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Everything posted by kingofshooters

  1. Ok cool....i'm down
  2. Beg pardon , but what is the gift exchange exactly? Something done for overseas troops?
  3. My LSU tigers rolling over everybody!!

  4. happy birthday!
  5. Ugh! feeling guilty for buying one of Matt's swords instead of working on my impression

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kingofshooters


      LOL....yeah , but I was supposed to get shoes first

    3. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      Tis better thy feet be shod in rags than to be without a sword along these coasts.

    4. kingofshooters


      it's a fine weapon too!

  6. as long as people don't post pictures of them in their throngs
  7. That is interesting Jas. Hook....you're right about baldness being with us throughout the ages , but it seems that back then people might have gone for the wig , or chosen the 'Ben Franklin' look.
  8. started reading 'Flint and Silver' by John Drake....somebody please make it into a movie!

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      Hopefully someone will. Ye have two more books to go lad... Pieces of Eight and Skull and Bones ;>)

    2. kingofshooters


      Pieces of eight and skull n bones....got it Jas.Hook

  9. Welcome mate!
  10. Thanks for sharing that Ivan! He doesn't have any chin whiskers either , but I'm growing mine out....just a pity there be more gray there than on my noggin!
  11. Hmmm...thanks for that link grymm....now to decide on one!
  12. I think I'll stick with the bandana.....I lack the skills to sew , and that looks awkward...LOL Thanks for presenting alternatives ....always better to have alternatives!
  13. Thanks for the confirmation Jen....it makes athletics more bearable if I can continue buzzing my head every couple of weeks :-)
  14. I guess I feel guilty because I'm thinning at the age of 44.....let my countenance grow back even though there be some REALLY blond hairs in there now(LOL).....I was going to let my hair grow back as I'd been using the clippers on it for the last 2 years , but didn't like the thinness and bald spot on top....so it's bandana I guess...period of course!
  15. Right...I just can't see them purposely doing that...shaving their heads...I guess if you want to look correct and you do shave your head or close to it with clippers(as I do) , then wearing a hat or bandana is necessary.
  16. Ok....got another question that the search function didn't provide an answer for.....is there any historical evidence to suggest that there were pirates who were bald? There is of course a reason for asking the question...LOL
  17. @ Ivan- Thanks ...I'm all about comfort if I'm going to be in 'em all day. @ Cap'n Bloody Sam - thanks for the welcome , and sorry in advance for any newb questions...LOL
  18. I could use some good china
  19. WRW.....that's something else! Carry a big stick huh? That would be kind of cool too I guess....I've made me mind up to go for shoes first and now I've got to decide which one's to go for...Jen presented some good affordable options , and the loyalist arms are a good looking shoe....decisions decisions
  20. Thank you everyone for dropping VALUABLE knowledge on the topic of kit. Shoes I guess are the first thing to go with and fortunately I'm in pretty good shape , so no foot issues I'm aware of(hope I don't develop any from the shoes...LOL). Now I must temper my enthusiasm for the the new toy versus things I really need to get first....shoes , slops , etc...hehehe never an easy thing for me once I get wrapped into something new. @ Capt Sam----> thank you
  21. @ Hook - yeah I wondered about the shoes in that link....they said 1758 and that be a smidge past the GAoP Uh-oh ..... I found something another member mentioned and I think I need one of these : http://www.dixiegunworks.com/product_info.php?products_id=9272 I've never built one before so It'd be fun , and a challenge
  22. @ Hook - Errr where would I get me some stockings from? Never had to buy em before....any recommendations? what colors were most common? @ Jen - Thank you....I will google flying canoe and see....I'm not aware of any pirate group here in TX , and only the Ren fest i'm aware of comes near Houston which I assume will attract mainly Hollywood types who all look similarly kitted out....so I don't have to get buckles for the shoes? seems kinda strange.....like they'd come off me feet
  23. Ok...these are latchets ...right? http://www.mcssl.com/store/fug1/1758s/1758-rough-out-shoe
  24. I'm going to have to google that Dutchman.....The pic that Mission posted helps a great deal in presenting what period garb should look like....I wanted to go fancy with something I found here for breeches but not sure if that be correct per se......also I assume with buckle shoes these are worn bare legged right? so stockings or socks?
  25. LOL....didn't mean to stir up trouble Ivan....that's pretty much what I'm able to infer also...shoes with buckles are more correct for that period. At least the illustrations and paintings I've viewed tend to bear that out....even the drawings I've seem of Black Bart and others show them wearing shoes with buckles.
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