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Red Handed Jill

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Everything posted by Red Handed Jill

  1. Patrick...thanks fer the hardtack recipe...used to use the same stuff in elementary school fer paste... unbaked o'course... Saw yer web site...looking good... Hey Rogue...share the recipe wit all the class....I'd be interested in that one!
  2. Ye don't let the fact that Talk Like a Pirate Day falls on a Sunday... ARRR ye be knowin' Jesus, Matey? (and nobody thinks yer behavin' peculiar!)
  3. Ahhh..the ocean's o' me mind! All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by!
  4. Like the recipe! Add salsa and some cheese an ye got a pseudo frittata there! I like the idea o' the chips (hides the broken shells)
  5. I'm findin' there are lots o' fellows who can cook (cooking well ...now that's another strory) ..not sure I want to go all the way to the netherlands fer one though...peraps ye could export one to me? Hey Joe...ye can always buy a snowball on e-bay and have it sent to ye! looks around fer Patrick....Hey how's the rum bread coming? I'm starved!
  6. Most guys just order out (chinese for two) and then graze off it for a few days... I'm impressed! Hey if you cook, I'll throw...I mean do the dishes! Yer cookin' can't be any worse than me daughter's attempts at home ec..
  7. Huzzah! Hope there be more showing to the Puget Sound! Keep us all posted...I'll be there!
  8. Box pleats! Ye be brave lass...can never get them even meself!
  9. why lonely? It's the end o' another week, beginning o' another weekend, and yet another chance to change the course o' yer bein'. I too be sitting home wit me hp and the light o' a good pirate movie on the movie box...plottin' how to expand me crew mates fer when I reach the warmer climes agin...aka spring....a pyrates life be a lonely life....tho yer never alone!
  10. where is the stud stuff stored... i'd love to plunder me some!
  11. Hopefully sooner than later. The date changes randomly. I'm thinkin sometime in March most likely. Jus in time ta freeze ta death. Been freezin' here now! March be summer by comparison! They're predictin' snow this weekend. Hey make a few sand balls where ye are and pretend yer home!
  12. Patrick...ye seem mighty handy with ingredients there, making sugar skulls and a bread machine too!... The new years torch thing would definately be a fittin' end!
  13. Bar scene be fine iffin' ye wants to be goin' home wi' a bar-fly... Agreed!...eeewwww!
  14. Arrrr ye sayin' I should see it as 360 more opportunities an' fergit about the 5? I would agree with ye! I be the glass full type usually...been difficult lately...opportunity ain't been knocking me door down, an' I hate the bar scene.... *she grabs a tankard o' ale that happened to be passing by* "thanks fer the drink Rogue... I could use one today!" angel vs. devil...hmmmm...clip yer wings, saw off the horns (unless they're holdin' yer halo in place) and ye got a she-pirate fer sure!
  15. hey Joejacks....how soon are ye returning this side o' the dateline? Yer missing all the great rusting weather here!
  16. Hey Patrick...were that yer tree posted on noquarter? Me youngun's saw it an want to do sumptin similar next year! Rum in yer bread? Are ye making it whole wheat? I heard that if ye add a dab o molasses and a hind o rum (dark o'course) that it turns out pretty good...kinda like pumpernickel. :)
  17. We be 5 day's into the new year and I still be unkissed, too (with the exception o' my little plunder bunnies and me cat "Jack" o' course).
  18. Why thank ye capt'n... I'd love any information ye can send my way. Sign me up fer anything ye got going on that ye need warm bodies fer up here in the NW regions! I'm always lootin...I mean lookin' out fer opportunity. As far as the Seafair guys....we have been seeing more o' their women folk at the functions...does take the edge off their cutlasses...if ye know what I mean....
  19. Aye Animal, de Seafair Pirates be about it in the great NW....and a tight crew t' join up wit......I fun wit a group o' wenches from DesMoines called the Wenches o'Waterland....we get invited to some o' the event's wit the seafaire pirates....get to hear tell o' their politics...great bunch o' rogues! Bein as I am new to this forum....I was interested ter see some POTC events nearby...what tell?
  20. Fresh bread must be a break from the usual hardtack and grub! what be yer favorite recipe....... oh, ahhhhh, random thots..... ummmmm... Is Sea(attle) one o the seven seas or are there really eight? An if'n there are eight be each one worth a piece of eight....how much is a piece of eight worth today....what day is it anyway...why is there an international date line and who decided where it would be......... oh, sorry....got randomly carried away.....heheh (i like being random..it's fun!)
  21. Congrats Rogue! i'll take whatever ye got that's special! Make it sumtin to warm he up tho......hmmm....ain't we discussing romance? I'll take a side o'man wit that, if I may..... I too be a hopeful romantic....never give up...never surrender! (oops, wrong genre...heheh)
  22. Take heart Skot... I been round that horn meself.....nigh on to 3 years the 30th of Dec after 16 years of marriage. Been a long course ...especially with kids....lost me house, me credit, and almost me sanity....the holidays are the worst...."family time" sucks.....I bought a cat to keep me company (he sleeps on my head, has a winkin' eye, and makes me laugh at his catnip antics) and as time has gone on...I'm having more fun than I thought I could "on my own". the hardest is the first year....lash yerself to something you can believe in and hold on! the storm will pass. :)
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