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Everything posted by Mission

  1. Mission


    The movie I remember as a kid was Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's still one of my favorite movies. Goonies was...I don't know. It didn't impress me much for some reason. All I remember is the big scary guy that they were afraid of, then they made friends with him. That and a lot of cave scenes. Maybe I should see it again, but there are so many other movies I'd like to see that I haven't. (I just saw Casablanca for the first time a month ago. What an incredible movie! They sure don't make 'em like that anymore.)
  2. Nah, I like you fine, Bess so I wouldn't dare. So you have an undead grave? I suppose it's more like an apartment than a final resting place if you're undead... We were doing a haunted house a couple of years ago and brainstorming about how to advertise it. Someone came up with the idea of painting, "If you lived here, you'd already be dead by now!" on the side of the place. Fortunately that got rejected... I hope they don't write the undead pirates out of the movies. It'd be one less reason for me to see it. I seriously doubt they'd do that, however. The CG was a really big selling point for the first movie. It was the first thing I saw in regard to the movie (several photos of Barbarossa coming into the moonlight. I think it was in USA Today - The Nation's Four Color Weathermap.) I think that's the first time we've agreed on something here Charity!
  3. Hey Bess, are they regular figures or undead? (And are they going to do Koehler?)
  4. I mentioned this elsewhere, but it fits here too... I was seriously upbraided on another forum for suggesting that Bootstrap wasn't dead. They painstakingly explained to me that Pintel had said Bootstrap was sent "to the crushing black oblivion" and was therefore crushed in the process, ergo, he died when the curse was lifted. Of course, it was only after that the we figured out that the curse may be eternal or something and there's an alternate 1985 running parallel to this 1985 and...OK, I'll stop. (Sorry, Bess. Couldn't resist, mate.) I'm with MercenaryWench. It makes perfect, even obvious, sense. But I also appreciate that some people may not want to have a movie spoiled. (If so, I might also question why they would read a post like this one that talks about casting for the movie (which is really a spoiler of a sort)). However, I also think it's proper to give fair warning. I can just imagine Terry and Ted sitting there racking their brains trying to springboard into two new movies. "Ok, what do we have to work with here that wasn't written out of the story? Well...Bootstrap could still be around! He's a loose plot end. And...the monkey stole a coin and Barbarossa might not have been in one particular camera angle where maybe he should have been, even though that was after the movie and not really, genuinely a part of it - it was sort of an easter egg. And Johnny talked about Singapore." "Mentioned it was more what he did." "Right. What if Biff went back in time and upset the space-time continuum? Then..." Etc.
  5. Mission


    Geez, I haven't seen that movie since it was in the theatre! I can't even remember much about it.
  6. [Looking around] Strange place, this. Too many posts here... Oh, well. Ah, so it is that you've found the undead! Nonsense says I! If you follow this logic through, it means that Cortez could show up in the movies, eh, Bess? He must have been undead if he was the original owner of the stone chest. So if Barbossa is alive, why not Cortez? I don't like it. Stinks highly of hypocracy: we're back to changing the rules midstream, IMHO. No alternate 1985s for me thanks, I'm driving [a Delorean, that is...well I was until I sold the miserably wonderful money pit. See my web page. ] I take small (very small) consolation that if this is true, Koehler could also return from the dead. However, the ever-lovely Bess also said: Ok, I'll hold my scepticism at bay, just a bit, but only because it's you, Bess, in all your studio portrait, Sophia glory. If I find a alternate 1985 at the end of the rainbow, however...I'll spit on Gore Verbinski's undead grave and ne'er return to the series.
  7. While I like your point about rising from defeat (I speak publically on the topic. ), this is the movies. It's escapism! Even the great (and he was a great villain) Goldfinger got sucked out of an airplane into oblivion! On to Largo (This is my number 2 man. His name...Number 2) and Blofeld. Besides, I personally feel like they're cheating. They set up the rules and followed them through in the first movie. It was pretty simple: get all the gold and gore back in the chest and, whoop!, everyone's real and the undead curse is lifted. Then they kill the villain and everyone who likes American cut-and-dried film endings (me ) is happy. Now they're going to work around that and say, "Well that stuff we said in the first movie that made it finish so nicely...it's all wrong. See, there's this other rule (or point, or idiosynchratic plot bubble) that we forgot to tell you about. Blah. They almost ruined the BTTF series with that sort of junk. Puh-leeze leave the alternate time lines out of this. There's another quarter I owe...
  8. I quite agree. Barbossa was a fine villain to be sure. I thought Rush did a great job. But the character has been defeated. Move along, please, nothing to see here. Give us another black-hearted, blackguard caribbean pirate if you must. New villains make fine roles for interested actors anyhow. (Many like to play villains because of the current biases.) That's a good point. We used to require people to do that over at TheForce.Net. Then they created a special spoiler-friendly forum because nobody payed attention to the rule and we mods were forever editing titles. 2ยข?! I must be up to a quarter by now. I'm going to have to get on a payment plan...
  9. You can't win, JoeJacks. Here there be Barbossa fans. I completely agree with you, however, it won't do us any good. I sort of made a similar point somewhere on this forum and was roundly chastised for it. The studio is apparently too chicken to go out on a limb and expand the series' milieu. Typical big studio sequel-itis: bring back everyone we saw before doing all the things we like seeing them doing and we'll all feel good again and stuff the studio coffers. The movie series' that last beyond one or two sequels usually move along. You know, like the incomparable Jason Voorheis series. Thanks for the verified info, Bess!
  10. I suggested that Bootstrap was alive all along on another forum before we were even positively sure that there was going to be a sequel and was roundly chastised. They told me he had been sent to the "crushing" deep and was therefore crushed when he sunk. Living well is the best revenge... Not having trucked in the rumor department nor payed much attention to the POTC 2 & 3 info before I made landfall on this site, I am curious about something. Do we know for a fact that the next two movies are sequels and not prequels? Bringing Barbarossa back for a prequel would make so much more sense then trying to figure out a way of bringing him back from the dead. Plus it would explain why they're angling for a Chinese pirate ("Clearly you've never been to Singapore.")
  11. Call me a heathen, but I think the $40 version looks loads better. (Except some of the faux loose cloth details molded in plastic. I guess it's proof of the old saw: if all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail... ) I recognize that there's a difference between porcelin and plastic...but give me plastic any day. Better yet, if someone's going to get really serious about this, mold them in resin - the amount of detail you can get from resin models is astounding. I've seen figures that had pores in their skin.
  12. Anyone ever heard of a film called "Blue Harvest"? (Probably by that name, you haven't. Bet most of you've seen it, though. )
  13. Yeah, just take a look at the sordid history of the production of the 4th Indiana Jones movie. You couldn't count the changes on an abacus. [Assuming you can actually count with an abacus. It's like a slide rule...one of those mystical calculating devices that proponents always claim is faster than a calculator but which no one else understands. I think I'm going OT here...]
  14. Dora's Pirate Adventure? I'm trying to imagine an 11 year old sitting through Dora or the Wiggles... (OTOH, I have on occasion been able [or coerced by a fierce and unyielding 4 year old] to sit through Dora and the Wiggles, so who knows?) I think part of the problem is the age range here. 3 - 11? At 11, I was slaying imaginary skeleton warriors, fancying myself to be James Bond and building POTC skeleton models. Hmm...maybe I was building POTC models when I was 8... at any rate, when I was 3 I imagine I was watching the multi-colored blurs that represented Big Bird, Burt and Ernie and Mr Hooper. (Whatever happened to Mr. Hooper?) As for movie reviews... Hook is a bit heavy handed in general. (Did anyone miss that subtle message about parenting?) Still, it's kinda' fun to watch Hoffman - maybe not for the kiddies it isn't, but... Pre-teens would find The Princess Bride slow? I wish that movie had come out when I was a pre-teen so I could appreciate as much as I do Star Wars! Alas in '87 I was in college and didn't even find cause to see it in the theatres. Ah, well. Different strokes for different pre-teens.
  15. Perhaps the Dutch pirates should be removed from the German pirate list, then? I thought these were all German pirates! There's a seperate category for Dutch pirates in the original post... Or are you referring to Jan's post? I agree Foxe, only the first post would be relevant. I'm still not decided on bringing it over, though. It's awfully long... I'd like the folks over here to have a look at it though. Maybe we can fill in more names. :
  16. For what it's worth, here is the whole listing of Germanic pirates from the piratesinfo.com Pirate Nationalities (Origins) thread that I started in the Scholarly forum. (This is the post that Foxe is referring to - it was built by many posters over the course of about a year and is still building. I've been thinking about copying the whole thing over here and notifying everyone who helped my build it that I am running a new thread on it...but the entire original thread is quite long, as you can imagine.)
  17. Zimmer has several really good scores, although you sometimes only get bits and pieces of them. Cool Runnings, True Romance and Backdraft are three that I like. He was sort of an overseer on the POTC soundtrack. Anyhow... Oh, yes, 3 year olds...I was thinking for 11 year olds. Goonies may be a bit much. There's always the short The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything by the Veggie Tales group. (Of course that has a moral/Christian side to it as all VT shows do.)
  18. Maybe it's because all this info was seperated into three articles, but I seem to recall reading that the Depp thing was almost a cert, the changes to the ride were tentative, but quite possible and the waterpark was someone's wet dream (so to speak). Point about the fluidity and tenuousness of actor/studio plans well taken, however. Nice insight on the Harrison Ford thing; I wasn't aware of that and I'm an IAJ fan...
  19. No, it's in reference to the life-sized figure they are planning to put into the POTC ride. (Check out the second article that Charity references, Bess.)
  20. Jeez, Jim Hill takes forever to get to the point! I love this plan! I think the special nighttime undead pirate ride is a great idea! I've been a skeleton pirate fan since I bought the model Dead Men Tell No Tales back in the bad ol' seventies. If Disney can release models of this allegedly scary part of the ride for kids, shouldn't the kiddies be able to handle a ride that's a bit more undead friendly at night? (Perhaps not, thanks to the modern, hyper-(aka "over-")vigilant parent...) If they do change the ride, I just might have to go back and visit the park again... As to adding a Captain Jack figure to the POTC ride...I personally don't much care for that idea. It's silly and sort of pandering IMHO. The concept could very well be stilted and out of date in five or ten years. If POTC stands the test of time and enters the gilt halls of "Classic Movies" (defined as movies that get played at least 100 times a year on AMC and sometimes 5 times in a given week), it may work, but you run that risk. Oh, c'mon! Wake up, folks! Awfully decent of Johnny to voice it though. (What are they paying that man to be on the Disney dole? Has he sold out? God bless 'im anyhow... ) Not that they shouldn't put Johnny's likeness in any ride or attraction. If they go ahead with the water park concept (which is a great tie in concept IMO), that's where an undead Captain Jack would be right at home. With or without the voice. Plus it'd be nice to see undead versions of Barbarossa, the monkey, Ragetti, Pintel, Twigg, Koehler (the scariest undead pirate in the lot - not to get off topic, but if they should make an AF of anyone, it's Keohler), Grapple, Jacoby, Maximo, etc. That would be fairly timeless, don'cha think? (Plus it would also be a nice memorial to Trevor Goddard. No doubt it's just what his family would want.)
  21. How about The Goonies or The Princess Bride? They're not movies in the Errol Flynn mold, but they're pirate related. Speaking of Errol, his pirate movies would seem to be pretty kid friendly by today's standards. Plus there's always the multivarious Peter Pan movies (including several live action versions, Disney's take and Hook).
  22. You could pick 1705- exactly 300 years ago. (It's rather closer to the beginning/middle than the end, but think of the good karma of picking a nice round number. (What is it about round numbers and aughts? They're totally irrelevant yet we are attracted to them for some reason. Ok, enough thinking about this.))
  23. That would be my guess. Plus it relates to the popular vision of what piracy was as given to us by that hoary old song. (I just threw the Yosemite Sam ending in for good measure.)
  24. You're thinking too hard about this, Joshua. ______ Fifteen men on a dead man's chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of... mom's old fashioned cider!
  25. http://www.comics.com/comics/frazz/archive...z-20050109.html That was the one thing that scared me when I first saw the previews for POTC - the director. Other than that, my previewing suggested that it had lots of things to like - pirates, the undead, references to the ride, rousing music, Jonathan Pryce... And that was before I saw Depp's turn as the goofy Captain Jack! Still, Jerry did a fair job of it - but the cartoon is still humorously accurate.
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