vassals and Subjects. And Forasmuch as you have made Application unto Me for Licence to Arm, Furnish and Equip the said Frigate in warlike manner, against his Majesties said Enemies, I do accordingly Permit and Allow the same; And, reposing special Trust and Confidence in your Loyalty, Courage and good Conduct, Do by these Presents, by Virtue of the Powers and Authorites contained in His Majesties Royal Commision to Me granted, Impower and Commisionate you, the said William Hollande, to be Capitaine de Fregate of the said vessel Watch Dog: hereby Authorizing you in and with the said frigate and Company to her belonging, to War, Fight, Take, Kill, Suppress and Destroy any considered to be suspected or Declared Enemies of the Crown of France, In what Place soever you shall happen to meet them; Their Ships, Vessels and Goods, to take and make Prize of. And your said Frigates Company are Commanded to Obey you as their Capitaine: And your self in the Execution of this Commission, to Observe and Follow the Orders and Instructions herewith given you. And I do hereby Request all Gouverneurs and Commandants en Chef, of any of His Majesties Territories, Islands, Provinces or Plantations, where the said Capitaine de Fregate shall arrive with his said Vessel and Men: And all Amirals, Vice-Amirals and Capitaines de Fregate of His Majesties Ships of War, and others that may happen to meet him at sea; Also all Officers and Subjects of the Friends or Allies of His said Sacre' Majesty, to permit him the said Capitaine de Fregate with his said Vessel, Men, and the Prizes that he may have taken, freely and quietly to pass and repass, without giving or suffering him to receive and Trouble or Hindrace, but on the contrary all Succour and Assistance needfull. Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms at Fort-de-France, Martinique; In Honor of France and His Majesties Reign By His Exellencies Command, Gouverneur Louis-Claude Garavaque (comp. 09/03/05 F.T.H.M) ************************************************************ The First Lieutenant grasped near standing spirit vessel, downed the content and re-read the parchement before offering an expression of sudden realization and a hint of confusion to the other. Placing the document back within its holding cell, Dominique raised a brow as he spoke secretively... " This is...that is a..." The wording seemed to die in his throat. Capitaine Jean-Micheale Fournier sampled casually from his goblet, the content once again beginning its centerfuge spin. "Oui...a Marque...or rather a copy of the original document to be served..." Silence ruled the room, its command intermittantly disturbed by rattle of wood bordered glass tugged by the tendril's of storm induced fingers, prying encasement in hopes of victory in possesion.
  2. Leiutenant Dominique-Gaston Lamaire stood the quarterdeck and, with aid of 'glass, scanned upper surfaces of the near distant frigate. His cousin had retreated back to quarters with the departure of the man known as Capitaine Hollande, nary a word was mentioned in regard to the parley that had recently taken place below. Not that Dominique had given any real effort in pondering what had transpired, Fournier would reveal his thinkings soon enough, in a more private venue as was to be expected. Lamaire safely assumed it was only a matter of time before he would be requested to Jean-Micheale's audience and there observations would be aired over some well bouqueted spirit. Moving the 'glass away for a moment, the pale blue eyes watched the progress of the barge as it pulled away and steadily made passage to its' mother in arms. The Lieutenant had to admit that he had been more than a little impressed by the manners of the Chien de Garde's members as they waited on deck for their Capitain's return above to go back across. Not that he had any pre-conceived notions of the Anglais and whether they were of bad nature or not. Dominique, much like his cousin, prefered to let men show themselves for what they were before putting them in a labeled catagory. Lamaire had thought it only proper to extend hospitality in good faith, to the now departing launch crew, and had even been amused by the coments shared betwixt himself and the man now guiding the barge by position of coxswaine's command. Bright flash off to the right brought the Lieutenant's attention back to the other frigate's stern and reinstating 'glass for visual decearn, he was met with a mirror of his own bearing. From stern rail perch, the other waved in acknowlegement to being viewed from afar, and Lamaire returned the gesture in kind with unconscience smile. Dominique was in mid-thought of collapsing the cylindrical extention of sight, when the figure to the left of his doppleganger called attention to scrutiny. Panning to proximity, the pale hue of blue vision centered, and what was seen took him aback enough to prompt a small gasp of disbelief. Lowering the glass, his mind raced to decipher what was discovered and for a hesitation to time's progress. Dominique-Gaston Lamaire debated next actions and found only the hurdles of quandry in return for effort. It was during this moment of contemplation, that the wind shifted in course and what seemed a calm quickly changed its' vissage to the mark of darkening skies in omnipotent stature. As he composed relay of orders, the well-oiled human machine around him began its' clockwork flurry of motion to stage counter against the wants of impending gale...
  3. Unmoving from the stern rail, the Surgeon kept vigil at the Quartermaster's side. She trusted William's judgement in matters of diplomacy, but had deepest wish that he had sent her across as an emissary to bring the other commander here. Tempest's assumptions of deduction had been proven true, the thirty-two gun frigate had been Chasse de Mer, and with the first clear view across the way of watery seperation, the capitaine had been confirmed, as well. The presence of Dorian's nearness settled some of her aprehension, and the reapearance of William seated safely within the barge did well to subside more of it; never the less, until she could speak with the Captain in private audience, the last of her tension would not be quelled in full. Moving unconsciencously closer to the Quartermaster's side, the Surgeon watched with intensity as the barge pushed away to return home.
  4. Jean Micheale Fournier approached the other and stopping close enough to keep words to their hearing alone, he spoke... " Our buisness is not finished as of yet, Capitaine...And I doubt that you will be going anywhere with that crippled trader unless it is your intention to tow it....That is not something that I could recomend." He stepped back a pace. "Au revoir for now, Capitaine...Hollande."
  5. Fournier regained his former perch across the table from William and listened to the musings offered up to verbal manner. Waving his steward to refill William's glass, he moved the large chair out and took a seat. "You realize that there are those who would kill for the chance to have the very same document you now hold. To have one's name upon a paperment as that and the official seal that gives designation of power is a mighty thing..." He sipped casually from the goblet, and swirled its contents before placing it to mahogany surface. Leaning forward Fouriner fixed William with a subtle scrutiny. " I do not know what your connection is in order to obtain that paticular document...I can make assumptions, but it is not my way." The French Captain leaned into the chair's support and took another draught from waiting glass. " I think there are things in need of further discussion...The Dutch captain being one. I will tell you, I know of this man and am very aware of his...mannerisms. I do not condone the ways he embodies. I shall see you back to your waiting crew and bid you well for the time being...But, Capitaine Hollande...the document shall remain in my possesion for now." Fournier watched the other man closely. "I have enjoyed our conversation and perhaps we shall share a meal in the near future, as a token of my hospitality. We shall remain here until the time is befitting to move on..." With words spoken, the Frenchman stood in respect then escorted William back to the deck above.
  6. The mention of name brought all into focus and to the fore front with the narrow of eyes. "Pardon, Capitaine....Hollande...You did say...Scully, did you not? And you have this man in your possesion, oui?" Waving his steward near, Fournier made a quiet request and waited for the servent's return. Obtaining the object requested, Fournier made way around the long sweep of table and placed the teak box down in front of William.
  7. Fournier gave a hint of smile to the response presented and then acted as if nothing had been said at all. With his steward's arrival and a round poured, Fournier leaned upon the top of chair back directly across from where William sat. "Capitaine, this is an interesting turn of the card...And I dare to say that "your aid" to that other vessel is not as it may appear..." Fixing William with amber scrutiny, he went on. "So...for the sake of curiosity....Where is the crew to the other vessel and better yet, where is her capitaine?" There was a certain chilling to the soul that arrived with the smile now in place.
  8. The Surgeon stood near the Quartermaster perched with extended glass. Inwardly she was cursing William's decision in not having her accompany him. Tempest was familiar with some of the French Capitaine's ways and it would do nothing less than ease things with her presence known. She was rousted out of musing by the offhand observation made by Dorian. "Frenchy?...."
  9. A good natured laugh emitted from Fournier in response to William's statement. "That is fine...We can accomidate your...need. May I offer you something to steel your throat and relief from the morning heat?" Fournier stepped back with a wave of hand to indicate direction. "Your crewmember's waiting below may come upon deck, there is no reason for them to suffer in the sun, non? I believe you will find my quarters of comfort...If you please, monsieur...or is it Capitaine?" The French captain guaged william's manner shrewdly but not in an obvious way, then turning with the flash of smile again, lead on to where the things would be revealed to both sides...
  10. " Accueillir, Monsieur Holland...Capitaine Holland? Mon nom Lieutenant Dominique-Gaston Lamair. Enchante' ." The Lieutenant noted a brief confusion in the other's features. "Pardon...I have the impression that you are not over familiar to our tongue, oui?" He chuckled. "It is of no matter, I am capable to your anglais...Capitaine Fournier will be here to greet you very soon." Dominique did a subtle survey of the surround to ensure all was as should be. Those that graced the deck did so with perfect attention to poise and etiquette. From behind, a slender man of dencent hiegth approached with confident stride, the intelligent eyes looking over their guest with interest. Removing his hat, Fournier extended a hand of good faith to William. 'Bonjour et accueiller...."
  11. Lieutenant Lamaire looked down upon the broad shouldered man approaching below with a nod of acknowledgement. "Oui, permission granted..."
  12. Returning to quarters, Fournier considered the name he had glimpsed as they rounded to the area in which they would hold position. Digarding the frock and shirt for fresher change, he glanced to the hinged box and wondered if it would be leaving his protection sooner than anticipated. His steward brought forth newly polished boots, the coat of deepened blue tint, service pistol and sword belt proper to station. All in place and brushed, Fournier retrieved a sampling from near decanter then waited for word from above....
  13. At relay of answering signals, Capitaine Fournier purses lip and hands the 'glass to Lamaire. Standing forward to the rail he issues a series of orders to the crew below then turns to his helmsman. "Monsieur Grandjean....I wish you to place us off that frigate's starboard quarter of stern facing...close but not overmuch." "Oui, Capitaine." Turning away, Jean-Micheale Fournier scans the decks and shrouds with a nod of approval as set by set, the vast canvas is taken in to slow her progress. Noticing the presence of Dominique, he comments... "You have the deck, Monsieur Lamaire....I am going below to change into appropriate attire...." "Pardon, Capitaine...but is not what you are currently wearing appropriate enough?" The Lieutenant qurieries. Fournier pauses in step and casts a glance over shoulder... "Non....Did you notice the name coming into view across her stern?"
  14. The Gascon ponders the statement as looks to the splinted limb that the Master at Arms is burdened with. "Non, Monseigneur...Above is not a good choice for me." His eyes cut away briefly, then return. " I will stay here for now...or at least in near proximity."
  15. The Surgeon looked to the Quartermaster with a small furrow of brow... "Non, Mister Lasseter...I do not think a show of intent in force would be wise. Even though I am not the one to make or direct such decisions...' She refocused on the other ship as it tacked around, passing parrallel to the leeward shore.
  16. A second gun was fired to prod respones from the other ship. Fournier stood stock still, 'glass centered upon movement occuring upon either of the near distant decks. Any act of aggression portrayed from the two lazily bouncing to water's desire would be a poor choice to make and if the master of yon frigate were a gentleman of any worth, he would know as such. The other frigate's current situation put them at grave disadvantage to make with foolishness. Fournier lowered the 'glass, he was a patient man and would not show a force of hand on whim.
  17. Fournier mulled over the messege returned and ordered a change of course to round the other frigates stern. Like a well oiled machine, sails were adjusted to want and the "Hunter of the Seas" danced around in smooth seeking of new bearing. "Lieutenant Lamaire...Re-request a show of colors and relay that we wish to speak with that frigate's capitaine, s'il vous plait." "Oui, Capitaine"
  18. "Then do you know who Captains her?" The Surgeon studies the frigates line for a moment before replying... "Oui....If she is who I suspect, she is Chasse de Mer...You remember a certain cutter, do you not?" Tempest smiles mischievously at the Captain's subtle reaction. "She is mastered by Capitaine Jean-Micheale Fournier, brilliant seaman and stratagist...Do not toy with him, is my advice. You do recall Capitaine Moreau? Fournier is an understudy to that gentleman's tutorage.....But, if it is as I suspect....I do not think you will be regretful of this visitation. Capitaine Fournier delivered the dispatch of request to Martinique. He has done us service...."
  19. The Surgeon nods to the Captain's request and asks for the use of a 'glass. Scanning the other's legnth with care, a strange sense of familiarity comes to fore front. Dropping the glass away from sight, she looks to William, her brow knit with thought. "Do not swear me to this, sir...But, I do beleive I know her for in recent past I may have walked her decks..."
  20. The thundering roll of polished brass twelve roars across water's surface and echos the bounce of wave. Veering in course, the frigate heels to starboard and gives view of multiple gape of gun port gracing the swoop of wale. Below the surface of low beamed ceiling, gunner crews and officers stand at ready to the company of slow match burn. Fournier kept diligent survey of the near distant view, carefully taking in details as they arose. The smaller ship was in stages of repair, her masts and yards in a state of frenzy. It was obvious that new planking had been put into place sparadiclly through out. "Lieutenant Lamaire...Please raise semphores to our new found company and inquire them to raise colors and also what their buisness is in these waters..."
  21. Quickly moving out of the Quartermaster's path, Tempest moves to the hailing of Jack's voice. Raising a brow to his words, she shakes her head and is once agin reminded of her grand da's willfull nature. "You, Monseignuer, are a bull-headed fellow. Mon dieu! Fine!....I shall allow you your wish, but only in Armand's presence. It is apparent to me that you are determined in your want of fair les quarter cents coups....So be it..." The announcement is disrupted by Captain's request for audience and she turns swiftly to answer the call.
  22. The morning winds paid Chasse de Mer kind as she took the spray into her teeth and gained a knot with the quartering breeze. Her pilot ever familiar with the frigate's temperments was pleased with the conditions at present and smiled warmly to her master's appearance above. Lieutenant Lamaire joined Fournier at the rail, handing into possesion the elegant legnth of brass, wood and glass already extended for use. With a nod of acknowledgment, the tall Frenchman viewed to scene forward of the bow. Careful survey took in details and deduction proved assumptions true...The far ship was frigate class and of deffinate Anglais origin by build. The near was familiar to him in lines and note was taken of her designations, Fournier had seen the smaller ship before and it was only a matter of time before he placed her where abouts. There was a sudden stir of movement on yon frigate's decks, it was obvious now that Chasse de Mer had been spotted. Lowering the glass, he gave sidelong glance to Dominique. "Fire signal and steer three points to starboard...We shall see what happens next....The guns are at ready, I shall assume."
  23. Stepping a pace closer into the deeper surround of shadow, the Surgeon shifts the weight of satchel to the other hand and consider the offer. To inward amusement, she studies the hint of nervousness that the quartermaster unconsciencously allows to be viewed. "I am sure that he would be more than happy to give back what is yours...It is not as if we are in poor possesion of weaponry." She brushes by to lay quiet rap upon oaken door... "Armand, se moi....ouvert, s'il vous plait."
  24. The familiar voice caught her immediate attention as she came up from behind carrying a satchel of foodstuffs. "Yes?...." A smallish grin played her expression at the slight start from the Quartermaster's unawares of her presence.
  25. Proximity: 16* 19' 12" N / 61* 4' 26" W French Frigate Chasse de Mer The morning's sun gave sheen of silvered apparition to the massive masts and yards, as they with the burden of full sheets, propelled the thirty-two gun ship in her coursings at a steady pace of eleven knots. La Desirade had been reported as in distant view in the last hour's passing, and orders had been sent to ensure that the frigate was in a state that would be acceptable to the view of any high official or noble. Crewmembers scurried here and there to make good of their Capitaine's wishes; not, that in all reality, such a feat was of any cumbersome being for Chasse de Mer was kept in a constant state of perfection, carefully maintained and doted on by those who kept her company. With the finale of stages of close inspection put to rest, Capitaine Jean-Micheale Fournier excused himself from the ship's company to comfort of private quarter's below. Anticipation strained the bindings of figuritave leash as he gave last survey to the dress uniform hanging nearby. Easing into the thick cushon of opulant chair, he contemplated the careful craftmanship of teak hinged box resting to the left and the contents that lay within its' secure encompassment. Within the day's come and go, he would be accepted into the grand surround of Chateau de la dore' Soliel and the teak burden would be delivered. It promised to be a delightful amount of time to be spent within the company of the Laurents. Jean-Micheale had a finite appreciation for the more eloquated offerings in life, an insatiable appetite for the mixture of pleasurable pursuites in regard to all of his senses. Jean-Micheale was a connoisseur in such capacity that it could easily be said that he was the quintisence of his nationality. A semi-distant call from unseen heighths above broke his mental meander, the intesity of amber hue centered upon the door that lay directly across from where he now relaxed. A brief pass of time fleeted in laps to the knock he expected, which arrived soon after the call and the voice of his cousin carried through wooden barrier requesting admittance. " Entrer. " Closing the door securly behind, Dominique stood slightly winded with the hurried travel from above to below. " There have been two ships sighted off the port bow, two points to the west..." The Lieutenant paused to catch a breath. " They are not moving, there is no spread of sail to be seen and one of the two appears to be Anglais in design. What are your wishes?" Fournier regained his footing to the lay of oriental rug below and paced for a moment in thought. " Redirect bearing to their proximity. When close enough, fire a signal gun to get their attention. Tell the gunnery to be prepared, for we shall leave nothing to chance...I shall return to the quarter deck momentarily. Until then, I trust your prudent judgement." "Tres vien." First Lieutenant Lamaire departed with the same urgency to which he had arrived. Fournier regained the comfort of former seat to the heeling pull of the large frigate's change of direction....
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