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Louisiana Jeff

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Everything posted by Louisiana Jeff

  1. http://bluegrassbanjo.org/banhist.html I love banjo music. I hope this helps in the discussion.
  2. I got them yesterday, thanks for shipping so fast. Also thanks for the lagniappe.
  3. I be needin' a good pipe.
  4. That's my thinking, might be better off leaving it home until I learn the ropes a little better.
  5. She always has something good, thought I'd share this one here: LINK
  6. I hear and see most of the RenFaires and Pub Crawls, etc in the area sayin' that ye' sword needs ta be "peace tied". Wot the heck does tha' mean & how ta do it?
  7. This topic brings a song to mind (youtube link):
  8. I hope the tides turn for ye mate, if not then God speed for the next adventure.
  9. I think I could do with 10 of each mate, ye using PayPal or got a etsy site?
  10. Arizona prison built in 1876. LINK
  11. The google ads for my post are all for Viagra. The board calls me a "member" (because I'm new and only a few posts). Coincidence?
  12. Aye! Master Pegleg has it right. I've found many wonderful links to great booty without emptyin' a treasure chest.
  13. If'n ye be in tryin' ta escape the snow, the wenches of New Orleans be havin' a thing.... https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=113727325391415 I'm not in the krewe, but hope ta be making my way to Barataria fer some rum & wenchin'.
  14. I'll post a pic when I gets me garb t'gether. I'll buy the 1st drink if we meet up. Thanks! I've done some studyin' on the fine art of fermenting meself, of course I would never distill any down here - that would be again' the law! Har har. Which part o' the Gulf? I'm on the border with Texas on I-10, we be from Biloxi.
  15. Just found this harbor, and think I'll drop anchor. I be a newbie pirate, still workin' on me first outfit. I've learned a lot about my mistakes here already, thanks. My wife and I live in the Lake Charles area, they have a "Contraband Days" fest (a celebration for Jean Lafite) every year and from what I've seen so far not a lot of pirates. I've just made contact with the local crew (or krewe) called the Buccaneers but they have a narrow membership window an' ye have to be sponsored by a member. I've only briefly met one member. Maybe in a year or two.... We started going to the Texas Ren Faire and fell in love with it, when asked what to dress up as, I only had one answer. Since then I have learned of more faires in the local (Gulf Coast) area and are planning to start making the rounds. Now who do I see to get a rum ration here?
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