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Everything posted by kingofshooters

  1. So I guess for all intents and purposes boots = Hollywood and shoes with buckles are correct
  2. WRW , Thank you! this was exactly what I was looking for : The question of "How to get started?" has come up numerous times and will come up numerous times again, but for the interest of helping first time attendees to PIP, Lily and I thought that a thread was in order. Now we could approach the questions from various points of view, but I think a pragmatic start is best. Now, what are the questions? Generally people ask about requirements first and the only true requirement is attendance. Everything else is secondary. I repeat...everything else is secondary. However, since it is assumed that anyone reading this is already planning on attending let's talk kit, because if you're going to attend a pirate event you'll probably want to look like one.
  3. William Red Wake....thank you for the link! Dutchman.....I will seek the thread. It probably gets tiresome dealing with newbs LOL
  4. Thanks Mission and Hook! I definitely want to go authentic over hollywood!! I feel dumb now for being duped into thinking I need all that.....can y'all point me toward some pictures I should study for period authentic garb and how it should look versus Hollywood? I used to do some WW2 re-enacting and there are darn sure some similarities and darn sure some differences.
  5. When assembling your impression , what should you buy first? I'm assuming that in collecting garb it should be quality over quantity , but technically to do an impression of a pirate does one need to lay out $1000 for a greatcoat right away? Or can one get by with buying boots , pants , shirt , bandana , sword and baldric ?
  6. I'm new to the site , but old to the love! Everyone here seems like a fine sailor , I only hope to make a decent hand. There are so many questions I have , and so very many have already been answered. Thank you for putting together a wonderful and informative site!
  7. first time : Bloody James Kidd second time : Iron James Kidd
  8. good luck with yer studies mate! I'll keepa hold any rum ya wanna leave behind!!
  9. much abliged all!
  10. Here be 'nother ! Relocated to Austin , but Baratarian thru and thru ! Like Jeff , I'm new and wondered who to see bout help getting kitted out?
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