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Capt. Blue Eyes

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Everything posted by Capt. Blue Eyes

  1. Sorry, don't know what happened. The link didn't look right, so I'm reposting it. http://www.treasureislandtheuntoldstory.com/ I'll let ya' know how the book turns out.
  2. Wow! I gotta' get a copy of that film! Did you guys know that Stevenson's story may have been based on a true Piratical incident? I found (and ordered -- it should arrive in a couple of days) a book by John Amrhine where he tracks down the source of the story. I can't wait to read it. He had an earlier book (which I read over and over to get "hints" to other wrecks off the island) called "The Hidden Galleon" which may be the source of the horses on Assateague Island. He makes a compelling case for the U.S. Parks Service to allow the site to be excavated for a museum. Anyway, here's some more info on the Treasure Island story http://www.treasureislandtheuntoldstory.com/
  3. Ahh... 1 F. I know of several large bore BP flint shooters that use that in their shoulder arms in competition shoots. They say they like the slower burn and less pressure. I'd like to get some and try it in my guns. They're 1-inch bore as well. With about 2 oz. of 2 F they're pretty loud! ...especially on the water. Even from a mile or more offshore, there's a good echo rebound. good to know you like the Hern guns. At some point, I'm looking at putting something onboard that would simulate (to scale) a Long Nine. I'll give good consideration to Hern on that. When dealing with them, were they pretty quick to fill your order?
  4. Not to be nosey -- and, definitely NOT to start anything, but is this a cast iron gun? I looked at Hern's stuff (and a bunch of others) before opting to make my own. I can't remember if Hern offered a "lined" barrel or not. Is yours cast iron and lined with a steel insert? I'm sort of curious how they accomplish that. (Mostly, I'm wondering if the end of the steel insert is capped and, if so, if they do it with a threaded plug or by some other method.) Damn, I love cannon!!! Powder isn't too hard to come by here in Pa. But the coarsest I can easily get is 2 F. (I use 4 F for priming). The black powder guy where I get it has to buy 1 F (or C) in 25 lb. lots and only has room in his magazine for about 25 lbs. So I'm usually stuck adjusting shots with 2 F. What powder do you guys use?
  5. Curly Maple? I doubt that it would look silly. But, I'll bet it looks doggone expensive!!! Go for the white oak. Hit it wish some tung oil and let it darken with age. I've seen someone selling them (navel carriages) made from "soft maple," but don't know how PC that would be. I've also seen teak, but for GAOP, I think it'd probably be English White Oak. Of course, if it was a pirate crew needing to do a quick repair, I'm sure their carpenter would use whatever wood was available. Found a site that might be of interest and maybe help you find your wheels. http://cannonsuperstore.com/carriages.htm I think iron-tired (and iron lined axel hole) would be about right. You'd just "shrink" the "tire" onto the solid wooden wheel. If you want to try it, I could tell you how we did it for wooden wagon wheels, which are actually heavy and of a pretty large diameter. I'd think the smaller cannon carriage wheels would be much easier to do -- probably with the heat from a gas stove. An even easier way is to see if there are any Amish living near you. Their wheelwrights would be able to make the whole wheel, or shrink a tire on wheels you made and I doubt that they'd overcharge you for their services. They might also be able to help you with "ironing" your carriage. Good luck.
  6. like garlic? The Pirates of the Spaghetti Coast!! (or... la Coasta Nostra) Hey, it's early... Brain isn't workin' yet.
  7. I love a game of chance...and snuff! Kindly drop my name into the hat.
  8. Hello, triple-P A lot of stuff was made out of Rock Elm, probably for its hardness and duribility. I've seen it (rock elm) referred to for dead-eyes and blocks. I'm not sure where you'd find that stuff these days. (Dutch Elm Disease and all.) I'd think just about any hardwood would be good. If I were lucky enough to have that 3/4 scale carronade of yours, I'd probably look around for White Oak or something like that. I mean, I've fixed (restored) up wooden wagon gears during my "farming with draft horses" days, and most of the heavy structure stuff was made from a pretty close grained white oak. That stuff wasn't too hard to work and was pretty strong. It also (according to claims) had better rot resistance than red oak. I used to get my white oak (and other hardwoods) from a small, family-owned sawmill. Generally, the stuff I bought wasn't seasoned (but they had some stuff available that was seasoned, but more expensive) so I'd stack it in a corn-crib where it was out of the rain and direct sun, but could still get air. It was also "unplaned," that is, fresh out of the saw, so the dimensions were larger than today's standard, to allow for planing. Good luck with your carriage! Please post a pic when it's done.
  9. Foxe, Really great point! I started thinking about the years/dates when I was reading your paper. As soon as I can get some time, I'm going to go back into that (ancestry) and try to nail down the dates so I have them correct. I was going from memory and (at my age) memory can get hazy as if there was rum involved! Fer instance... I think the witch thing was 1692, not 1691. (geeze... I hate it when things get fuzzy!) At least I got the town right! And, for the record... Cotton Mather is still a turd -- even after all of these years!
  10. Hey, Foxe, I just found your Jacobitism and the "Golden Age" paper. Can't wait to read it!!! Also, can't wait to read the two books I see you've written. I just gotta' order 'em. They're in English, right? (only kiddin'!!!) Hopefully, they're available here (since I don't know how to convert to pounds.) The Amazon site I went to only listed them with the "L" thingie. I found some of my ancestors came to Virginia in chains. Transported as "white slaves" or "white jacobite slaves," something in the early to mid 1600's. I don't know enough about that period My guess was they must've pissed someone off over there, but not enough to just hang them. They were eventually emancipated, I think. I'm hoping I'll find more info on this stuff. Other ancestors got thrown out of England, too, and arrived here with that Mayflower riff-raff. Eventually, the mayflower *ss holes threw them out of Andover, Mass, too. Accused 'em of witchcraft, first, though, in 1691. 'twas a shame though, given that the records of that time show my ancestor was a boozin' blacksmith that liked defying the church elders. (oh....must be genetic memory goin' on here....) Anyway, can't wait to read your stuff!
  11. I'm interested. Tell me more.
  12. Oh, double-oops!!! mea culpa, mea culpa.... Foxe, I meant the town of Lewes, Delaware. (I forgot about the other Lewes, "accros the pond.") Sorry
  13. Ahhhh!!!! 'tis always wonderful to inspire ideas... an' "slopped some on themselves or each other" does have a sort of poetic naughtiness to it. So, says I, Ye should run with this idea of yours, Red Dawn! I'll lift me cup an' drink to yer health and laugh me fool arse off, I'm sure. ...once I'm full enough of rum, of course. Hey, Foxe ... I'll have to dig it up, but I did run into some correspondence and material (from the time period) from the Pennsylvania Assembly regarding the raid. Memory says it was before Kidd anchored there in 1699, and I'm thinking the 1691 date may be correct on the sacking. But... the ship came inside the Cape, dropped the hook off what is now Lewes Beach and something like 100 pirates came ashore and took some of the town Notables as hostage. Then they started going house to house stealing everything in sight, smashing open anything they thought had something valuable inside and then took off with everyone's clothes. I don't remember running into anything where anyone was killed for defending the place and I don't remember anything being written about any "ravaging," either. Seems they just came ashore, scared the hell out of everyone and then departed with anything that struck their fancy. At the time they came ashore, someone got away and made their way up to Phila. for help. Some of the contemporary views of the Assemblymen was that if Lewes wouldn't cavort with pirates so much this sort of thing wouldn't happen. But, the assembly did send some relief in the form of clothing and food and such. I'm thinking this was not the only sacking of Lewes, as I did come across another reference to pirates sacking the place in the early 1700s, but haven't had the time to follow up on it. Of course, during the war of 1812, Cockburn shelled the place but decided not to land troops and raid, sack and burn.
  14. yeah, I got to agree with you guys, Not a lot of stuff to go on, but there've been some good finds just going on legend, rumor and stories told and retold (Whydah for instance) and someone having the determination to keep looking 'til they find something. Bonnet's ship, might even be somewhere to be found if one took the time to research what happened to it after he was captured. Was it sold? Did it get scrapped/abanoned somewhere near Charleston, etc.? Might be some remains somewhere. Maybe someone made something from a mast or a beam. I was born in Lewes, and there was always the story about the small cannon (in the little park by the drawbridge) having come from a "pirate ship" that was abandoned near the mouth of Lewes Creek. Maybe, who knows. One thing's sure, they did find an old shipwreck site there when they were dredging for beach replentishment several years ago. Ceramics were being found by beach-goers. What that the pirate ship? Was that ship even identified yet? Who knows? and, where did the "rumor" come from that it was a pirate ship? Of course, what if it was??? BTW... I'm trying to find some info on a French pirate named "Canoot" who sacked Lewes in 1691 or so. Anybody have any clue who he was? I'm pretty sure there things to be found here and there if one runs down the leads. Provenance, of course would be "difficult."
  15. Foxe, Thanks for the correct title of the manuscript! I'll start searching for it. The trial transcripts (some) can be found in the early law book compilations. So far, I've found Dawson, Kidd, (and Co.) Every, Quelch, Bonnet and a couple of others. Some parts are in Latin, such as the sentencing to hang between the "fluxem (and) refluxem" of the sea, etc. Those sentenced for treason at the time, were sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered, which in Latin reads almost poetic... I'll try to get some sites for the free d/l s of those books and post them here. Most have a missing page or two, but the missing pages can be found by d/l another copy of the same book, (which may be missing other pages that you had in the first book!) Still, I'm wonderin' about the "wearing of scents." My guess is they probably didn't wear it as a habit aboard. They might have "tested" it -- slopped some on themselves or each other as they discovered it in the plunder, much the same as one might sprtiz a beer or bit of rum on someone else when the party is going crazy, but other than that, they were probably a pretty stinky lot unless they were getting cleaned up and primped up for a trip ashore to meet the ladies. I'd say they weren't much different than a group of (my day's) soldiers when we were in the field for a couple of weeks. After a bit, ya get used to the stink and you basically only bathe the "essentials." Then, when you know you're sneakin' off to town, you clean up a little (yes, we used our outer steel helmet shell as a bath and shaving basin -- among other things!) and maybe touch up with a bit of after-shave or something. But, for the day to day aboard, I just don't see 'em getting too fussy about dressing up or smelling nice or anything like that. Something I wonder about is if there are any surviving examples of pirate rope-work, ditty bags, stuff like wood carvings or scrimshaw. Pirates were sailors and sailors get "industrius" when they're bored and start making things with their hands. I'm sure pirates made stuff just like other sailors did. Also, I wonder what happened to Blackbeard's sword. I really doubt that Maynard returned to Hampton without it. It was a good trophy -- as would have been his Jolly Roger. I'm sure some of that stuff has to have survived somewhere but is forgotten in some family attic. Same for "trophies" taken by the other sailors aboard ships that took pirates. That stuff's gotta' be around somewhere.
  16. I feel the same way. I started looking up the trial transcripts of the various crews that got caught. Wealth of info in those! Much as I hate Cotton Mather, I'd like to read the full set of his "pamphlets' regarding the pirates he was preaching at prior to their hangings. Another manuscript I'd like to get my hands on is the Trials of Pirates at Cape Coast Castle (or whatever it's titled) Supposed to be something like 180 some pages written by a clerk at the trial of Bart Robert's men. (Which would include Christopher Moody, etc.) I know it's out there, I just haven't come up with a place where I can d/l it yet. One of the more interesting trial transcripts was Stede Bonnet. At one point, he asked a Capt. Manwaring (of the Francis, taken just off Cape Henlopen, Del.) if he had seen him (Bonnet) aboard his ship. Manwaring (obviously not wanting to contribute to the hanging of Bonnet) says "I'm sorry you asked me that, Major...." and then tells the court that Bonnet was aboard and sharing out the loot, etc. That transcript also had the mate testifying that the pirates got into some pine-apples and then rum and "...they made punch...and sang a song or two." You could sort of just see it all happening. I didn't know they had pinapples being shipped back in 1718.
  17. Original source/quote... I think it's in the end notes. I do remember running across it (the quote) before in another text somewhere. But, as you know, so many people have written their books "sourced" by some earlier author who may have just made it up. This one sort of rings true, though. And, yes, there was a lot of parody and farce going on. More so than today. It was a good form of entertainment for what was a sea-going fraternity without video-games or TV.
  18. Hi, Jib! You are absolutely right! They had lots of fun with stuff like that (and, I'm sure sold, traded, or gave it as gifts when they were able to get ashore.) Here's a reference: "I could not refrain from laughing when I saw the fellows," recalled one pirate victim in 1716, "for they had, in rummaging my cabin, met with a leather powder bag and puff, with which they had powdered themselves from head to foot, walked the decks with their hats under their arms, minced their oaths, and affected all the airs of a beau with an awkwardness that would have forced a smile from a cynic." (From the book "If a Pirate I Must Be," by Richard Sanders, Published 2007, currently by Skyhorse Publishing.) The book is about Bartholomew Roberts and is pretty good reading. It gives a pretty good "feel" for the life aboard and the actual piracies. You'll be amazed at how many ships Roberts and his crew took and how few ships resisted. Roberts (and other pirates) actually aided in the suppression of slavery!!!
  19. Thanks, capt adam You're a metal whacker? Now, there's an art close to me own heart and hands! What kind of stuff do you make? I keep toying with the idea of makin' a pistol the old fashioned way, but forge welds on today's steel don't seem as strong. It'd have to be a non-shooter, I'd think. Still, it'd be cool to have a hand-made Queen Anne.
  20. Crimson Corsair!!! 'ello, brother! Great to see ya' here. How did Marcus Hook go? I saw a couple of pics and it looked like it was a great time for everyone. I'm sorry I missed it, but I'm puttin' it on the agenda for next year -- even if it ends up bein' a land trip for me.
  21. Somewhere... and I really do not know where. I seem to have opened a door to criticism muchly undeserved. If you'd read the posts, there is no alcohol consumption aboard when underway nor in the 8 or more hours prior to any departure or operation. That is an absolute. As to the measuring powder by hand... I've been handling that stuff for about 40 years. Some of those years were with three different branches of the U.S. military. The hand measure of powder (for firing "blank" shots) is a rather accurate means -- once you've done it enough. Once, a friend who is a black powder champion shooter and gun maker, did the "scale test." That is, I'd measure out my usual amount and we'd pop it on the digital scale to see what they averaged in weight. They were extremely consistent. Enough so that I'd be confident in loading that way to fire live shots, which we sometimes do at the cannon range. Now, before you confuse my cannon with something that gets bought on an internet site and dragged off to a reenactment somewhere. Mine are very, very heavy walled for their size. They were properly designed and are machined from good steel. They've actually been inspected by an expert from Edgewater Arsnel who found the barrel thickness to bore diameter ratio to be much heavier than the modern artillary pieces his outfit engineers. You simply could not load enough black powder and shot in them to get them to burst. They are (unlike many I've seen at the reenactments) very safe and very purpose built for the job at hand. There are numerous and strict safety rules in effect for the storage of powder, the amount brought out when the guns are being loaded, etc. It is very safe. And all state and federal laws are being followed absolutely. When towns or ports are being saluted with a broadside, it's usually at their invitation -- this means that someone in charge there has asked us to put on a show for them. While it seemed this could be a place to make some friends that I might also see out on the Bay or visit in this port or that, I seem to have only attracted a couple of self-appointed critics that don't let the facts get in the way of a chance to pontificate. I mean, where was the "Oh, Hi, Welcome aboard!!!" ??? "I'm usually sailing around the Southern end of the Patapsco," or "Do you ever get to Georgetown or Chesapeake City?" Nope. Never happened. ...and, I don't have time to play ticky-tack debate on this that or the other that you want to jump into or gang up on. I don't do that kind of crap to other people and I'm not havin' it done to me. So, if that's all Pyracy.com is about, then I'm in the wrong place. By the way, do either of you even own a boat? Or cannon? Actually... I don't even want to know.
  22. Ahhhh.... Dutchman, Ummm... Kalmar isn't that much larger 'n me. And, probably only four foot deeper in draft. And, there was pretty much the whole Bay to maneuver. Besides, they applauded after their 'salute' 'n ya' know how we all just love a happy audience! Leaving helm to fire cannon... Well, I had to leave the helm to load it, too! After all... I was single-handin' ya' know. And, it's not as bad as the time the dink was so full of water it was swamping during a storm and I had to haul it alongside, jump aboard and pull the drain plug and then climb back aboard the schooner and get her back on course. Single-handin' again, ya' know. When it all turns to poopie out there, ya' gotta' deal with it an' I'm not the sort that whines for help. As to the boats doin' dumb shit... Hey, if ya' don't fire a cannon now and then, they won't respect ya'. (hahah just a little play on ol' Blackbeard's remark) As to guns loaded too hot..... mmmmm..... yeah, sometimes I get excited. Me best powder measure has been me hand and I sometimes wonder if I lost count... Lemee see, was that one or two hands full? So, to be on the safe side, we "test" 'em where we shouldn't be breakin' anybody's windows. ...and....to Tolchester. A fine toast (and salute) to them. They were wonderful to us (even if we did have an inside man [actually a woman] in planning our "attack"). ...and... alcohol.... I think mine was non-alcoholic. Might have been one of those infamous Mormon Mudslides or something..... Anyway, I was too drunk to remember by then!!! (yaaaar!!!!) [To set record straight...there's no alcohol use by capt or crew when boat is underway and there is generally an "eight hours between bottle and throttle" rule in effect. However, at dock or at anchor, it's drink 'til ya' drop!] Hey, Dutch... Ya' gotta' take a trip on my ship. You'd enjoy it and I'm sure it would help get the edge off ya' regardin' what's crazy and what's fun. As it is right now, I'm afraid to even mention some or our "prize" taking endeavors!!! So far for next year, I'll be doin' Fell's Point Privateers, Havre de Grace Lockhouse, and then blastin' Tolchester again on my way to Rock Hall Pirates. Yer welcome to ride along!
  23. OOPS!!! Hey... the waters weren't THAT restricted (if you were on the Nykel at that time). I mean, there's lots of deep water on both sides of the bouy around there. And...you guys were under power, too. btw... I LOVE the Nykel. She is a sweet and totally kewl ship. I got to get aboard her for a "deck tour" when she was in Lewes a couple of years ago and she's absolutely astounding. (A perfect pirate ship, btw.) as to the unanswered hail...... Um..... I may have been too busy loadin' my cannon when you guys called. (I was single-handing ya' know.) Oh, yeah.... and I don't have an auto-pilot so there was quite a bit of "multi-tasking" goin' on, ya' know. I take it you're on the Bay somewhere? Most likely sailing?
  24. I'm sure this one will irk the CBPA or Chesapeake Bay Pilot's Association. But, why not a Chesapeake Bay Pyrats' Association? I drive a schooner on the Bay. She has nine guns, mostly swivels and all with a one-inch bore. I do shoot at other boats (mostly power boats) when they piss me off by throwin' up big wakes and tossin' the little sailboats around or doin' other dumb shit like not giving way to vessels under sail. I also attack towns. Havre de Grace got it earlier this year when I figured out how to fit my boat under the railroad bridge and join the Lock House Pirates' weekend. (Had an outstandingly WONDERFUL time!) Tolchester got a broadside on the way to Rock Hall Pirates this year, too. We didn't break any of their windows, so they invited us in for mudslides. They got a couple more guns on our way back to the Bay. We still made it to Rock Hall on time for Friday's Pirates and Wenches, but had to fire our broadside from just outside the jetty 'cuz I had the guns loaded too hot to shoot inside and didn't want to be payin' for any windows. If you're on the Kalamari Nickel (heehee) and you were headin' south near the Sassassafrass River last Oct. when a northbound schooner squeezed ya' over to the edge of the shipping channel and fired a salute at ya', It was me. ...didn't want ya' to feel like ya' passed by unnoticed, ya' know. I'd be tellin' some more here... but, some of it could get me in trouble if it turned out I wasn't among friends. Let's just leave it at sayin' the British were not the last to fire on Fort McHenry. So, how about it' Bay sailors (and power boaters) Wanna' turn pirate??? The Bay's been too long without a pirate fleet and it's time to hoist the colors again. We've got all winter to work out mischief we can get into for next year's "Pirate Season."
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